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The Great models List!

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Killer Angel, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Yup. I've been meaning to finish some sisters of silence I've had
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Glad this thread got revived, would love to see lists from you old timers. I'm glad I've been keeping track of everything since I started. Nice for perspective and deterrent.
    Lizards of Renown and Nazqua like this.
  3. Diablo

    Diablo Member

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    Here is my model list:


    Seraphon 8360p

    1x Lord Kroak
    1x Saurus Oldblood auf Carnosaur
    2x Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur
    1x Troglodon
    2x Bastiladon (Sonnenmaschine)
    1x Bastiladon (Lade des Sotek)
    2x Stegadon (Engine Of The Gods)
    9x Ripperdactyl Riders
    4x Razordon
    12x Skink Handlers
    1x Saurus Astrolith Bearer
    3x Skink Starpriest
    2x Saurus Oldblood
    34x Saurus Guards
    16x Saurus Knights
    158x Saurus Warriors
    153x Skinks
    5x Chamelen Skinks
    1x Slann Starmaster
    3x Terradon Riders
    4x Fleckkröte
    1x Tiktaq'to
    1x Saurus Sunblood
    1x Saurus Eternity Warden
    3x Kroxigor


    Flesh Eater Courts 7280p

    2x Abhorrant Ghoul King (on foot)
    1x Abhorrant Ghoul King onTerrorgheist
    1x Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon
    3x Abhorrant Archregent
    1x Terrorgheist
    1x Zombie Dragon
    220x Crypt Ghouls
    5x Crypt Ghouls Courtier
    18x Crypt Horrors
    18x Crypt Flayers
    1x Varghulf Courtier

    1x Arkhan the Black (as an ally)


    Beastclaw Raiders 3060p

    1x Frostlord on Thundertusk
    1x Frostlord on Stonehorn
    2x Huskard on Thundertusk
    16x Mournfang Pack
    4x Frost Sabres
    1x Icebrow Hunter

    Gutbusters 380p

    1x Grot Scraplauncher
    1x Firebelly
    1x Butcher

    Ironjawz 960p

    1x Warchanter
    10x Ardboyz
    3x Gore-gruntas
    1x Gordrakk, the Fist of Gork
  4. Schwaaah

    Schwaaah Active Member

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    Here's where I am at for now. Tons to paint, so probably not acquiring any more for a good long while

    Seraphon: ~3500 pts

    · 1 Slann Starmaster - paint in progress

    · 1 Scarvet on Carnosaur - paint in progress

    · 1 Oldblood on Carnosaur - paint in progress

    · 1 Scarvet on Coldone

    · 1 Skink Starpriest - paint in progress

    · 1 Skink Priest

    · 1 Engine of the Gods - paint in progress

    · 1 Astrolith Bearer

    · 1 Eternity Warden

    · 1 Sunblood

    · 24 Skinks - Painted!

    · 10 Saurus Warriors - paint in progress

    · 15 Saurus Guard

    · 7 Saurus Knights - paint in progress

    · 6 Ripperdactlys

    · 1 Bastilodon - Painted!

    · 3 Kroxigor - Needs to be repainted

    1 Gotrek

    Slaanesh ~1350 points

    · 1 Shalaxi Helbane - paint in progress

    · 1 Infernal Enrapturess - paint in progress

    · 20 Daemonettes - paint in progress

    · 10 Seekers

    · 3 Fiends

    · 1 Bladebringer Herald on Exalted Chariot
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2019
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Everyone is kicking my butt when it comes to AoS/WFB minis. I had to sell 98% of my fantasy stuff when my wife lost her job in '08. Just got back into AoS recently after a long hiatus.

    ^--- this is still true, but not as much as of 2022. Pile of Shame grows and minis happen.


    1 Skink Priest (old metal model)
    3+ Skink Starpriests (one official, one definitely NOT)
    15 (old metal) Skink Cold One Riders (used as Saurus Knights)
    10 Saurus Knights
    10 Saurus
    20 Skinks
    2 Old metal stegadons
    3 old metal terradons (ripperdactyls, given the arms on the riders)
    1 EOTG
    1 Skink Alpha on Stegasaurusadon (custom build I'm working on)
    2 Salamanders
    3 Kroxigor
    3 Terradons (some assembly still required)
    1 Troglodon
    Piles of other stuff that isn't sorted/assembled yet.

    Skaven (Clan Moulder):
    3 Master Moulders
    9 Packmasters
    8 Rat Ogres
    60+ Giant Rats
    10 Skaven Wolf Rats
    2 Hell Pit Abominations
    3 Rat Swarm bases
    1 Brood Horror (not sure what to use it as yet, mounted or unmounted - it has the saddle, so...)
    1 DOOMWHEEL!!!!!!!
    1 ratling gun
    1 Warpfire thrower
    60 Clanrats
    Ikit Klaw
    Deathmaster Snitck
    2 other deathmasters
    Skaven Underworlds warband
    pile of unsorted/unassembled other minis

    Legions of Nagash:
    Wight King on Horse (old metal model)
    15 Skeletons
    10 Grave Guard
    Necromancer (old metal Mordheim conversion)
    15 Blood Knights (conversions from older models)
    Vampire Lord on Abyssal Horror (the old Frankenstein-dino-thing)

    Gloomspite Gitz... naw, TROGGMOB!!!
    1 Dankhold Troggboss
    9 Rockgut Troggs
    3 Fellwater Troggs
    1 Fellwater Hag
    Mollog & co
    Mirebrute Troggoth (ally)
    Sloggoth (ally)

    Beasts of Chaos
    10 Gors
    1 Chimera

    Cities of Sigmar
    2 Nomad Prince
    10 Sisters of the Watch
    10 Glade Guard (whatever the spear-armed wood elves are)
    10 Arkhanaut Company (ally)

    10 Tzaangor
    1 Tzaangor Shaman
    A bunch of old metal GW Chaos Warriors
    About 60-odd Frostgrave Gnolls (plastic and metal - I'm still working out whether to use them as Free Company or Beastmen. They don't really work as either, but Free Company fits them better)
    Perry Bros Plastic Historial Minis: 12 Pikemen, 12 Crossbows, 10 Heavy Cavalry (to use as Dogs of War in an 8th Edition/9th Edition force I'm tinkering with.
    20 old Mordheim Marienburg figures + commander from the Steam Tank (These were the rest of my Dogs of War 8th/9th attempt)

    For The (eventual if it ever happens) Old World:
    20+ goblin wolf riders
    20+ orc boar riders
    15+ savage orc boar riders
    1 orc warboss on wyvern
    Azhag the Slaughterer (5th ed sculpt)
    Morglum Necksnappa
    2 boar chariots
    1 wolf chariot
    20 savage orcs
    13 night goblins
    and probably more stuff since I keep tossing random bits in there.
    Waagh, Mister Bond.

    Now if we're talking 40K, that is a TOTALLY different kettle of fish! My High School buddies played 40K, so I kept two armies for that and am working on a third now. About 2.5K of Imperial Guard (the Skaviir Dominion). 3K+ worth of Grot-Themed Orks (and squigboyz, stormsquigz, etc). About 2K of Khorne-themed Heretic Astartes, and something like 1K of other Chaos Marines stuff. Won't know about the actual total for these last two until the new World Eaters codex comes out eventually.
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That's a noble thought i had a lot of times ;)

    I have to take the time to list it all... not sure of what i got on stock :$

    Gr, Imrahil
  7. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    Models I own:

    2x slaan
    1x tetto'eko
    1x gor'rok
    1x oxyotol the unseen (lost kingdoms proxy)
    4x Skink priests
    2x carnosaurs
    2x old blood/scar vet on foot
    3x old blood/scar vet on cold one
    40x Templeguard
    40x Saurus warriors
    50x skinks
    3x kroxigor (lost kingdoms proxy)
    5x chameleon skinks (lost kingdoms proxy)
    20x cold one riders
    6x ripperdactyl
    2x Salamanders
    3x stegadons
    2x bastiladons
    + a box of misc lizardmen bits I picked up off facebay.

    As for lists? I play a different list every time :p big fan of the dual carno list in the 8th edition tactica.
  8. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ok I am sure this list is not fully accurate, but it is a start, everything that I remember from the top of my head:

    Seraphon (painted)

    24 Saurus Warriors
    15 Saurus Knights
    15 Saurus Guard
    1 Astrolith Bearer
    1 Eternity Warden
    1 Sunblood
    60 Skinks
    6 Skink handlers
    2 Bastiladons
    1 Oldblood on foot
    1 Oldblood on Carnosaur
    1 Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur
    1 Scar-Veteran on Cold One
    1 Starpriest
    2 Priests
    1 Troglodon
    1 Stegadon/EotG
    3 Terradons
    3 Rippers/Terradons
    1 Lord Kroak
    1 Slann
    3 Razordons
    1 Salamander
    3 Capybara Skinks (count as Salamanders)
    1 Skink Chief
    10 Chameleon Skinks
    1 Chameleon Skink Stalker
    3 Kroxigor
    3 Jungle Swarms

    Seraphon (unpainted)
    1 Starpriest (might become Starseer)
    1 Oxyotl
    1 Skink Prophet
    2 Stegadons
    3 Rippers/Terradons
    24 Skinks

    Legions of Nagash (painted)
    3 Necromancers
    2 Wight Kings
    1 Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon / Terrorgheist
    1 Mortis Engine
    2 Morghast
    3 Spirit Hosts
    15 Black Knights
    10 Grave Guard
    100 Skeleton Warriors
    Sepulchral Guard (7 models)

    Legions of Nagash (unpainted)
    1 Nagash
    1 Arkhan the Black
    1 Wight King

    Sylvaneth (painted)
    40 Dryads
    5 Tree Revenants
    2 Branchwych
    1 Treelord
    1 Treelord Ancient / Durthu
    3 Kurnoth Hunters

    Sylvaneth (unpainted)
    1 Alarielle
    6 Kurnoth Hunter
    1 Branchwraith
    10 Tree Revenants
    1 Arch Revenant

    Endless spells (painted)
    1 Balewind Vortex
    1 Malign Sorcery box (shared with friend)

    Other models (painted)
    1 Joseph Bugman
    6 Gryph Hounds
    1 Abhorrant Ghoul King
    3 Citadel Woods
    5 Sisters of the Thorn

    Shadespire set (all painted)
    Silver Tower set (all painted)

    Other models (unpainted)
    1 SCE Knight Incantor
    1 Tau Cadre Fireblade
    1 Tau Darkstrider
    12 Blood Bowl humans
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Hmm. I notice people are suddenly listing 40K minis. Should I list those out as well?
    Lizards of Renown and Nazqua like this.
  10. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    If you want to. :)

    I only listed mine because I literally have only two.
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  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That would be a long task... :p
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    It would, indeed. Plus I assume people would want pics of my Renegades and Heretics, so I should really wait until I have some painting work done before I harp on about my piles of Renegade Militia and Disciples...:rolleyes:
    Lizards of Renown and Nazqua like this.
  13. BricksNotBombs
    Jungle Swarm

    BricksNotBombs Member

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    My lists currently:
    1 Kroq Gar (Oldblood on Carnosaur)
    1 Oldblood on foot, HW & shield, metal
    1 Scar-Vet on foot, HW & shield, plastic
    1 Scar-Vet on Cold one (Kitbash)
    1 Gor Rok/Sunblood
    1 Tehenhaun
    1 Skink Starpriest
    1 Skink Starseer (Kitbash)
    1 Skink Priest on foot
    1 skink priest on Engine of the Gods

    15 Saurus Knights, 2 command, spears
    25 Saurus warriors, clubs, 1 command
    19 Saurus Guard, 2 command
    20 Skinks, blowpipe & shields, 1 command

    6 Terradon riders, sunleech bolas
    3 Jungle swarms
    1 Stegadon, bow
    1 bastiladon, solar engine
    6 Kroxigors, 2 moonhammers
    5 chameleon skinks

    3 salamander hunting packs

    Starblood Stalkers

    1 Khorne Greater daemon
    1 Tzeench Greater daemon
    1 Exhalted Daemon (metal Be'Lakor)
    1 Khorne Skulltaker
    1 Khorne Lord on Daemonic Mount
    1 aspiring champion of Khorne on foot, 2 hand weapons/great weapon
    1 aspiring champion of chaos on foot, 2 hand weapons and shield
    1 aspiring champion of chaos on foot, 2 hand weapons
    2 Chaos sorcerers on chaos steed
    2 chaos sorcerers on foot
    1 Beastlord Nurgle, great weapon
    1 Beastlord, great weapon
    1 Beastlord khorne, 2 hand weapons
    1 chaos dwarf Lord on great taurus

    10 Chaos warriors, 2 hand weapons, full command
    10 chaos warriors, shields, full command
    16 chaos marauders, shields, full command
    10 Gors, shields, full command
    12 Gors, 2 hand weapons, full command
    16 ungors, spears
    15 Blood letters, 1 command
    2 chaos warhounds
    1 centigor
    1 marauder horseman

    3 Screamers of Tzeench
    5 chaos knights, full command
    1 tuskgor chariot
    2 khorne bestigors

    1 chaos giant

    Expanding on my Chaos fantasy army, I'm interested in getting some Centigors (but they are RIDICULOUSLY overpriced), Minotaurs, Dragon Ogres, definitely some warhounds, and Ungor raiders. Among everything I feel like what my chaos army lacks (other than ranks in foot soldiers) is speed and range. Any suggestions without needing a mortgage?
    Last edited: May 6, 2022
  14. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    My ongoing collections for Age of Sigmar:

    Slann Starmaster (265)
    Skink Starseer (145)
    Skink Starpriest (130)
    Skink Priest x2 (160)
    Skink Chief x2 (N/A)
    Tehenhuain (N/A)
    Skink Oracle on Troglodon (270)
    Skink Chief on Stegadon (305)
    Stegadon w/ magnetized howdah for Engine of the Gods load-out (265)
    Carnosaur w/ magnetized base for Oldblood and Scar-Veteran load-outs (215-270)
    Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (General Ezocamtl on Dilophosaurus by Lost Kingdom) (215)
    Kroq-Gar on Grymloq (270)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (110)
    Saurus Oldblood on Foot x3 (360)
    Saurus Sunblood (125)
    Saurus Eternity Warden (125)
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (150)
    Saurus Warriors (Spears) x90, 3 commands (945)
    Saurus Guard x25, 3 commands (575)
    Saurus Knights x15 (Still need to build riders) (330)
    Skinks (Clubs & Shields) x20, 2 commands (150)
    Skinks (Javelins & Shields) x20, 2 commands (150)
    Razordon Hunting Pack (95)
    Terradons x3 (105)
    Ripperdactyls x3 (85)
    Kroxigors x3 (150)
    Bastiladon x2 (330-500)
    Dread Saurian (545)
    Starblood Stalkers (225)
    Realmshaper Engine (0)
    Total Playable Points: 6,795-7,020

    Verminlord Deceiver (345)
    Arch-Warlock (175)
    Warlock-Bombardier (125)
    Clawlord x2 (210)
    Deathmaster x4 (400)
    Grey Seer x2 (280)
    Master Moulder (95)
    Spiteclaw's Swarm (120)
    Doomwheel (165)
    Clanrats (Spears) x120, 3 commands (1170)
    Clanrats (Blades) x20 (130)
    Stormvermin x20, 1 command (220)
    Doom-flayer (60)
    Giant Rats x6 (40)
    Gutter Runners x15 (195)
    Skryre Acolytes x30 (390)
    Stormfiends x6 (630)
    Warp-Grinder (75)
    Warpfire Thrower (70)
    Warp-Lightning Cannon (185)
    Warplock Jezzails x3 (145)
    Total Playable Points: 4,700

    Soulblight Gravelords
    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435)
    Coven Throne (290)
    Crimson Court (200)
    Vampire Lord (140)
    Necromancer (125)
    Blood Knights x10 (390)
    Dire Wolves x20 (270)
    Grave Guard (Blades & Shields) x40 (560)
    Deathrattle Skeletons (Spears) x10 (85)
    Total Playable Points: 2,495

    Cities of Sigmar
    Archmage [LEGENDS] x2 (110)
    Assassin (80)
    Battlemage (115)
    Freeguild General (100)
    Runelord (100)
    Warden King (100)
    Freeguild Greatswords x10 (150)
    Total Playable Points: 755

    Daughters of Khaine
    Bloodwrack Medusa (120)
    Melusai Ironscale (115)
    Blade-Coven (175)
    Total Playable Points: 410

    Gloomspite Gitz
    Zarbag's Gitz (185)
    Loonsmasha Fanatics x5 (130)
    Total Playable Points: 315

    Slaves to Darkness
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (135)
    Corvus Cabal x18 (140)
    Total Playable Points: 275

    Ogor Mawtribes
    Ogor Tyrant (150)
    Great Mawpot (0)
    Total Playable Points: 150

    Myrmourn Banshees x4 (75)
    Total Playable Points: 75
    Killer Angel, Imrahil and Bowser like this.
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Hmmm. Should I update my list? It has been three years, and my pile of shame has grown...

    Edit: okay, updated mine, kind of. I haven't bothered to tally points totals or exact counts, I would have to unbox a LOT of stuff to do that. I probably missed some stuff.
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
    Killer Angel, Imrahil and Bowser like this.
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    you don't have to. it's up to you.
    Heck, i should update mine too... :p

    EDIT: updated. :D
    Bowser likes this.
  17. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    Disclaimer: Almost all of these were bought from Ebay, many of them already painted. Ones with an asterisk are ones that I've actually painted. The only models I bought directly from GW were new Kroak and the Starblood Stalkers, to show support for new Seraphon models. So that's how I was able to get so many in just a couple years ;)



    1 New Lord Kroak
    1 Old Lord Kroak
    2 Slann Starmasters*
    1 Oldblood on Carnosaur
    2 Scar-Veterans on Carnosaurs (1*)
    2 Skink Oracles on Troglodons
    2 Skink Chiefs on Stegadons
    1 Engine of the Gods
    1 Scar-Veteran on Cold One*
    1 Oldblood on Foot*
    1 Sunblood
    1 Eternity Warden
    2 Astrolith Bearers*
    1 Skink Starseer
    3 Skink Starpriests (1*)
    2 Skink Priests*
    1 Terradon Chief
    1 Ripperdactyl Chief
    1 Starblood Stalkers Warband
    1 Tehenhauin*
    1 Oxyotl
    1 Coatl (Celestant Prime proxy)*


    6 Stegadons with bows (3*)
    2 Stegadons with flamethrowers (1*)
    4 Bastiladons with Solar Engines (two unglued that can be swapped for the Ark of Sotek)
    2 Dread Saurians (probably recasts)


    80 Saurus Warriors (30*)
    30 Saurus Knights (10*)
    120 Skinks (80*)
    10 Chameleon Skinks
    6 Swamp Romper Kroxigor proxies*
    6 Woogity Kroxigor proxies*
    2 Salamander Hunting Packs
    4 Razordon Hunting Packs
    6 Terradon Riders
    6 Ripperdactyl Riders


    1 Realmshaper Engine
    All Malign Sorcery Endless Spells
    1 Balewind Vortex (RIP)

    Idoneth Deepkin:


    1 Volturnos
    2 Akhelian Kings
    1 Lotann
    1 Soulscryer
    1 Soulrender
    2 Tidecasters
    1 Eidolon (Sea)
    1 Eidolon (Storm)


    1 Leviadon


    4 Allopexes
    12 Eels
    20 Namarti Reavers
    30 Namarti Thralls
    Last edited: May 17, 2022
    Tk'ya'pyk, Killer Angel and Bowser like this.

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