Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC(( Yep speedygeko. I got promotion ;). Check announcements. But more importantly; FEAR MY POWERS! :rolleyes: ;) ))

    The Hunted
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  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((it only cuz he played the lizardmen RPG ;) ))

    The lizardmen moved south east through the lush jungle for the better half of the day, in mid afternoon, it began to down pour. The movement of the lizards slowed, but they pressed on water dripping from the leathery muzzles. Not too long after the rain the group, reach a large swamp. Skinks being akin to the water had no qualms entering it, however the large saurus where hesitant, though they could swim, they felt more vulnerable in the swamp terrain.

    The saurus moved slowly through the driest parts of the marshes, while the nimble skink swam around them. Slowly the skinks noticed movement under the water, quickly them moved ashore where the saurus guards where. The skinks where very fortunate to have noticed the movement, for as soon as they reach land a massive figure burst out of the water. The creature was a giant Hishalous plant , it hald a stalk like body and six long trunk like arms which branched into long tendrils that resembled fingers, its had three large heads that looked very similar to venus fly traps. From what they could see of the beast it stood at least 15 feet high. There was no fleeing from the creature, they knew they would need to fight it.

    WS 2+ - S3 - Injure 1 arm - 3 battle points
    WS 2+ - S3 - 2 attacks - Injure 1 arm - 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4+ - Injure 1 arm - 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4+ - 2 attacks - Injure 1 arm - 1 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4+ - 3 attacks - Injure 1 arm (twice)- 1 battle points
    BS 2 or less -cannot injure arms with range
    Bs 3 - S3 ranged - Injure 1 arm - 4 skill
    BS 4+ - S3 ranged - Injure 1 arm - 3 skill
    Magic - injure 1 arm - 2 battle points

    WS 2+ - S3 - cant injure trunk
    WS 2+ - S4 - Injure body - 4 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4 - 2 attacks - Injure body - 3 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4 - 3 attacks - Injure body (twice)- 3 battle points
    WS 2+ - S5 - Injure body - 3 battle points
    WS 2+ - S5 - 2 attacks - Injure body - 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S5 - 3 attacks - Injure body (twice)- 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S6+ - Injure body - 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S6+ - 2 attacks - Injure body - 1 battle points
    WS 2+ - S6+ - 3 attacks - Injure body (twice)- 1 battle points

    BS 2+ - Cant injure trunk
    Magic - injure body - 4 battle points

    Each of the six arms need to be injured twice and the body needs to be injured 4 times to destroy the creature
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc quickly jumped behind a fallen log which was a little further from the shore line. His skin instantly shifted color to blend into the back ground near flawlessly. ((-1 Blend))

    Once behind cover and concealed he pulled out his blow pipe and set in two darts. Seeing that the trunk was made of a thick bark like skin he knew he wouldn't be able to penetrate it with his small darts. The limbs didn't look nearly as well protected so he took aim at what he reasonably guessed was a joint and fired both darts with a powerful blow from his lungs.

    ((-6 skill, ONE limb down!!))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    ((OOC: I am only S2, unless I can use a blowpipe.))
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  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Yep Blowpipe S3
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  6. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec loads his blowpipe, preparing to hit the rightmost arm. He is a little out of practice, using mainly javelins, but puffs his lips and blows, his dart flying straight and true.
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  7. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil quickly examined the creature. He acknowledged that he couldn't hurt him with his favorite close combat fighting and that he would have to use his ranged skill.
    He lifted his loaded blowpipe while backing a couple of steps, and shot the poisoned dart at the creatures "arm". He than lunged at the ground and perched his blowpipe on a stone while loading it. He than shot the second dart at the arm he marked earlier with a small puncturing wound. The arm calmed and moved no more.

    One arm down, -8 battle points.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  8. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Seeing as the skinks were unable to truly kill the vegetative monstrosity, Hzutli decided to use his sword in an axe-like fashion. Taking it in two hands he moved to within striking distance of the trunk. As he was about to strike a branch came in and struck him in the side of his head. Somewhat disoriented from the unsuspecting attack, Hzutli only managed to get one solid swing in.

    ((-1 battle point, saving 1 skill point from the crickets.))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  9. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    Xa had never fought anything like the swamp-thing he diddnt even know what it was all he knew was that it needed killing.
    ((Hunted, use "THE POWER" to kill the big swampy thingy ;). muhaha a chance to use some of my battle points))
    Xa poised him self, ready for action as he decided where to strike but while he was evaluating the situation one of the arms wrapped its self around Xa's weapon and pulled it out of his grasp. Losing his weapon was the only thing that made his blood boil and as he showed his teeth the beastswung at him once more. He grasped the opertunity to clamp his arms around the beasts arm and it flung him aroun wildly. He bit hard into the arm and blue liquid seaped out, he dug his claws into the wound while holding on with his legs and after tearing the lim apart he let go as it swung him around.((-2 battle))
    The 200kg saurus hit one of the plants heads with all of his weight wich made it physicaly flinch. he slid down the thing and as he came toward the base of the trunk he regained his composure.
    He kicked at the trunk but struggled to do any damage without his weapon so he strugled up the trunk and worked out wich of the limbs was swinging his weapon around wildly. Just as he did this, one of the other arms came down, probably from a skinks darts and he had to jump out to avoid it.
    Xa flailed his arms around wildly, trying to grab on to somthing and just before he thudded to the floor hegraabe on to the arm that had his weapon. With a snarl and a swing he grabbed on to the shaft of the weapon and pulled out of the creatures grasp, with a mighty splash he fell in to the water, weapon in hand and ready for more

    As he emerged from the murky waters he broke out into a sprint and prepared to assault the trunk of the thing, ducking through the arms. With a mighty thwack of his weapon he penetrated the outer layers of the trunk, he went for another blow ripping aside more of the thick bark armour, dark sap oozed from the wound as the head that he landed on came for revenge. It had 3 rows of spines for teeth each about 6 inches long, this time he swiped his weapon at the head, tearing it in half with the might of the blow. then one of the remaining arms knocke Xa off of his feet and in to the water......
    (( i killed 1/6 arms killed 2/4 of the trunk and i killed 1/3 heads -7 battle points then +4 battle points))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  10. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Seeing that most of the limbs had already been taken down by his comrades, Ax-rodriq drew his twin swords and rushed at the massive plant. Perhaps if the limbs were all gone, Ilok could target the trunk of the beast with his majicks. Gripping his swords in the trademark Mantis-stance of the Tomb of Gold, he swung them downwards with all his strength as the plant lunged at him, deftly shearing off a limb.
    ((OOC: Is this okay, Craken? I'm A3, but only S3 as well... ))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  11. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    For sure I'll say to sever injure a limb twice it will cost 1 battle point for you
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  12. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((So its down to 1 limb, and body still has 1 would left on his i get to post consequences :bored: ))

    The creature, writhed and quivered, splaying green blood like chlorophyll on the party, after their vicious attack. However being a plant gave the creature a great advantage, it felt no real pain. Turning to the saurus below it which did the most damage, it grappled him with its last remaining arm. Quickly it lifted him into the air, and back down just as fast, slamming Xa into a large rock, blood poured from Xa's head onto the massive rock; Xa lay there motionless. Suddenly the plant began to drag the unmoving Xa, up into one of the of its remaining heads.

    WS 2+ - S3 - Injure 1 arm - 3 battle points
    WS 2+ - S3 - 2 attacks - Injure 1 arm - 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4+ - Injure 1 arm - 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4+ - 2 attacks - Injure 1 arm - 1 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4+ - 3 attacks - Injure 1 arm (twice)- 1 battle points
    BS 2 or less -cannot injure arms with range
    Bs 3 - S3 ranged - Injure 1 arm - 4 skill
    BS 4+ - S3 ranged - Injure 1 arm - 3 skill
    Magic - injure 1 arm - 2 battle points

    WS 2+ - S3 - cant injure trunk
    WS 2+ - S4 - Injure body - 4 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4 - 2 attacks - Injure body - 3 battle points
    WS 2+ - S4 - 3 attacks - Injure body (twice)- 3 battle points
    WS 2+ - S5 - Injure body - 3 battle points
    WS 2+ - S5 - 2 attacks - Injure body - 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S5 - 3 attacks - Injure body (twice)- 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S6+ - Injure body - 2 battle points
    WS 2+ - S6+ - 2 attacks - Injure body - 1 battle points
    WS 2+ - S6+ - 3 attacks - Injure body (twice)- 1 battle points

    BS 2+ - Cant injure trunk
    Magic - injure body - 4 battle points

    Same rules as last time, only need to kill one arm and hit the body once more to destroy him. XA can't fight back though
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  13. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    HELP ME come on why does it go for me? Just because i did the most damage. :shamefullyembarrased:
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  14. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc lifted the trusted blow pipe to his mouth, taking good aim upon the creature. Huaroc knew that he couldn't directly destroy the limb. If he did there was a good chance that Xa might get dropped into the mouth of the creature and all would be for naught.

    Huaroc had been studing the creature closely and had found the joint in the arms where it would likely be best to hit. This would probably be the shortest way to any real damage the darts could do and, if Huaroc was lucky, would jam the joint into place so that it couldn't mobilize it partially.

    Huaroc waitted a few heartbeats, then the timing was right he puffed through the wodden tube. The darts lanced out with lightning swiftness and punctured into the joints right where Huaroc had aimed. The limb was pinned outwards, Xa held aloft away from the openning of the beast's mouth.

    ((-6 Skill points, now I don't get to save today's skill points if I do an action like attack correct?))
    (((Last limb down! Someone kill the trunk! llok?)))
  15. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    correct, however that amount of points is enough to kill the limb.

    Also XA i rolled, you just happened to be the number i rolled
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  16. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Seeing his fellow saurus in trouble, Hzutli let out a blood curdling roar at the monstrosity. Charging back in full tilt at the thing, Hzutli went to work with his sword. Taking it once again in two hands he led with a chop that had of of his momentum behind it. With a resounding CRACK, the plant dropped Xa and hunched over at the weight of the blow. When its heads were within reach, Hzutli went to work efficiently and made a gooey smear where the heads once were. Going over to his comrade, Hzutli made sure that Xa was alright. Approving of the resilience of the temple guard, Hzutli returned to the island where the they were ambushed with Xa leaning on his shoulder.
    ((how many battle points should I deduct?))
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  17. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Superskink ((just take off 2 battle points, you use the sword as a gw right? Which would make you S5, only had one wound on the body left))
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  18. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok wasn't able to focus on weaving a spell together, he tried; but the magic would simply slip out of his hands.
    He watched in horror when Xa was injured, but the group addapted to the situation and took care of it.

    Ilok went to see how Xa faired.

    OOC((I wasn't able to post [and kill] yesterday, because I got a huge train-day. I sat in those darn trains for about 6-7 hours yesterday....So that got me broken!
    +2 magic points, though))

    The Hunted
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  19. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((No worries Hunted, you going to have to heal Xa though. Also won't have time for story post today sorry guys, had to change my tires and fix my roof this morning :) ))
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  20. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-rodriq plunged one of his swords into the thick bark of the plant's body. It wasn't enough to do significant damage to the plant-creature, but damage was not on Ax-rodriq's mind. Running for all he was worth, he used the protruding handle as a springboard to leap high into the air, his remaining sword held above his head with both hands. With all his strength, he brought it down on the remaining arm of the plant-creature. Though it was not severed, the blow caused the the arm's grip on Xa to loosen, and the unconscious Saurus slid to the ground.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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