7th Ed. Making Saurus Blocks viable

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Trevy the Great, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. Dave G

    Dave G New Member

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    I think I was unclear. Some clarifications:

    I'm not concerned with the flesh hounds maneuverability. With a 16" charge, my saurus blocks will most likely get charged unless I'm trying to redirect. My point was that I am happy to let 5 flesh hounds charge my 6 x 3 block of Saurus but am less happy to let 6 flesh hounds charge.

    But the most important difference between 6 flesh hounds and 5 flesh hounds is linked to my third point. 6 charging flesh hounds need to get lucky and I’m breaking on double ones, whereas 5 charging flesh hounds need to get very lucky.

    It is the auto-breaking (which it really isn’t with lizards: only 85.7%) that is the major draw back of fear and why 6 hounds are much more dangerous than 5 hounds. And 7 hounds a very bad idea.

    Does that help clear up my points?

    edit: some terrible math makes my final statement much less correct in this particular case. Sorry about that.
  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    It doesn't just help;

    It's as clear as cake now!

    We just talked straight past eachother, insteadof talking to eachother...If that makes any sense :)
    And good point you're making there. 6 flesh hounds are indeed way more dangerous than 5. By looking at the math.

    The Hunted
  3. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Yes indeed Hunted. Sorry for the confusion there Dave! I completely agree with you about 6 hounds being a nasty bit to deal with!

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