I don't really have any artistic ability but I do like warhammer, so here are my first painted models. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I don't know if I should use a wash or something to finish them off. I also was wondering about some kind of clearcoat to protect the paint, what is everyone else using? Anyhow thanks in advance for the advice.
Looking good for the first models! Personally I would add a wash to the scales (I use black ink, badab black, or watered down Chaos Black) and then drybrush a 50/50 mix of Regal Blue and Ice Blue. For the skin I would wash it with some really watered down Regal Blue, or the Asurmen Blue Wash (or something like that, i dont use it but I reckon it should work). Just try some things out on a single model and check the results ^^
Yeah definitely should add some blue ink/wash to the skin. The hoofs should maybe be a few shades lighter too. Good start though, you have neat painting. Most people don't worry about varnish for plastic models since the paint sticks fairly well, but definitely when you get some metals it is a good idea. Any hobby/model varnish should work, matte usually looks better than gloss but gloss works better so some people use gloss followed by matte.
looking really good yes a wash will lift them just watch u dont overdo it with reguards to varnish i been modelling over 30yrs now & except for getting the "wet" look have never seen the need to varnish & so far the paint has stayed on
Finished most all of the saurus, started on some skinks. First box I am doing 11 shield and javelin, perhaps for 3 rank 11/1 scrox unit, or take out the champ and just run the cheap 10 man non-skirmisher unit as a screen. The rest as the awesome blowpipe skirmishers. Front Back Champion
Good job. Use Devlan mud ink on golden bits it will improve them a lot. Also you seem to keep coats thin but not enough. Remember to apply always thin watered down coats because its the key to good painting and results.
Hoofs?... What Hoofs? These are Lizards! Hoofs are for mammals! Like Cows and stuffs. We Lizards have no need for such clumsy appendages! P.S. Very nice models for your first attempt! I use a Asurmen Blue wash for my Eldar (Who are blue) and it really helps to add that little extra detail. You'll probably have to go over the colours again but it's worth it!
Great start! As far as a clear coat, people have suggested to me Testor's Clear Coat. I've bought some, but have yet to try it out...
Heh Heh you have to admit that the feet of saurus do look a bit like hooves rather than a clawed apendage.