AoS Realm of Fire- Isle of Komodo

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Warden, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    There are not enough jungles in AOS for lizardmen to inhabit, so I am doing a quick writing exercise to build one for each of the eight Mortal Realms. This is number one, for the Realm of Fire.

    The Isle of Komodo is the largest island in an archipelago, surrounded by one of the largest oceans in the Realm of Fire. The island-hopping human tribals of the archipelago know to give the island a wide berth, as they tell many stories of the fearsome creatures that do battle with celestial spirits.

    The Lizardmen have long made the Isle of Komodo home, and have used the pristine island jungle as a staging point for their agenda in the rest of the Realm of Fire. Each of the Lizardmen of the isle belongs to a specific tribe. Each tribe has its own customs, and aid the others to the best of their ability.

    On the isle’s northern shores lies the Gohatu tribe. These Lizardmen are builders of great renown. Skinks direct the kroxigors to erect huge stone lizard heads, to warn the sea-faring locals to stay far away, for there are many enemies on this isle that the Lizardmen are attempting to hold back from entering the rest of the realm. When any enemies are captured, the Gohatu take great pleasure in sacrificing their enemies during the spectacle of the Ball Court, and make all sacrifices to their preeminent deity, Sotek.

    The Ogali tribe are the green-and-blue scaled guardians of the crystal-clear waters around the island. They hunt for any enemies that may seek access to the island, and are also known to be accomplished pearl-divers thanks to the evolution of gills. Rumors abound that they are carrying out a secret, brutal war of destruction against the illegal Idoneth colony perch deep below the coral reef surrounding the island.

    The Onuga tribe dwell in the island’s limestone cave system. Like the Ogali, they are also carrying out a secret war against a hidden enemy: the disgusting skaven-spawn of Rata Nui, who seek to invade the island from their gnawing tunnels under the realm.

    High above the colorful jungle canopies the Izzua tribe carry out their terradon mounted patrols. These Liardmen scout from their hidden tree-top sanctuaries, far above the jungle floor, and give advance warning to all other tribes should any invaders come to call on the Isle. These Lizardmen are also great wood-craftsmen, and fashion themselves all manner of colorful, painted masks that are frightening to behold. The tribal locals of the nearby archipelago have taken to copying these images within their own mythos and cultural practices, as the Izzua tribe often carries out long-distance surveillance on the nearby islands.

    At the center of the island is a realmgate, high atop the active volcano. This is the post of the Tahuniva tribe, lizards of stoic character sworn to the service of Chotec, bringer of Fire. They are the predominant Lizardmen tribe of the island, for it is their duty with each daily spawning to march, shield-to-shoulder, into the fiery depths of the volcano itself to do battle with the lava-daemons of Khorne that seek to enter the mortal realm.

    The sixth and final tribe are the Kopaka. On the far western shore of the island lies another volcano, though this one is inactive. It is from this inhospitable roof that the Kopaka priests carry out their rituals of divination and astromancy, calling down the heavens to smite their foes. It is believed that these enigmatic lizards are in contact with beings who are very far away, even as far away as the sky itself, but this may only be a superstition believed by the frightened warmbloods.

    My inspiration for this project comes in part from @Karak Norn Clansman 's millions of great ideas for chaos/regular dwarfs, as well as the Lizardmen of Aotarakoa. Also got some ideas from Maori culture, Eastern Island Heads, Tiki stuff, and of course a Bionicle game I played as a kid!
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Mmmhhhhh.... some great ideas in there!
    Warden likes this.

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