Here's my first converted models: Gor-Rok and a Scar Veteran with great weapon. Unfortunately, the digital camera brought out all the imperfections and wear marks, but I'm still proud of them. Both used a temple guard figurine as the base. With Gor-rok, I tried to blunt down his spines and armor as though they have been worn down through centuries of fighting. I think his "resilient" special rule is well represented here, though I feel I may have gone a bit over the top... The Scar Vet was my first use of "green stuff", as I had to cut his leg joints away to make him lean into the swing.
Re: Saurus Hero Conversions Those conversions look great, and I will definitely be stealing your Gor-Rok conversion, that is pretty damn sick. Keep it up.
Re: Saurus Hero Conversions Gor-Rok definitely is pretty sick! I like the colour and the many wounds. Good job with the blood, I don't think you overdid it, its just about right imho. How did you make the shield? Is it the TG standard with pieces from the stegadon howdah?
Re: Saurus Hero Conversions Yep, it's a Temple Guard standard. The pointy bits and skulls on top are temple guard accessories, and the blades in front are saurus spear points. The back of his mace is from a stegadon kit, and so are the arrows sticking out of him. The severed arm, head, and spear in his chest are from a Chaos horse rider I bartered for. Glad you like him! Next to Gor-rok, the Scar veteran seems a little drab. Any ideas to liven him up a bit?
I don't think you need to do something to your scar veteran, he is also great the way he looks (nice work with the green stuff and the lounging pose e.g.). But if you want, you could try to give him little Standards on his back like Chakax has. I've got no idea how you should do that, but that could be something to make him stand out even more from the rest of your troops.
Hmm... The little flags that come with Cold One Cavalry might work for that. Kind of like the Japanese warriors you see in history books with a banner attached to their back. That would also work for making him the battle standard bearer in smaller games. Thanks for the idea!
I definitely like your Gor-Rok Model. I want to make one too. The only problem is I want to try and make him from scratch. It would be my first attempt at sculpting and would therefore most likely be trash and ruin the envisioned Gor-Rpk in my head. lol. but i decided to start out by making the shield. I definitely like your shield. I might borrow some ideas if you don't mind. Overall, great job!
I just LOVE that shield on Gor-Rok. And the battle wounds... awesome. The scar-vet also looks good, would like to see him together with a sauri block to see how much he stands out compared to normal sauri.
Wow, thanks for all the feedback everyone. Feel free to take any ideas you see fit, I'd be honored. If I can get a hold of the camera again, I'll post a picture of the heroes in with some finished Saurus.