Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    ((I'm thinking that your bottom stat line for killing censor bearers from CC also extends to BS, where you had it listed as killing slave rats - I've adjusted accordingly)).

    Huaroc dodged to the far right wall of the room, circling around to flank the rat pack. His brethren had already sallied forth to engage the creatures in deadly close combat. Huaroc had been impressed with llok's skill at magic, but at the same time he was a little disturbed by what he'd seen. Still, Huaroc knew perhaps better than some, the sacrifices one had to make in dire circumstances.

    With a deadly proficiency Huaroc took airm once and with a mighty puff of air impailed a poisoned dart onto a sensor bearer, a moment passed and another dart was loosed into the other sensor bearer's neck. Both dropped instantly as their bodies spasmed from the pain of the poison. Foam frothed from their mouth in their last dieing moments before their bodies lay still forever.

    ((-8 skill points))
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  2. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    Xa was unfaised by the magic, he had seen slann cast mighty spells to destroy bands of dark elf raiders. Xa saw 2 of the infuritated rats charge towrds idok afer he so brutaly slayed there master. idok was not ready, Xa quickly put himself between the rats and idok. They where more than willing to accept a new opponent, one of the rats jumped upon to the shaft of Xa's weapon the other slashed at his legs. Xa pushed fowards and crushed the rat under the weight of himself and his weapon bones crushed and the rat cried out. The other rat was more succesful creating a gapping hole along Xa's leg, dark blood flowed out as the rat climbed on to his backhe reached behind him with his arms to grab the verminous creature and having no luck.

    the rat under estimated Xa's speed ans went for the killing blow on Xa's scaled head, but quickly he spun around and clamped his jaws around the rats torso, instantly crushing its organs.
    Idok was safe....for now..........

    Geko/Xa -3 battle +3 battle
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  3. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec saw the last slave rat, starting to run down the tunnels in an attempt to escape. He gave chase, grabbing a javelin from the sheath on his back and prepared to slay the last rat. Right before the slave rat entered the tunnel, Hexec heaved his javelin, catching the rat in the neck and pinning him to the wall. The poisons acted quickly and the rat died from both the poisons and the wound. Hexec turned around to make sure all his party members were okay, wondering what ritual this rats were enacting.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((ya sorry guys fixed my error, was a lot of coping and pasting in that last one.))
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  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Also Hzutli killed the censer bearers already so you didn't need to shoot them so you can take your points back Huaroc
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    (OOC: I'll be back in tomorrow. Craken, let me know when the Carno egg is good to hatch. When it does, will I have to keep track of two statlines? Because I've completely lost track of mine :p )
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The egg may be quite some time before it will hatch, also here's what your stat block should look like well your normal alotment. I'd add about three days of saved points as you haven't posted anything in a bit

    Saurus (Canosaur Rider)............2 Skill/3 Battle/1 Beast
    Stats are M4 WS3 BS0 S3 T4 W1 I1 A2 Ld 7
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  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    As the group examined the room, they noticed a slab rock blocking a hole in the wall, one of the mighty saurus moved over and pushed it aside with ease, immediately they where covered in blinding light, as their eyes had adjusted to the dark. The heat warmed their bodies almost instantly and they where relieved to see the lush jungle forest once more.

    The group felt invigorated from the experience, each one of them feeling stronger in some way, be it their inner spirit, or their physical body, something about surviving those rat caves made them feel better.

    Now what I need everyone to do is roll 2D6 and tell me the results in a PM, please and thank you. preferably before tomorrows post
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  9. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok leaped into the jungle, glad to see the sky again. Before he left, he glanced back at the dark tunnels. Thinking of the pure rage that was inside of him.
    Ilok then moved on with the rest of the group, to get some rest. At least for the moment.

    OOC(:) +2 magic points.)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  10. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    ((i posted my score but then read the PM part. So this is just an edited post that i don't know how to delete.))
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  11. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Hzutli felt good to be back in the jungle. Although he was happy that he had killed the servants of the rat god, it was still nice to be out of that cave. Resting on a rock, Hzutli began cleaning his sword of the dark rat blood. The entire time in the tunnels was a blur as he became focused on battle like every other saurus. Waiting for everyone else to make a decision, he continued on with the cleaning.

    ((+3 battle for me I think))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  12. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec was overjoyed when they stepped back into the jungle. The soft jungle wind blew past his face and he leapt with excitement. He let off a sharp trill and strangely it was echoed from the jungle. That sounded like a Terradon, Hexec thought. Maybe his chosen Terradon was closer than he thought.
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  13. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil had so much fun in the tunnels he was a bit reluctant to leave. Rat man were found to be such a good target to relief grief and rage upon.
    Although, he was relieved to feel the warm sun on his scales. It felt as if something he lost was returned to him, and without noticing he was happy, even for a moment.

    + 4 skill
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  14. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Relieved to finally be out of the dank tunnels, Ax-rodriq set about cleaning his blades on the damp grass next to the tunnel entrance. He wondered where he and his friends would be headed to next...
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  15. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc slipped silently from the cave, last out of the group so that he could defend them from any trailing beasts. He'd need to replenish his dart supply since he'd lost a few in the tunnels. Slipping into the jungle effortlessly, he blended into the undergrowth and scouted the parameter. Along the way he found some fresh and young saplings which made for the best darts.

    After he'd finished securing the parameter he climbed a tree and nestled into the branches so that he could rest and provide look out at the same time. Once settled in he pulled out a small carving stone he used to wittle darts and began the arduous task of creating the tooth pick sharp barbs before adding feather downe to the ends.

    ((This post was for yesterday actually; +4 skill saved))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  16. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The group though relieved to be outside, realized they had lost the path. They moved about, as it was day t was impossible to read the skies. But ofter a short while they found themself on the right path to the Vampire Coast.

    The tree birds sang and howler monkeys howled, all seemed calm in the jungle for now, and the lizardmen enjoyed the serenity while it lasted. When night came they found a clearing to rest in, a nest of jungle crickets was found by one of the skinks, these crickets where nearly a foot long, and where a tasty meal for any lizard folk. The group ate their meal and rested.

    You get to save 1 extra point for the tasty cricket meal
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  17. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc had thoroughly enjoyed being back out in the thick Jungles once more. He didn't mind taking the fight to the enemy anywhere he could, but tunnels were no place for a servant of the Old Ones. But still, the short advanture had done something he didn't quite expect. It had served to make Huaroc feel a connection to the rest of the party. Where Chameleons were normally apposed to associating with other Lizardmen in anything more than protecting their lands he thought about perhaps camping with them for the night.

    But instinct and a strong sense of duty quashed that thought. He would patrol the dark Jungle that night as he did every other night.

    Unbeknownst to the rest of the part Huaroc had run into a party of Chameleons earlier that day, not but a few hours after they had set out from the tunnels. Huaroc had given the Chameleon party the location of the Skaven tunnels and a brief account of what they had encountered. The other Chameleons had nodded silently and given their assurances to Huaroc that they would erradicate the threat with the help of another near by scouting force of Saurus and Skinks.

    When they'd parted ways Huaroc had thought he had detected the movement of one of the Chameleons giving the hand sign of respect normally afforded to a Chameleon stalker, a champion amoungst Chameleons. But when Huaroc looked there was naught but under growth...

    ((reserving 4 skill for today's post, 1 blend for the taisty meal, and 1 more blend from yesterday's inaction))
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  18. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil was delighted to be in the jungle again, where the lush vegetation pressed against his skin leaving small drops of water.
    During the adventure through the tunnels he learned to trust his companions, and it felt strange to do so for he was accustomed to only trust his crew brethren, his associates to the task of caring for a great stegadon.
    He cast his thoughts aside as the group gathered its food, enjoying the crunchy taste of the crickets.
    Strangely yet, he felt his body to be more strong. He promised to himself to keep his condition superb from now on, lest battle will catch him unprepared.

    + 4 skill points, and 1 beast point saved
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  19. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok was happy to be out in the jungle again, but annoyed that the skies were still blocked.
    Just for this rare moment, he actually wanted to read them!
    It was compromised by the great crickets, it made him feel good.

    Ilok was proud on himself, he managed to survive the tunnels and command a party in the process.
    It went pretty good, he thought, bar his one mistake. He still needed protection from his party members, because Ilok wasn't too often found in or near close combat, and wasn't practiced in it.
    He liked the way everybody worked together, the big saurii up front; and the nimble skinks around and in between. As it should be.

    Ilok thought back on the tunnels.
    The last spell he cast was a potent one. The inner rage was translated into pure energy, which Ilok could direct. He wasn't too proud of it though, inner rage was dangerous. It can make you do things you'd never do.

    It made him feel even better he was outside the dark, smelly tunnels. He simply enjoyed this evening, for there were not many joys to come, he feared.

    OOC((+2 magic, +1 magic))

    The Hunted
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  20. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    Xa was pleased that the reast of his group where happy again but the dark tunnel meant nothing to him. He found a juicy cricket and sat down to eat. Xa inspected his new scars they where neat and not deep but even if they where his body could easily ward off infection. he checked his weapon, he could still smell rat blood and it iritated him so he asked the other if ther could saerch for a stream to refresh themselves aswell as properly clean there war gear.

    +1 skill +4 battle
    ((@thehunted are you a Mod now?))
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