AoS 2k without summoning? (casual)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Acehilator, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    After playing my first two games @1k I decided to definitely keep playing AoS, it was very fun, and the differences to 40k are big enough that both systems have their own distinctive feel to them.

    Next step would be to upgrade the list to 2k, and I am thinking about doing it without any summoning, to keep the number and variety of additional models I need low. I am currently running a modified version of @LizardWizard `s old Shadowstrike 1k tournament list, which had a serious run-in with the nerfbat in GHB2019, so I don't think I need to feel bad about using it in a more casual setting. So I want to use the same models I got for that, and go from there.

    2x Skink Starpriest
    20x Skinks /w Javelins
    10x Skinks /w Boltspitters (got 10 more built & primed)
    6x Ripperdactyls
    3x Razordons (got one more because I ordered one day before the GHB2019 leak, rofl)

    Does it make any sense to run 2k without Slann + Astrolith Bearer?

    I was thinking something along the those lines:

    1x Skink Starpriest
    20x Skinks /w Javelins
    10x Skinks /w Boltspitters
    6x Ripperdactyl Rider
    Shadowstrike Starhost

    1x Engine of the Gods (treat 14-17 as 10-13, like I said, friendly environment)
    2x Bastiladon
    3x Razordons
    4x Skink Handlers
    Thunderquake Starhost

    10x Skinks /w Boltspitters

    Or maybe something with Troglodon + 2x Stegadon for the TQ, but not sure what to take for the points freed up that way. Or minimum Firelance + whatever? Don't really care which big dinos to get, it is just a matter of sequence (gotta catch them all and all that). And avoiding Saurus Warriors along the way, not a fan of the model. Also not a big fan of the Saurus Knights models, but I'd rather build 15 of them instead of 60 Saurus Warriors, lol.
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  2. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    Oh and forgot to add, I have access to all "general" Endless Spell models at the store I am playing at. The list I posted clocks in at 1930 points, so I could either add 10 more Skinks or take an Endless Spell and maybe eek out a triumph.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    IMO without a Slann you don't only effectively ditch summoning but also
    - our best wizard
    - synergy with EotG
    - our two best command traits
    - a IMO very nice centerpiece for your army

    As for the list:
    It sure looks fun!
    Although I don't necessarily agree that it will be a good list for a friendly environment. Shadowstrike with six Rippers and double Basti TQ are still among our strongest bataillon choices, and since the list is only three drops you have a good chance of basically annihilating a lot of non optimized lists in turn one.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I don't know. My "problem" with AoS is that I don't know Jack S. about other armies (my first two games were against Kharadron, so at least I have an idea about how those guys work now). Starting out in 40k 8E was easy, just checking every Codex as it came out to get a general understanding of that faction, and how certain units/combos stack up to your own army.

    I feel like the Rippers will just kill something and then die in return, because target priority for my opponent would be easy as pie. Kill Rippers, proceed to kill my Skinks, tarpit the Behemoths and going for board control should be the way to beat my list. Not sure how viable that is for melee-centric armies, though. Melee-based armies I will be playing are Fyreslayers and Nighthaunt (that player has a raging hard-on for Lady Olynder, definitely be seeing her @2k), so after trying to read up on stuff I get the impression they should be ok, I guess.
  5. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Lady Olynder? I might be able to help you with nighthaunt. They are a powerful faction for a few core reasons
    - durability, most nighthaunt models will have decent saves (4+) and immunity to save modifiers, positive and negative.
    -speed, they can fly and are not blocked by models so pinning them is pretty hard
    With nighthaunt you will struggle to keep up with their speed and they are relatively durable. However you do seem to have the stuff to counter them. Stuff that generates lots of no rend attacks are the way to go. Razordons and Ripperdactyls are your best bet here. As for olynder, to kill her send in a carnosaur. Olynder May have good ranged attacks but in Melee she is pretty shaky and a carnosaur could probably take her down.
    LizardWizard and Aginor like this.
  6. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    Using the contents of two Start Collecting boxes, I could add two Carnos and a minimum Firelance:

    1x Skink Starpriest
    20x Skinks /w Javelins
    10x Skinks /w Boltspitters
    6x Ripperdactyl Riders
    Shadowstrike Starhost
    = 750

    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One
    5x Saurus Knights
    5x Saurus Knights
    5x Saurus Knights
    Firelance Starhost
    = 490

    2x Carnosaur = 480
    3x Razordon = 150

    total 1870, add the second Starpriest and a Balewind Vortex and it's 1990.

    Does not look like it would be doing anything, though. I guess minimum Firelance (irrespective of what you put the ScarVet on) is only worth using in conjunction with Dracothion's Tail. I could take the same models, leave out the Firelance battalion and take three additional Razordons instead. Not really sold on that version either. Not going to run Sunclaw or Eternal Starhost, so maybe another version of SS + TQ. We'll see.

    Got two weeks left before I have to make my purchasing decision (local GW store anniversary coming up, going to grab some goodies, nice backpack available this year).
    Lizerd likes this.

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