I have recently been painting up a box of skinks. To do the basing I have used sodium bicarbonate with superglue (in this case cyanoacrylate). Due to the bottle either being open for too long or the opening at the top too wide the glue was a bit thicker than expected. This meant that is didn't fully bond with the bicarbonate as I was expecting (it formed a sheet over the top of small pockets of glue). This wasn't too bad as it meant I could fold the surface over itself to form something that looked like roots etc. To encourage the glue to set I put it in a sealed plastic box in the fridge overnight (probably should just leave it out somewhere with more air flow/less moisture next time). Here's where it gets weird. This morning I went to see if it had set. The glue had which is nice. Unfortunately a white layer covered the majority of the painted skinks. Without wanting to repaint them all I've tried scraping some of the surface away with an old, firm brush. This has had mixed success in removing the glue layer without the paint. After a while (not sure if due to temperature or some of the surface being taken away) whenever I wetted the brush before wiping the model some of the glue disappeared. But only temporarily. I've wiped them down with a wet brush since and the glue goes clear when in contact with water. Beyond this the layer reappears as it dries. Does anybody have suggestions on how to remove this glue with minimal damage to the paint job? As an aside it does seem a cool effect in of itself. Using a spray bottle can uncover the paint on the models en masse (see below). It's almost like a "paint with water" book. I'm now tempted to make up an idoneth warband just to make them look like they're enshrouded in fog only to have a mist spray bottle of water on hand to unveil them. Sorry for the low image quality, the rear camera on my phone is busted (I'll grab better pics later).
I know that effect from glueing limbs on. The only solution I know is to paint over it. You could try matte varnish though, might work. I'd not recommend spraying your minis with water unless you have varnish on them, btw. I discovered that the base paints usually can take it, but some shades might not.
Cheers, will try varnishing over and see how it goes. Lesson learned with sorting the bases beforehand even if they are slots.