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Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil remained on the rear of the group as he felt his energy was diminishing. He decided he would let the others take the action until he would feel revived. Meanwhile, he stayed alert for threats from the back, always sniffing the air for the stench of ratmen.

    ((Can I have some clarification? When we regain our points, do we keep all the points from a specific stat, like I would keep my 6 skill points to have 10? and what about my 3 beast points, do they remain?))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec remained on guard, though tunnels were never something he enjoyed. He preferred the feel of flying through the air, free and unburdened. These tunnels felt like they were closing in on him, something he did not enjoy. He only hoped that they would be out soon, so he could again feel the wind rushing past his face.
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  3. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Hzutli was unfazed by the quick engagement with the ratmen. The skinks had definitely proven their worth on this dangerous mission. Sensing a bigger struggle up ahead he saved his energy. The ratmen were not his favoured foe, but they would die at his hands none the less. Following the young priest, Hzutli placed himself up near Huaroc, his dark skin tone helping conceal his presence. Night was Hzutli's favourite time of day and this was no different. Any foe that engaged the dangerous duo will quickly fall to their vicious assault.
    ((+3 skill for new post right?))
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  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Yes you keep adding so if you save 4 you're at 10, and yes you also keep your 3 beast. Never lose it unless you use it.

    You got it
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  5. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    Xa looked around while the others discussed the tunnel layout. he saw movnent in the shadows but it did not bother him, he knew that the rats had been following. They had been waiting for the whole party to be resting at the same time. Xa would not let that happen he had fought against ratmen manytimes and knew there sneaky ways.

    (( i couldnt post yesterday due to internet problems((

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  6. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    As the Lizardmen enter the central tunnel, it suddenly widens into an opening. As it begins to widen there is a sudden chattering then red eyes come into view. Five ratmen burst out of the darkness armed with brutal blades and covered in light armor they charge and begin to fight.

    Although the noble group was set for battle somehow the sudden rush surprised all but the agile skinks. The massive saurus pushed forward but it seems the ratmen had the initiative.

    Initiative 4+ - WS 3+ - Kill 1 Ratman in close combat - 3 battle points (can only be done once)
    Initiative 4+ - WS 3+ and more than 1 attack - Kill 1 Ratman in close combat - 2 battle points (can only be done once)
    Initiative 4+ - WS 2 or less - Kill 1 Ratman in close combat - 4 battle points (can only be done once)
    Initiative 4+ - WS 2 or less andmore than 1 attack- Kill 1 Ratman in close combat - 3 battle points (can only be done once)
    Initiative 4+ - Magic - Kill 1 Ratman - 2 magic points

    Anyone under Initiative 4 - Spend 2 skill points to avoid damage if the above people have not killed all 5 ratmen (only 1 person needs to do this for every ratman alive, for example if 2 ratmen are left alive 2 volunteers must subtract 2 skill to avoid the attacks of the ratmen)

    AFTER the ratmen retaliate
    WS 3+ - Kill 1 Ratman in close combat - 3 battle points (can only be done once)
    WS 3+ and more than 1 attack - Kill 1 Ratman in close combat - 2 battle points (can only be done once)
    WS 3+ and more than 1 attack, S4+ - Kill 1 Ratman in close combat - 1 battle points (can only be done once)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec could only watch as the ratmen ambushed them. He was fast enough to avoid, but he would need a little help taking one down. He thought for a second, then knew what he had to do. Grabbing some sand, Hexec rushed forward and threw it in the eyes of the largest ratmen, before ducking and rolling through its legs and knocking them out from under him.

    ((OOC: I do not have enough battle points, but if you can reduce it if I use skill points I can kill a rat. I think I have used skill points here. Up to you though!))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  8. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    ((shoot, I've only been saving back 1 skill point...so I'll readjust my savings, disreguarding what I've missed for now, I'll just say I saved four skill points from yesterday))

    Huaroc had been ahead of the group and so was outside of the ambush zone. Though he was startled by the attack he'd been expecting it. With grace and speed he quickly flattened himself against the wall so that Hzutli wasn't in the way of his shot and so that Hzutli could get a clear run at the enemy.

    Raising his blow pipe to his mouth he spit out two blow darts of the non-lethal kind. Each dart penetrated the spinal cord at the back of the skaven's necks. Each shot severed the spine of the vile creatures and dropped them forward onto their snouts, not knowing where death had some from.

    ((subtracting 6 skill points for sneak-killing two enemy))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  9. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC(:) I don't even have enough skill to actually avoid getting hit by the skaven...Anyone fancy for a 2 skill point sacrifice...That way, your leader might actually survive these darn tunnels :p))

    The Hunted
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  10. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ya you'll need to remove 3 skill to kill him though
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  11. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    Xa knew that the ratmen would attack but he expected them to try some kind of ambush n ot an assault.
    One of the rats came toward him, his weapon was still on his back so he let his instinct take over. Just as the rat was in striking distance Xa leapt foward over the rat that was bearly half his size, the rat was claerly surprised that a saurus could jump so high and when it turned around to face the saurus one more he was met by a punch in the face. The rat man flew back and thudded off the wall
    Xa took out his weapon and looked to see if he could help anyone else

    ((i have quite alot of points so if anyone is short you can just say that i saved you, Just make sure you include me in your story ;) ))
    -2 skill -1 battle
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  12. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Seeing the ratmen charge and suddenly realizing the danger to the group, Tzuhil leaped forward, exhausted as he was, and jumped at one ratman from the side, grounding him to the floor. In the middle of this being done he drew his dagger and when the rat was grounded he nailed him to the floor by sticking the dagger through the shoulder and into the ground, pinning it. Tzuhil then got up ignoring the squeaking creature, and with one great blow from his sword decapitated it.
    Tzuhil then turned to the rest of the group, and with a jump he landed near Ilok. He then pushed the priest aside, out of danger, turning to face whatever shall threat him.

    -1 battle point, 4 skill points for counting as 2 battle points, and 2 skill points for saving Ilok.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  13. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Seeing Huaroc take aim, Hzutli crept up on the rat that Xa had punched. The creature was clearly disoriented so Hzutli had no trouble ending its unholy life with a two-handed swipe from his sword.
    ((-1 skill for a sneak attack right?))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Actually I think Xa killed that one, he only needed one battle point to d so, so you don't need to deduct anything
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  15. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    After dispatching the suprisingly well orginized troop, the group press forward exploring the tunnel ahead. All they found was a circular room, it had post to place armor on and there was some extra weapons about, as well they had five beds made out of shredded material. Unfortunatly there was little else of use here, so the group had no choice to go back to the crosss roads.

    They were back to the original option minus one Left or right?
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  16. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok was gratefull that the Old Ones had saved his life. And that Huaroc had a big role in that..
    He then started thinking again, if these tunnels had no system whatsoever; how could he know which way to go?

    Ilok instinctly chose left. They had no time to know for sure if that was the right choice, the ratmen being all over these tunnels.
    Ilok felt good with the left tunnel, but reminded him of the danger.

    He also hoped he hadn't undermined his own authority, by choosing the wrong tunnel last time.

    OOC(:) +3 skill. So I can save my own bottoms next time :) ))

    The Hunted
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  17. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ilok pointed to the left tunnel, although he was doing his best to appear sure of his decision, the other lizards can feel the doubt in the priest. However there constantly regiment lifestyle of the lizardmen made it near impossible for them to question a leader. The group turned and began to move cautiously into the left tunnel.

    As the moved further through the long corridor, the group began to notice a faint green glow like the one the skull head emitted. Slowly they continued, as they continued all the lizardmen could feel the dark magics like an itch in their scales, but Ilok was effected by the energy the most; his skin burned where gave the priest an odd sensation of rage.

    The Chameleon skink peered in the room, quickly returning with what he saw, he moved to report to Ilok, then paused briefly as he could see the rage dwelling in Ilok's eyes. Huaroc spoke quickly informing the party of what he saw. In the room where four slave rats, sitting in the center of the room, in a circle, east west, north and south. In the center of them was a pedestal, guarded by two censer bearers who waived their censer flail back and forth emitting a foul odor. On the pedestal there where odd relics, as well as the unmistakable warp stone, and leading the whole ceremony was a plague monk, and it looked like the ritual may be near completion.

    Ilok already new he was near warp stone it was the evil he could feel, the evil that made his cold blood boil. Without much hesitation the group charged in, unsure what the ritual was for, but absolutely sure it needed to be stopped. As they charged in the rats seemed surprised all moved to guard the makeshift alter, however the monk quickly gobbled down a chunk of warp stone, his body could be seen behind the charging ratmen quaking in spasms, when suddenly he stopped and began to float in the air, his eyes glowing green. The monk shot a green bolt at Ilok, however being new to magic the shot erupted of the wall instead

    WS 3+ - Kill a slave rat - 1 Battle Point
    WS 3+ - 2 attacks - Kill 2 slave rat - 1 battle point
    WS 2 or less - kill a slave rat - 2 Battle Points
    WS 2 or less - two attacks - kill 2 slave rats - 2 Battle Points
    BS 3+ - Kill a slave rat with ranged attack- 1 skill point
    BS 2 or less - Kill a slave rat with ranged attack- 2 skill point
    Magic -kil a slave rat - 1 magic

    WS 3+ - Strength 3 or less - Kill a censer bearer - 6 Battle Point
    WS 3+ - 2 attacks - - Strength 3 or less - Kill a censer bearer - 5 Battle Point
    WS 3+ - Strength 4 - Kill a censer bearer - 4 Battle Point
    WS 3+ - 2 attacks - - Strength 4 - Kill a censer bearer - 3 Battle Point
    WS 3+ - 2 attacks - - Strength 5+ - Kill a censer bearer - 2 Battle Point
    BS 3+ - Kill a censer bearer with ranged attack- 4 skill point
    BS 2 or less - Kill a censer bearer with ranged attack- 6 skill point
    Magic -kil a slave rat - 3 magic

    Plague monk cannot be reached to be attacked in close combat in this post
    BS 3+ - Kill plague monk with ranged shot - 8 skill
    BS 2 or less - can't kill plague monk
    Magic- Kill plague monk with magic - 4 magic
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  18. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok felt his inner rage grow. His blood rushed through his veins, his heart pounding in his chest.
    He felt the adrenaline, the warp, the rage. It all came together in a single moment.

    He knew the Plague Monk was the most dangerous opponent, and since he was out of reach for close combat; Ilok knew his task.

    He weaved a spell together, neglecting the effects from the warp, Ilok put all his rage in that spell as it grew in power.

    Then he let it go.

    A big white ball of light emerged from his hands, shining so bright that even Ilok had to cover his eyes. It floated to the middle of the room, where it hung still for just a moment.
    The room was silent, everybody holding their breath of what to come.
    The ball of pure energy cackled; and it struck out to the plague monk. The creature falling to earth in agony, the energy forced his own muscles to tear, his organs to fail, and his eyes explode.
    With a dud, it was over. The plague monk fell down, his body sizzling from the spell.

    All creatures in that room had seen the power that Ilok could wield, and it was the skaven that truly feared him. A little creature; so much power.
    Ilok's party were surprised of the power, but continued in their cold-blooded slaughter.

    Ilok himself felt his rage dissapate. He still felt the presence of the warp, and it kept feeling uneasy. His spell had the desired effect, his cold blood went cold again.
    He felt his confidence returning; he still had it.

    OOC((-4 magic for killing that stupid skaven. +2 magic. So -2 magic. And Craken, you might want to check your post out again. You seem to have confused some enemies/points needed for enemies.))

    The Hunted
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  19. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil charged into the room with his blades already in his hand, feeling that even Ilok was furious. The thrill caught him. He leaped in the air, his blades forming an x in the air, and with a sound that could be heard all over the room he slashed in 2 directions.
    Two dead slave rats, their chests gashing blood, were staring numbly to the ceiling.
    Tzuhil prepared to defend himself.
    -2 battle points.

    ((By the way, I'm pretty sorry by now that I didn't swap my BS and WS. My play style definitely didn't benefit from it... Oh well))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  20. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Seeing new opponents worthy of his skill, Hzutli was glad to fight. The last encounter only invigorated him more since he didn't get to kill his worth of rat spawn. Charging forward with his sword in two hands, Hzutli went left of one of the censor bearers, then with a quick turn to the right he came down with a mighty sweep of his sword across its belly, disemboweling it. Then with a quick burst of speed towards the second censor bearer, he came in with a downwards chop. The rat managed to get its censor up to parry and with the amount of force it disarmed Hzutli. Reverting to his primal instincts, Hzutli lunged forward and with a sweep of his talons put great gashes across its face. Finally, Hzutli tool the rat's own censor and plowed the safer but end into its throat.

    ((-4 battle for using two hands))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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