Hey all, Welp, I started on the re-vamping process for my army. If you recall, I ended up getting 4th place in overall army appearance at the last GT and used it as motivation to make my army better in hopes of walking away with one of these prestigious awardsin the future. I have the first unit of Saurus Warriors completed, and, it may be hard to tell in the pictures, but I have added more highlights to each area on the models, painted the spears from black to brown, and changed the color of the flock. I also added a few highlights to the head area of the saurus warrios. Overall, I'm please with it all will move forward with the rest of my army. I just wanted to show a before picture of this unit and then some after shots so you can (hopefully) see some of the changes I've made. Thanks for looking! Iggy Koopa Before After
They look great. I really like the jaguar print, the drum head goes great with the colors you used on the crests. I was going to use a jaguar theme in my army, either on the skink's skin or add pelts to different models. Converting you're Saurus with pieces of jaguar pelt draped over their shoulders or just used for random things on each saurus would probably look really good, and wouldn't be too hard. I get the feeling of Aztec jaguar warriors (probably playing AoE too much), other little touches like necklaces with jaguar fangs could tie in the whole effect really well. I think the conversions would also make the army stand out in competition.
Loving the leopard skins, the bases are awesome as well, as has already been said. Thanks for sharing
I'm definitely stealing the leopard skin idea! If I can give one criticism, it's that the blue on the bases isn't quite blended enough for my liking. Have you tried wet-blending? Keep it up!
Look very nice!! Do you have a black wash?, it's an idea, but before you are going to highlite, put a blask wash on the scales, it looks nice and if you have skulls, like your champion (templeguard head) first bleached bone, then 2-3 times a black wash i like it and it looks brilliant! But keep going^^ Cheers
Cool. Nice. I love the way you have painted the bases. relly nice and highlight on the shields. i canĀ“t highlight yet. but why a temple gaurd ass a champion?
I like to have the champion stand out more than the rest of the unit. I happened to have some extra (new) TG's laying around so I made them the champions. I am also going to put back banners on each of them as well as other small details likes skulls, heads, etc... I just moved to Seattle so I'll have to get settled before I start painting again... Thanks for all the compliments and criticisms. Iggy Koopa
Sorry to be a problem but could I get a close up of a single saurus: it's back and front Sorry to be a problem
If I could add some advice maybe give the shields a wash of Leviathan Purple to blend the highlights a little more.