Blog The Legendary Lord Project

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Oh_Man, May 17, 2018.

  1. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    Bastiladon (Solar Engine)

    Known to the Skinks as the Bastiladon, this hulking quadruped is perhaps the most heavily-armoured beast in Lustria. It is a walking fortress, a living bastion covered in rock-hard bony skin, and then further protected by massive iron-like plates - a natural armour so dense that it can, sometimes, thwart the bite of the mighty Carnosaur. Even those blows that crack the outermost armour plates cannot penetrate deeply into the beast due to the Bastiladon's alternating layers of thick leathery skin and additional scales. Their incredibly thick and armoured hides allow them to carry devices which other beasts, even the revered Stegadon, steadfastly refuse. These revered and holy objects are mounted upon the great beast's back so that they might be activated to smite any who dare set foot in sacred Lustria.

    Upon need, the eldritch and inexplicable artefact known as a Solar Engine is taken from its secure chamber deep within the confines of a pyramid-temple and manoeuvred onto a Bastiladon’s carapace. Skink Priests declare that the Bastiladon is favoured by Chotec — the Lord of the Sun — and that this creature alone is worthy to carry the Solar Engine. Whether this is true, or if the hoary Bastiladon is simply the only jungle creature that will bear the superheated device upon its back, is unknown. When activated, the arcane machine radiates invigorating rays that stir nearby reptilian creatures to energetic new heights of action and violence. When the attending Skink crew intone the correct blessings to Chotec, the Solar Engine also blasts forth a beam of intense heat, which burns the foe like the condensed rays of the sun itself.

    The big boys:

    My Lizardmen collection has gotten too big for one shelf so I've decided to split up the shelves with Skinks on one and Saurus on the other. You can also glimpse some future projects waiting to receive the brush:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    That's all, folks!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
    LizardWizard, Lium, Warden and 5 others like this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ooooohhh, nice work!

    As for the gem: you could try a careful edge highlight with white, and/or apply a yellow glaze, and/or apply a bit of gloss varnish.
    Last edited: May 21, 2019
    LizardWizard, Oh_Man and Imrahil like this.
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Impressive armies already, and still a lot to paint ;)
    Good job:artist: and Good luck

    regarding the Bastilodon Gem, bit of bright white on the edges might do it.

    Gr, Imrahil

    [edit: Aginor beat me to it ;)]
    LizardWizard and Oh_Man like this.
  4. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Good stuff like it a lot!

    Maybe try a colour change - grading in or out of yellow at either end?
    LizardWizard and Oh_Man like this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    That is some high quality work!
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  6. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    Kroxigors are giant crocodilian relatives of the Saurus. They are hulking creatures, their bodies consisting of slabs of rock-hard muscle and massive jaws bristling with razor-sharp teeth. When enraged, they unleash their only form of speech - a blood-curdling roar that reverberates across the jungle. During times of war, units of Kroxigors are used as shock troops to batter enemy battlelines. In combat, formations of Kroxigors and Skinks prove unusually effective, with the Skinks able to pepper foes with poison-tipped javelins before crashing headlong into combat, where they are backed up by the crushing power provided by the mighty Kroxigors. Because of their massive frames, Kroxigors can easily reach over any intervening Skinks, allowing the reptilian giants to pulp more than their share of any foe.

    This has been sitting in my Age of Sigmar starter box for a long time but I have always been itching to paint this one model in particular and finally I decided I couldn't wait any longer and assembled and painted it. Hopefully I will get around to the rest of the box one day. I have told myself I won't be purchasing Soul Wars until I do - and I really want to paint up some of the Souls Wars models too :p
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Khorgorath hurls itself into battle with untamed savagery. Every swing of its grotesquely swollen limbs throws broken foes through the air. Every snap of its claws sees another head torn bloody from a ragged, spurting neck. Blades glance off its iron-hard flesh to no avail, while even those attackers who draw blood rarely live long enough to enjoy their triumph. Within moments, little but torn meat remains of the foe, the din of battle replaced by the awful crunch and slurp as the Khornate beast gluts itself upon a feast of severed heads.

    And chipping away at my Endless Spells collection:
    Burning Head
    Formed from the fires of Aqshy, the Burning Head is a blazing skull that scorches its way across the battlefield, incinerating ranks of troops and inflaming the anger of those who draw close.

    Prismatic Palisade
    The crystalline spars of the Prismatic Palisade are formed of pure light, hardened into a barrier that bathes those on the battlefield in the blinding rays of Hysh.

    Geminids of Uhl-Ghysh
    Drawn from the twilight demi-realm between Hysh and Ulgu, the Geminids lash out with the raw magic of light and shadow, annihilating the flesh and alternately filling the mind with horrific lies and unbearable truths.

    Chronomantic Cogs
    Like the procession of the heavens, the rotations of the Chronomantic Cogs control the passage of time, allowing wizards to speed or slow the events that are unfolding around them.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2019
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Your work looks spectacular, very clean painting:artist:

    Gr, Imrahil
    LizardWizard and Oh_Man like this.
  8. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    Thanks Imrahil. Completed another Legendary Lord for my Legendary Lord project today as well as a couple other random models. Gonna start work on Orion, King of the Woods next!

    Tiktaq'to (riding Zwup)

    The cagey but death-defying Skink Chief known as Tiktaq’to has proven himself peerless when it comes to aerial combat and leading bold hit-and-run attacks from the sky, leading his squadron from atop his Terradon, Zwup; a keen sense of when and where to strike has led TikiTaq’to to countless victories against forces many times greater than his own. Those among his foes who know his reputation attempt to shoot his force out of the air as soon as they come within range – a feat easier said than done, since the Master of Skies leads his formations in such breath-taking aerial manoeuvres that they can evade clouds of arrows and emerge unscathed to deliver their own lethal attacks.

    The Blade of Ancient Skies: The Blade of Ancient Skies was carved from the dense, fossilised jawbone of a monstrous, sky-borne predator that went extinct in ages long past.

    Mask of Heavens: This mask allows the wearer to meld his consciousness with the minds of the mighty Terradons. Dominating the will of the beasts, Tiktaq'to and his Terradons fly through the jungle as though they were a single entity, dodging trees and enemy arrows and striking the foe with all the skill possessed by their Skink Master.

    Terradon Riders
    Terradons are large flying reptiles that have haunted the skies above Lustria since time immemorial. They are dangerous predators with sharp talons and pointed beaks that are filled with needle-like teeth. Many creatures fear to see the ominous shadow of their wide wingspan or to hear the shrill and piercing cries of their hunting packs. Skinks have mastered the art of riding Terradons by capturing their hatchlings at a young enough age that the beasts bond with their future riders - no easy matter considering the height and precariousness of Terradon lairs. There is a great demand for Terradon Riders as messengers and scouts, and they are exceptionally useful in battle. There, they streak ahead of the main Lizardmen force, the Skinks clinging to the flying reptiles' backs, launching poison-tipped javelins or slinging deadly fireleech bolas. Veteran riders, known as Sky Leaders, know to harass larger units, whittling them down to size before flying into combat to finish them off.

    Balewind Vortex
    A swirling, violently swaying vortex of fell energies that can be summoned by the most powerful wizards in the mortal realms and used as a platform from which to cast their spells, a Balewind Vortex is a terrifying sight to behold on the battlefield. When summoned, its howling gusts push any aggressors away from the wizard who called upon it, leaving him unmolested to blast away with the amplified magical abilities he gleans from the Vortex. Painted by my partner. :D

    Soulsnare Shackles
    Decrepit chains clatter and rusted manacles grind as the Soulsnare Shackles snap at their prey, seeking to clamp down on the spirits of their victims so that they can drag them back to the Great Oubliette in Shyish.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
    LizardWizard, Imrahil, Warden and 2 others like this.
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Good job!
    Nice to see the Master of the Skies, I am playing his campaign in TWW2 right now. :)
    LizardWizard and Oh_Man like this.
  10. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    Nice. I just finished Ikit Claw's campaign two weeks ago. Tiktaq'to was still a thorn in my side throughout the entire campaign whereas Tehenhauin got wiped out very early on by Lokhir Fellheart. :p

    Even the mighty Lord Mazdamundi did not last as long as Tiktaq'to since I wiped out his capital city with a doomsphere.
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  11. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    The main problem playing Tiktaq-to is that I am missing the living battering ram that is Kroq-Gar. That one can basically tank half an army by himself, and get out of there again. And he makes Saurus a lot cheaper.
    I tried but couldn't make the Saurus-less army happen. The red crested Skinks just die too quickly.
    But that might just be me sucking at that game. :D
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  12. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    I heard a good strat is just to go hard on the terradons and missile and artillery units. Expend all your ammo and then flee the battle, then rinse-repeat. The next battle your ammo will be back at full but their troops will still have all the losses from the first fight.
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  13. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I've never retreated from battle in TWW. :D
    Might be worth a try.

    But then I have Kroak and a Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur in my army now and that added quite some power. :)
    LizardWizard likes this.
  14. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    I play Tiktaq'to as well and he is probably one of the most cost effective lords I ever seen. Good micro on Terradons as well as cycle charging them properly once they get out of ammo usually leads me to 0 or single number unit loss battles having a smaller army than the AI.
    You never have to retreat because you have so much value with just so little. Also his starting army is a pretty good hint how to build him.

    They are bad, but the ones from Regiments of Renown are super good to bait and blob enemies as they are much tankier than usual skinks, but I dropped them anyway to have more Saurus cav because they synergy with the lord buffs better (primary unit buff buffs both Saurus Cav and Flying!).

    Skaven are such a perfect counter to Tiktaq'to builds though :(

    Speaking about the models, did you convert the model for Tiktaq'to or bought used one?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  15. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    It comes in the Terradon kit no converting necessary.
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  16. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Oh, then I know which pack to buy next ;)
    LizardWizard and Oh_Man like this.
  17. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    Hey everyone! Exciting day today for me because I have several models to show off plus celebration of reaching some significant milestones for my project!

    Lord Kroak
    I definitely plan to add some red and blue highlights to him in the future, but I was simply dying to add him to my blog today so forgive his lack of colour! EDIT: Coloured!
    Lord Kroak may have been the eldest of the fabled First Generation. The mysterious Old Ones taught Kroak about the Winds of Magic and shared the secrets to unwinding time’s delicate threads. So ancient are they that it was Kroak and his peers who taught the first Elves to wield magic. These things and more has Kroak seen; he is fated to endure until the universe’s very last moment. Making the most profound of sacrifices during the Great Catastrophe, his indomitable spirit simply would not concede defeat. In the wake of Itza’s defence, Kroak’s loyal Skink attendants lamented their master’s death. His body was scattered far and wide, so they diligently collected every last scrap of that ravaged body and, with great reverence, the remains were swathed in resin-soaked wrappings; thus was created the first Relic Priest…

    Golden Death Mask: Lord Kroak's golden death mask protects the mummified head of the venerable Relic Priest. Its most striking features are the two staring eyes made from smooth white and yellow gemstones inlaid to represent the all-seeing and unblinking eyes of Lord Kroak, staring out of eternity and watching over his minions. The hypnotic effect of the mask hinders foes attempting to attack him.

    Orion, King in the Woods & his Hunting Hounds
    I actually used the Hexwraith paint on Orion's body and the Hounds, which is the paint recommended for painting Nighthaunt. I'm really happy with how it turned out!

    Orion is the King of Athel Loren. He is immortal, but his existence is irrevocably tied to the seasons. Thus does he pass willingly into his own funeral pyre each Midwinter, only to be reborn into thunderous life on the first day of Spring. Each year, on the eve of the vernal equinox, the Wild Riders select a young prince who will bear the mantle of Orion for the coming year. This chosen one is led to the Oak of Ages and given over to Ariel's keeping. There, she works the miracle of rebirth, sculpting her lost husband anew from the chosen one's flesh and Kurnous' spirit. On the following morning, the chosen one emerges from the Oak's embrace, a mortal Elf no longer, but reborn as Orion, god-king of Athel Loren.


    Hawk's Talon: Crafted from a single smooth span of rare wythelwood, Hawk's Talon is the pinnacle of the huntsman's craft. Of all the Elves, only Orion possesses the incredible strength to draw this weapon. This is as it should be, for as the forest's foremost hunter only he has the skill to wield Hawk's Talon to its fullest effect.

    Spear of Kurnous: This spear is a living weapon. It was crafted long ago from the bole of the glorious birch tree that grew in Isha's heavenly garden, and bound with enchantments to nurture and renew its bearer. The Spear of Kurnous is irrevocably bound to its master, and always returns to Orion's hand should he cast it at a foe, which he does often. The King in the Woods holds that a true hunter can bring down any prey with a spear as easily as a bow, and ever seeks to prove the merit of his words. Of course, the Spear of Kurnous' colossal size gives him a substantial advantage over other preyseekers - when driven by his peerless might, it can disembowel a deepwood auroch as easily as it can a man.

    Cloak of Isha: This sacred garment is woven anew each spring by the Mage Queen Ariel herself. It is the only protection Orion wears in battle, and the only one that he needs. It is through the Cloak of Isha that Ariel grants her beloved a portion of her own strength, ensuring that the wounds he suffers are fleeting.

    Horn of the Wild Hunt: This horn is one of the oldest artifacts in all of Athel Loren. Legend tells it was a gift from Kurnous to his mortal children at the dawn of creation, a token of his favour that placed them above the myriad brutish beasts of the world. Now the Horn of the Wild Hunt has returned to its rightful master. In Orion's hands it is more than merely a symbol of a god's favour; it is the vessel of the Hunter God's savagery and determination, and imbues a portion of Kurnous' wildness in all who hear its blare.

    My partner's creation!
    A Loonboss never fights fair, ducking and weaving around his enemies and hurling mobs of cackling goblins at them to wear them down, before finishing them off with a blade to the throat or between the shoulder blades.

    And, lastly, with the completion of Orion and Lord Kroak I have completed not one but two factions for my Legendary Lord Project! EDIT: Well, with the release of a new DLC by Total War Warhammer 2 my Lizardmen collection is now incomplete again!​

    Faction Complete: Lizardmen

    Faction Complete: Wood Elves


    It has felt like a long time since I made any progress on my Legendary Lords Project, because I've been enjoying collecting and painting armies so much that I've been getting sidetracked! So it's great to finally feel like I'm making progress on it again. My plan in the future though is to continue painting up armies and collecting legendary lords on the side. It has been an epic journey and the finish line is still a long way off!

    Thanks for reading. See you all next time!
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
    LizardWizard, Imrahil, Aginor and 2 others like this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Great looking collection, specifically the lizards :cool:
    LizardWizard and Oh_Man like this.
  19. Lium

    Lium Active Member

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    If I might say so, Orion's green looks a little bright. It gives him a sort of ethereal look.
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  20. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    That's good to hear because that is exactly what I was going for. Remember, Orion is no mere elf; he's the Avatar of Kurnos. He literally has a god inside him.

    So I wanted to portray him with the Hexwraith Flame as if he's glowing from the barely contained energies of the god inside him, and I went with green because of the forest/life theme of the Wood Elves.

    Hunting Hounds are the same. In the game they're a spell so I wanted them to look like beings of pure energy.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
    LizardWizard, Imrahil and Warden like this.

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