Hey so this is my first time posting pics of these, first off is Lotl my Saurus Oldblood hes not quite finished yet but hes well on his way. And this is my Saurus Scar-vet on coldone also converted and actually painted, when i painted this one I was messing around with different variations of blues a greens still havent found a combination of the two that I like heh, let me know what you guys think please
That scar-vet looks really... cartoonish if i had to put a word on it. In a good way i must add. Made me think of dino riders there for a bit I like the colors on both, the OB looks like he´s fresh from the shower atm. Waiting to see the final result.
Ok so the greenstuff one looks incredibly good, youre really talented on modelling but as for painting..... I really thought you were one of those god painters just because youre modelling skills are awesome.
The oldblood is looking good, is he pointing at someone? Is that GS, if it is it's awesomely done . That Scar Vet's head is awesome but the CO's scales could do with a little more contrast, a wash or something would be a big improvement imo. Are you thinning your paints? They look quite thick and if you thinned them with water they would go on smoother.
here is a little update I painted that Scar-vet sometime in December and haven't painted anything since then feels so weird getting back into it , anyways here is some pictures of how he looks so far im going with an all green with brown to white spikes and stomach with a black ink wash on the scales haven't finished the scales yet but here he is, got a photo of him with another saurus warrior as well so you can get an idea of how big he is.
IMO that oldblood is excellent. Both sculpting and painting are great. To be honest I was not too keen on the scar-vet's colour scheme (though his pose is awesome) and I was wondering how the oldblood would turn out
I think the weapon fits well! True that it looks more egyptian than aztec/mayan but I think it looks great.