Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Xa laid unmoving on the marshy flora, his breath was shallow, and he had a odd wheeze. The back of his skull was cracked and blood still poured from the wound. He was close to death three was no question of that. The only question was if Ilok could summon the power to heal the brave saurus. The party gathered round as Ilok moved forward.

    4 magic points to heal 1 wound (all he has btw)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok had found his focus again, and started casting.
    He did not know much about the anatomy, but did know how to heal wounds.

    The blood stopped spilling almost immedeatly. Then a white light emitted from within Xa's skull, the crack in his skull was closed. His skull was in one piece again, and so was his mind.
    Within seconds after completing the spell, Xa could walk again. Moments later; his weapon was in his hands again.

    He still had it.

    OOC((+2 magic, -4 magic.))

    The Hunted
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  3. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    Xa was still shocked as he started milling around. The others watched as he recovered. Xa thanked the small skink with a nod although he did not remember fully what had happened. Soon enough the party where navigating the marshes once more.
    +2 skillzz
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  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The group moves through the swamplands quickly and quietly, noticing tiny versions of the creature they fought along the way, the decided to simply avoid the majority of them as they felt no need to stop. I took nearly a day before they reached dry land again. Once again they rested, though for the skinks water was their natural habitat. Somehow the group all felt drained, rest was something they all needed.
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  5. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Well I got promoted at work so it looks like my posting will decrease a bit. I probably won't be able to post on Sundays. Sorry guys but that's gonna be my catch up day for paper work and the lot.
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  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    The group sat down and set up camp. They were all tired.

    Ilok had trouble with seeing the weave, first signs of exhaustion. He was sure that there was dark
    energy nearby, but couldn't find any of it.
    He'd look for it after he had some sleep.

    OOC(:) +2 magic))

    The Hunted
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  7. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc was spent after the fight with the plant creature and the trek through the swamp. He had to move nearly twice as quickly as normal to patrol back and forth out in front to ensure the party was safe. Creatures were boundless in the wet environment and Huaroc was compelled beyond anything to ensure his companions were safe.

    By the time they'd reached the end of the swamp he felt absolutely tired. Yet he found an inner strength which did not belie his small stature. All the Lizardmen race were this way, able to continoue onward when most other races would have given up and fallen over dead. Their strength gave Huaroc pride.

    His usual parimeter sweep brought up nothing out of the ordinary, which he was gratefull for. But what he did find was a nest of salamander eggs unattended pretty far away from the camp. He grabbed a few of the gigantic eggs (indeed nearly the size of Huaroc himself) and brought them back to camp as tonight's stapple meal.
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  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The morning came and instead of the welcoming sun, the lizards woke to a steady downpour, the rain dripped off their scales, and into their eyes causing them to blink. The moved trying their best to find shelter from the rain, but always moving forward. The rain brought with it a fog, the group could only see a few yards ahead of themselves.

    However the fog, did do something benificial to them it amplified sound, as they where moving quietly through the jungle. The could hear voices ahead, not lizardmen voices, human voices. Deep and harsh, they could hear them just ahead. But could see nothing of the men, however as they moved forward one of the lizardmen temples broke through the fog. Immediately one thing came to mind for the group, raiders!
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  9. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec prepared himself for the possible battle. He only wished that he had a Terradon to rain fire upon the raiders from above. Unsheathing his javelin, Hexec looked forward and prepared to hear back from Huaroc as to what the raiders were doing.
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  10. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    After the night Hzutli felt well rested. He needed that extra rest as he spent a lot of energy killing that tree-like creature. Moving through the fog the next morning, Hzutli was still tired. Once the group heard the human voices, Hzutli prepared his sword that would bring the wrath of the Old Ones' to these pesky raiders.
    ((+4 battle and +3skill for the last few posts I missed))
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  11. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc's blood boiled instantly from the rage of having humans invaiding their sacred temple. Glancing back briefly at llok, Huaroc nodded briefly just before his scales turned the exact shade and texture of the background. With silent steps he dissapeared into the maize of the temple.

    His words were hissed and hushed...

    "I will return, wait for me."

    ((-2 Blend))
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  12. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok ordered everybody to wait untill Huaroc comes back; or he strikes.
    And then go all-out.

    He looked at the humans, though they could barely be seen, Ilok felt a great inner rage growing again.
    The weave in this area looked good, no knots or anything else. The temple provides magical stability.

    OOC(:) +2 magic))

    The Hunted
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  13. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Huaroc moved through the brush, he came to a massive tree, and hid behind it for cover. Looking back he could still make out the shapes of his lizardmen brethren. He moved forward till he was near the entrance to the temple. Quickly he ducked behind another tree an peered out. He looked forward, barely he could make out the shape of four large humans, in the center was a thinner one with his hands outstretched to the sky.

    Odd, though Huaroc, what could they be doing? Just then the fog cleared just for a moment, but Huaroc saw something that caused his ever changing skin to pale. The man with the outstretched hands, also bore a set of tentacle arms. These where not raiders, these where warriors of Chaos.

    Just then Huaroc's 360 degree moving eyes caught something moving to the right of him, just in time to duck, avoiding the huge axe that cleaved the tree nearly a foot deep. The man was covered in blue tattoo's he stood about six and a half feet tall, and rippled with muscle. He roared at Huaroc, digging his axe out of the tree. Huaroc's heart pounded as he could hear the others warriors coming towards him.

    ((There are 3 marauder's on Huaroc, and two on the temple steps guarding the chaos sorcerer, sorcerer has 2 wounds))

    BS 3+ - kill a maurader with ranged - 3 skill
    BS 2 or less - kill a marauder with ranged - 6 skill
    WS 3 or less kill a marauder - 4 battle
    WS 3 or less with 2 attacks - kill a marauder - 3 battle
    WS 3 or less with 3 attacks - kill a marauder - 2 battle
    WS 4+ kill a marauder - 3 battle
    WS 4+ with 2 attacks - kill a marauder - 2 battle
    WS 4+ with 3 attacks - kill a marauder - 1 battle
    Magic Kill a marauder - 3 magic

    BS 3 or less - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer with ranged - 8 skill (fog is thick, and he's got armor)
    BS 4 - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer with ranged - 7 skill (fog is thick, and he's got armor)
    BS 5 - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer with ranged - 6 skill (fog is thick, and he's got armor)
    WS 4 or less - S3 or less - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 6 Batttle
    WS 5 or more - S3 or less - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 4 Batttle
    WS 4 or less - S4 - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 5 Batttle
    WS 5 or more - S4 - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 3 Batttle
    WS 4 or less - S5+ - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 4 Batttle
    WS 5 or more - S5+ - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 2 Batttle
    Magic - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer - 4 magic
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  14. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    With an earth trembling roar Hzutli sprinted out of the groups concealed place. Hefting his sword in two hands as usual, Hzutli charged for one of the marauders pressing Huaroc, he would not let his friend perish. As the marauder yanked his axe from the tree Hzutli pounced on him. The impact of the three hundred pound saurus sent the two tumbling to the ground. Expecting the result Hzutli was the quicker to his feet. With an overhead strike Hzutli intended to crush the man below him. Obviously this one was skilled as he managed to get his axe up to block while still on one knee. Countering with a swipe across aiming at the legs, Hzutli had to jump back to avoid it. The man then rose but was met with a cunning riposte from Hzutli, the barbs on Hzutli's sword managed to break the axe handle that the man somehow managed to get down in time. Without a weapon the man was consequently brutalized by Hzutli.
    Moving back to Huaroc, Hzutli observed the situation and waited to see everyone else's move before he would act so impetuously again.

    ((-2 battle, I have 2 attacks but strength 5, so...))
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  15. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec knew what he had to do. Sprinting forward he hefted a javelin and whipped it right towards one of the Marauders attacking Huaroc. Catching the Marauder by surprise, the javelin went right through his neck, the wound killing him instantly. He took out his blowpipe and loaded it with two darts in one smooth motion. He turned and puffed hard, the darts flying towards the Marauders guarding the Sorcerer. The darts caught one in the arm and the other in his leg. They saw Hexec and began moving towards him. As they began to move towards him, one's legs started to stop functioning, the poison working immediately. The other made it to Hexec, but he sidestepped the axe strike and watched as the Marauder collapsed, the poisons finishing him off. Suddenly, Hexec heard a swishing and instinctively rolled away. He turned around and saw the last Marauder attacking him. He watched the rest of his party coming towards him and hoped they arrived soon enough.
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  16. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc grunted his thanks to the Saurus Hzutli for saving him. His thanks to Hexec was paid in kind with a dart. The Marauder which had just swung at him in a mighty arc suddenly fell back, clutching one side of his head with his free hand. The other side of his head there was a fluff of feathery down, brilliant red in the dappled sunlight, protruding from his temple. The dart attached to the down was imbedded into the soft part of his skull. He fell to the side as his body was stiff as a board.

    Huaroc pulled out a poisoned dart from his sling. He knew he wouldn't be able to finish off the intruding sorcerer but he could at least wound it. Stuffing the dart into the end of the pipe he rested the business end in the crook of a tree root and took careful aim.

    The huff of air thrust the dart towards the invading wizard. It's tip buring deeply under his arm into the soft flesh there between plates of chaos armour. Huaroc gave a toothy smile as the non-too frail man roared in pain.

    ((-9 skill))
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  17. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil was raged - How did the warm bloods dare to bring their blasphemy to this holy ground?!? They must be punished!

    Seeing that his comrades expertly handled all of the brutes accompanying the vile sorcerer, he roared his challenge and charged the wizard.

    Alas, the sorcerer was no fool, and not a week enemy as the ratmen. He avoided Tzuhil's dagger stab and blocked his sword strike with his stuff. Tzuhil knew that in the moment he will move from offense to defense he is finished, so he desperately slashed repeatedly at the mutated caster, who seemed to expect every strike. As the sorcerer hefted his barbed stuff to strike back, his eyes dark with rippling energy as he planned his next spell, Tzuhil saw his chance. He rolled underneath his rivals legs and chopped at his knee, making him fall to the ground. As the thing bellowed in agony Tzuhil inserted his dagger in all his strength into an exposed eye, reaching the brain and killing him. Only problem now was, that Tzuhil was stuck under a body almost twice his weigh, and the tentacles still moved faintly.

    Victory, Tzuhil thought, was theirs.

    +8 skill & +1 beast for missing posts, -1 battle & 8 skill for inflicting the final wound on the sorcerer.
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  18. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((Xlcontiqu - You need to deduct points for yesterday's post still))

    Tzuhi wiggled himself free of the sorcerer's body, the limp thing stopped moving. The party began to investigate the bodies of the fallen warriors, when suddenly the sorcerers body began to wiggle and thrash around. He flipped on his back, then arched, abruptly his stomach exploded, splitting the armor as though it was butter, and sending metal fragments in the air. His chest separated, the neck broke and split at the chin. A mouth appeared in the chest wound. Four tentacle arms burst out of the stomach, and two eyes on long stalks popped out of the neck. Claws burst out of what used to be the creatures hands and feet, making some sort of crazy quadruped.

    Wound it with ranged - S4or less - BS 3 or less - 6 skill
    Wound it with ranged - S4 or less - BS 4+ or less - 5 skill
    Wound it in close combat - S4 or less - 6 battle
    Wound it in close combat - S4 or less - 2 attacks- 5 battle
    Wound it in close combat - S4 or less - 3+ attacks- 4 battle
    Wound it in close combat - S5+ - 4 battle
    Wound it in close combat - S5+ - 2 attacks- 3 battle
    Wound it in close combat - S5+- 3+ attacks- 2 battle
    Wound it with magic - 3 magic

    Spawn has 3 wounds, also Something a whipped up quick :) Warning kinda gory.
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  19. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc blanched at the horrible thing which errupted from the body of the warm blood. Ducking behind a fallen tree he pulled out an especially long and barbed dart from his back and incerted it carefully into the blow pipe. Taking aim at the wriggling but still unmoved spawn he fired the shot into it's center.

    The long black dart lanced into the creature and it unleashed an unearthly howl of rage and pain from Huaroc's missle. It clearly was hurt but so very much alive.

    ((-5 skill, -1 wound to beast))
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  20. Cuauhtémoc

    Cuauhtémoc New Member

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    Tzuhil was tired. His grapple with the sorcerer left him exhausted. Still, his skittish nature left him unable to leave a job half-finished. Not desiring to risk his vital organs more then it was reasonable, Tzuhil backed away while unloading his blowpipe.

    Tzuhil knew that his race brewed poison so lethal that even this creature would suffer from its effects. With a puff, he released the dart, and watched as the creature thrashed in pain.

    "If monstrosities like this can feel pain, this will definitely be an example", he thought.

    +4 skill, -6 skill for wound.
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