Discussion D&D question

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Just A Skink, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    This might be a weird question for the forums, but does anyone know of good "Lizardmen" flavored adventures for D&D (or similar systems)? I was thinking about running something for my local gaming group, heavily influenced by old school Lizardmen/Seraphon. I wanted to see if someone had already done some legwork in an adventure.

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  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    In D&D, Lizardfolk are generally beligerent mooks for PCs to take down without much thought. If you really dig you might find Lizardfolk as tragically misunderstood noble primitives. To my knowledge, there is nothing in D&D official published sources remotely close to Lizardmen/Seraphon.

    We do have Valvorik's work developing the Southlands for Warhammer's RPG setting.

    If you want noble Lizardmen like what we have in fluff, you'll probably have to develop it yourself.

    It would be relatively easy to take Saurus, Skinks, Kroxigor, etc and give them D&D stats.
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    If you need the mechanics I do have stuff for a few builds, primarily the racial as well as a few other bits and bobs, primarily some classes, artifacts, and stuff for carnosaurs. If your interested I can post the stuff, but be warned that a party with lizardmen and other stuff is a huge liability in terms of us killing other creatures.
  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    @Scalenex, thanks for the link. True, D&D lizardmen are much more primitive. To clarify, I don't expect to find a complete adventure with "Warhammer-style" Lizardmen. I guess what I should ask is anyone knows of any adventures (either official or free) with good/dangerous/adventurous jungle setting. Maybe a pyramid/dungeon or similar.

    Thanks @Lizerd, I'd like to see what you have. You can either post it or just message me.
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  5. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    For the current stuff here is the saurus block
    Ability score:

    +2 Constitution +1 strength


    Being cold blooded they can live for centuries, around 9. However old bloods can live for far longer

    Size: Saurus are between 6 and 7 feet tall and are extremely muscular weighing in between 250-300 pounds. Your size is medium.

    Colors: Saurus typically are a deep blue with a paler underbelly. Often they will have various colors and stripings depending on their spawning. As they age they become paler.

    Base walking speed is 30 feet. Climb 30 feet (while not directly stated, as saurus live in a jungle it’s reasonable to assume they could climb trees)

    Proficiencies: You are proficient in stealth and survival

    Natural Armor: Your hide is incredibly thick, having to deal with the deadly animals of your home continent. Your unarmored armor class is equal to 13+ your dexterity modifier

    Bite: Your large maw is an a natural weapon. 5 ft range hit 1d6 piercing +str or dex


    Spiked Club: Weight 5lbs reach 5 ft one target, hit 1d8 slashing, versatile for 1d10

    Obsinite Warspear: 1d6 piercing, reach 10 feet versatile 1d8

    obsinite lance: 1d12 piercing reach, special, 8lbs.

    Jungle Shield: weight 2lbs +2 ac

    Obsinite Mace: 1d8 slashing, versatile 1d12
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Solid work @Lizerd. I like what you got. There is only one thing I'd change.

    I would remove the 30 foot climb movement rate since that doesn't mean "good at climbing" that translates to "as good as a monkey or squirrel at climbing." That means Saurus can climb as fast they can run. That also means Saurus can take 10 on climb checks, and run while climbing.

    I would replace the "30 foot climbing speed" with "+2 on climbing checks." That gives them a substantial edge over humans, but it doesn't let them keep pace with spiderman.

    Skinks probably should have a swimming movement rate. That doesn't mean Saurui can't swim. It just means Skinks can swim circles around them.

    Maybe I'd make Saurus have a bit more extreme ability adjustments

    +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma

    Plus all the other stuff you said. I think this would be fairly powerful but not so powerful that Saurus would need a level adjustment.

    Skinks I'd give them -2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity, 11+ base armor save, 40 foot land movement, 30 foot water movement rate
  7. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Yeah in all honesty that does make sense, however the build I put forward was meant to be more balanced and along D&D terms. As for climbing speed I definitely see what you are saying. With the stats that also does make sense, maybe except for wisdom as wisdom also represents perceptive abilities. I do agree with intelligence (even though the way they measure intelligence in D&D is garbage). I actually like the idea of designing skinks so I will do that in a bit. Ready for carnosaurs :D?
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I assumed Sauri didn't have great perceptive abilities. I considered giving Skinks +2 Wisdom, but that would require me giving them another weakness to balance it.

    Yup. I will point out that the Tyrannosaurus stats are on page 61 of the 3.5 Monster Manual. A Carnsoaur is basically a T-Rex with much larger arms and thus two additional attacks per round.
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  9. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Name: Carnosaur, adult

    Size: Huge

    Ac: 15
    Hp: 110 (12d12+60)
    Speed: 50 ft
    Str:20 +5 Dex: 16 +3 Con:20 +5 Int: 6 -2 Wis: 16 +3 Cha: 4 -3
    Saves: Strength +8 Constitution +8
    Skills: Stealth +6 Perception +6
    Passive Perception 13
    Languages: -
    CR: -

    Pinned Down: If a Carnosaur makes a two hits with its claws, the target must make a strength contest with the Carnosaur or be knocked prone. The Carnosaur then has advantage on its bite attack

    Blood Roar: The Carnosaur can roar, gaining a +6 in intimidation checks

    Actions: Multi attack, 1 bite 2 claws
    Bite: +8 to hit reach 10 ft one creature Hit 33 (7d8+5) piercing
    Claws: +8 to hit reach 10 ft one creature Hit 20 (3d10+5) slashing

    Reasoning: I actually did run the measurements for a carnosaur, and it actually is a bit larger than a T.rex (based on measurements from around the knee and hip) based on comparative heights. To compare a 6foot man would reach the knee of a T.rex while an 8 foot Saurus oldblood reaches the carnosaurs knee, suggesting it is slightly larger than the T.rex.

    Also nerd time: it’s not T-rex, it’s is actually T.rex as rex is the species name
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Would you guys want my build stats for skinks?
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  11. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Well, since you asked... :D
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  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Alright so here is the skink
    Ability score:

    +2 Dexterity +1 intelligence -1 strength -1 Constitution -2 charisma


    Being cold blooded they can live for centuries, around 9. Heroes can live for much longer

    Size: skinks are between 4 and 5 and a half feet tall and are lithe, your size is medium

    Color: Skinks tend towards being a pale blue with some darker scales. They have various striping similar to the saurus. Very often their frills will be vibrantly colored.


    Base walking speed is 40 feet. Climb 30 feet, Swim 30 feet

    Proficiencies: You are proficient in stealth and survival

    Colors: Skinks are typically a light blue, but can this can vary.

    Rapid retreat: you can disengage as a bonus action

    Skink Weapons:

    Lustrian Javelins: 1d6 piercing, can be thrown, range 30/120

    Bolt Spitter: 1d8 piercing 80/320, loading

    Obsinite clubs: 1d6 bludgeoning

    Obsinite Buckler: +2 ac

    While Skinks don’t have the same abilities as the saurus, primarily the same thick scaly hide and lethal jaws, Skinks are VERY fast and hard to pin down in Melee.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019

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