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7th Ed. A good buy?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Gildor777, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. Gildor777
    Jungle Swarm

    Gildor777 New Member

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    Hello everyone, long-time High Elf player (and poster at Ulthuan.net) and I have been trying to start Lizardmen army. I have the chance to buy:
    40 Saurus Warriors
    24 Skinks
    10 Temple Guard
    2 Kroxigor
    2 Teradons
    2 Salamanders with handlers
    6 metal Chameleon skinks
    1 Metal Saurus hero with handweapon/shield
    8 Cold one riders
    1 Plastic skink priest assembled from the steg sprues

    For 100 bucks. I assume that is a good deal? Hopefully would be the basis of a 1000pt. list.
  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    That's a pretty good deal, and you won't have to buy too much more in order to get a good force going.
  3. lazylizard
    Temple Guard

    lazylizard New Member

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    no. its not a good buy. by the way, where are you getting this? :D

    just kiddin. of course its a good buy. its actually a great buy for what you're getting because you could basically use all of these models.
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    You had better buy it before I do! :smug:

    (Seriously dude the $90 battalion box only has)
    40 Saurus Warriors
    24 Skinks
    10 Temple Guard

    You are getting two or 3 time that.
  5. Gildor777
    Jungle Swarm

    Gildor777 New Member

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    Excellent. The deal is from a fellow gamer in the group I play in who is moving and trying to get rid of stuff. Sadly, his stegadon (which I would really like) is masquerading as a Hell Pit Abom. at the moment...
  6. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    You're just short a lord choice, maybe 1 terradon and the stegadon you mentioned from having a REALLY great force...

    Oh, and maybe another box of temple guard if you end up taking a slann.
  7. Gildor777
    Jungle Swarm

    Gildor777 New Member

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    They are mine! My own, my precious...

    Wait, what? :)

    Anyways, I have some fixing up to do, lots of saurus need to get spears instead of hand weapons, some more skinks need blowpipes instead of javelins, and I need to get the CoC built, but other than that, things look golden. Bought a 3rd Krox. I need a 3rd Terradon and I should be good to rumble.

    BTW, its freaking amazing how much more construction you have to do for LM vs. HE.
  8. Batu

    Batu New Member

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    Great purchase and Welcome to the Lizardmen!!

    Definitely want spears on the saurus but maybe not all skinks with blow pipes.

    There are definitely benefits to both.

    Jav/Sh. effective 12" range, no range or movement modifiers so always hitting on 4+. (poison on 6) HW/SH combo provides 5+ AS in combat so they can if necessary engage other skirmishers or detachments in combat. They are very effective for clearing out that forest of enemy skirmishers (like BG skinks) or engaging small lightly armored detachments or characters.

    Blowguns. 6" range (sucks) and the hit modifiers rack up rather fast. How often do you get to sit still and shoot an enemy unit at 6" or less? Probably not very often...and probably not more then one turn. If they are 6" and you double shoot you are hitting on 5+. If they are over 6" (most probable) your hitting on 6s. If you move, well you cant hit with poison.

    IMO any skirmish unit within 6" and not being contested by an enemy unit is either lucky or the enemy made a huge tactical error. If they (BG skinks) do get into combat they will get crushed since they have no AS.

    So, unless you can park them in terrain (so they don’t get shot to pieces) and the enemy conveniently moves a unit within 6" the BG skinks really are not very good. And Sotek forbid the enemy brings up a unit of their own to contest that forest!!

    They are definitely not a multi-role unit at all. If it wasn’t for gravity...they could not hit the ground when moving. And praying for 6s is not a solid tactic or efficient use of a unit.

    They are absolutely 1 dimensional and very easy to counter and kill.

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