Damn them and their efficiency! Releasing a kickstarter earlier than expected. How is that even a thing. Who else has received or is waiting to receive a fat package from Spain?
Got mine last week, wasn't feeling the love so was selling them, built 2 last night they are nice models so they may get a lick of paint yet!
Got mine last week. I had a look at them, compared to GW and then practiced some self restraint and put them back in the box. I have to finish my temple guard first!
They're coming out on the website in a few weeks, I think, so if you missed the kickstarter you can put an order in. There are a few things I'm considering buying now I've saved up a little even if the Euro to Aud is abysmal.
Even the Euro to GBP is awful! But I will probably get myself some more chameleon skinks when they are available. Beautiful sculpts
They said something about 'a few surprises' so it's possible they might even have new sculpts available for the store launch.
https://lostkingdomminiatures.com/en/20-cuetzpal-empire Post-Kickstarter Pre-Sale has begun. Got an email announcing it. Apparently limited numbers for now, and anything purchased will be shipped in September. Make sure to read what is included in each miniature you buy carefully as there has been some complaints about it. For example, the carnosaur type mini doesn't automatically come with a rider.
Might get the Kuaxotl Hero and the Metzli the Ruthless lord on the giant terradon thing at some point. Pretty neat looking stuff.
Has anyone actually received these models yet and can review their quality and do size comparisons? Would be much appreciated.
Quality is good, size is good as well but the models come without any assembly instructions so a bit of a pain.