Balewind Vortex and Melusai Conversions.

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Satt, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. Satt

    Satt New Member

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    So I was looking at picking up the Balewind Vortex recently but not really a fan of it for Seraphon/Lizardmen with the Chaos and Death themes throughout the model. I do like the various nods to each wind of magic on the kit though. Are there any tutorials or suggestions on how to go about converting/scratch building one to better suit a Slann?

    I was also thinking of getting a set of Melusai from the DoK. The plan was to swap out the heads for some of the Escher gang heads and adding various feathers/creatures left over from the Seraphon kits I have and maybe a temple look to the basing. With some 50mm bases I may try to proxy them as Kroxigors.
    The fluff of the idea was a group of Amazons from the world that was which were in a temple city as it departed. Aboard the city they took to the worship of Sotek and as such were blessed before finding the realms.
    Aside from green stuff over the symbols of Khaine how else could I add to this conversion? Are there any resources on lizardmen iconography that would help?

    I've got a fair backlog at the moment so both of these are definitely on the back-burner but will update once they're underway.

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  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    For the Balewind Vortex you could do this:

    - Get the exact footprint of the BWV
    - make that out of some of that 2mm plastic sheet
    - put some modeling clay on there and use the Greenstuffworld aztec roller to create some nice Seraphon themed stone floor.
    - build a vortex out of wire, perhaps in a similar style like the SCE "Celestant Prime" has it, or maybe a Vortex out of polystyrene rocks attached to each other, so it looks like a vortex of rocks swirling around. You can put some ghostly bits between it, too. For example get some Spirit Hosts and replace their heads with those of Saurus Warriors to create Saurus ghosts.
    - put a platform on top. Again I would recommend to look how big the original one is, then use plastic sheet and pplymer clay (or greenstuff but younwould need a lot) to make it look cool.
    Satt and Crowsfoot like this.

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