Ok guys i am new to the warhammer lizardmen army but i have been colecting warhammer40k orcs for a while. Can YOU guys please give some tips in painting lizardmen and what should put in my army
CAUTION: WALL OF TEXT! Anyways, to start Lizardmen, you need to first choose who you want to lead your army. Your two Lord Choices are the Oldblood, which is an awesome combat machine, and the Slann, which is still the best magic-user in the game. My favorite build for the Oldblood is on a Carnosaur with Blade of Realities, especially if I'm facing an army full of multi-wound opponents, as Blade of Realities has the opportunity to remove anything that fails a Leadership test outright. I usually give him a bit of armor as well, although Lizardmen do come with a handy Scaly Skin save. A Cold One is another option as a mount, although I'm not a fan of having your General subject to Stupidity, even with the Cold-Blooded rule. On foot is rare, but still viable, as you can give him the Jaguar Totem, which contains the bound spell Steed of Shadows. If you can get that spell off, he becomes very handy at taking out enemy wizards. Several builds are available, and I suggest you try a couple until you find one that you're comfortable with. Next up is the Slann. While not the undisputed master of magic he was in 6th edition, he is still quite a powerful wizard, outstripped perhaps only by Teclis. Kitting him with different Disciples of the Ancients can affect how he performs. Personally, I'm a fan of the Focus of Mystery, which grants him access to every spell in a single lore, and The Focused Rumination, which adds a 'free' power dice. There are a few more, of course, with effects varying from Regeneration to causing Terror. He also has access to some interesting items, including the Bane Head, which doubles any wounds inflicted on a particular target, and the Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, which not only protects you from most Miscast results, but forces your enemy to suffer them instead. Most of the time, you will want a unit of Temple Guard to protect your fat frog from your enemies, and they are pretty dang solid. They gain Stubbornness and Immunity to Psychology when they're teamed up with a Slann, which not only lends itself well to the fluff behind them, but makes for a rock-solid bodyguard unit. It is important to note that a Revered Guardian can take magic item of up to 25 points in value. I personally never kit him out with anything more than what he comes with, but you can experiment and find some interesting combinations. Next up is your Hero choices. Special Characters aside, your options are a Saurus Scar-Veteran, a Skink Chief, and a Skink Shaman. All three are fairly solid options, in my opinion. The Scar-Veteran is basically a downgraded version of the Oldblood. He loses the ability to ride a Carnosaur, but is quite happy to jump on the back of a Cold One, but I tend only to do this if I have a unit of Saurus Cold One Riders for him to join. For smaller games, he makes an excellent general, and for larger games, he can bear the Jaguar Totem and provide support to your Lord choice. The Skink Chief is an interesting choice, and unfortunately, I haven't played him a lot, and thus don't have a lot of advice on how to use him. He is unique in that he can ride a Terradon, which not only gives me an excuse to pick up the Tiktaq'to model, but can give your Terradon riders some excellent support. You may also come across the "Blackhawk" build, which includes him on a Terradon with a ranged weapon, usually the Staff of the Lost Sun. He can also jump on the back of a Stegadon or an Ancient Stegadon, though sadly, he cannot use the ranged weapons of either outfit, so his Ballistic Skill is slightly wasted in this case. Equipped with a Stegadon War-Lance, however, he is a force to be reckoned with, as it causes the beast beneath him to inflict 2D6+1 impact hits rather than the normal 1D6+1. Again, I haven't had a lot of time to test him out, so you'll have to do some experimenting to find out what works and what works slightly better. The Skink Shaman always seems to find his way into my list, even though he is an average Wizard at best. He uses the Lore of Heavens, although he can channel any Magic Missile attack from the Slann. I give him a level upgrade, and almost always seat him on the back of a mighty Engine of the Gods, which has its own magical powers listed in the Lizardmen Army Book. Other useful items I tend to give him are the Plaque of Tepok, which allows him to know one more spell than he would normally be allowed, or the Diadem of Power, which allows him to save his unused Power Dice and add them to his dispel pool. Core choices are pretty standard. Generally, I like to take one or two units of Saurus Warriors and several units of Skink Skirmishers. Saurus Warriors, though slow, are tough opponents for any army. The loss of the Predatory Fighter special rule doesn't hurt as much as some people would think, unless you're like me and you had to cut off all their arms and re-equip them with Spears. I usually take them in units of 5 wide by 3 deep, although I've seen a number of different formations being used. As with everything else, I suggest you experiment and find what works for you. Skink Skirmishers are probably my favorite unit in the entire army. They're weedy little fellas, and they should never ever be in Close Combat unless you are 100% sure that you'll win. They come stock with Blowpipes, which deliver a barrage of Poisoned shots that comes in handy a lot. I never equip them with Javelins & Shields, and I never include a Brave in a unit, because they are a little weak to be spending points on. I find the best unit size for them is 10. 7th edition also brought back Skink Cohorts, which have yet to find a use in my army list. These are Skinks that rank up, and can include Kroxigor if you wish. Again, I've never used this unit, so I can't really give any advice on it. Another Core unit is the Jungle Swarms, but I have yet to use this unit also. It should be noted that they do not count towards the minimum number of Core Units that you have to have in your army. It also should be noted that they're fairly expensive for what they do, and thus, do not see a lot of use. For Special choices, you have a few options, namely Chameleon Skinks, Terradon Riders, Temple Guard Cold One Cavalry, Kroxigor, and Stegadons. Chameleon Skinks are the spies of the Lizardmen Army. They have the Scout rule, as well as the Chameleons special rule, which makes them harder to shoot at. While I personally don't usually include them in my army, many other people do, so I would suggest at least trying them out before you make a decision. Though the option is available, I wouldn't upgrade to a Stalker, as the points are better spent elsewhere. Terradons are another one of my favorite units, mostly because I like the idea of little dinosaurs riding big Bird-o-sauruses and dropping rocks on people's heads. They have access to the Feigned Flight rule, as they are Fast Cavalry, and can move through woods and jungles with ease thanks to the Arboreal Predator rule. Dropping Rocks never gets old, particularly if an enemy unit is forced to flee because of it. Crafty players can set this up so that enemy units run right off the board. I usually take a couple units of 3 each. Temple Guard was covered earlier, but I think it should be mentioned that they are a Special choice now, and not a Core choice as in 6th edition. As such (and also because of their points cost), I would never field them if I didn't have a Slann in my army. Cold One Cavalry is a pretty solid choice if you ask me, despite Stupidity. They're almost necessary if you have a Character mounted on a Cold One. I usually take a unit of 5 or 6, and Command in my opinion is a little pricey, so if you're running out of points, don't worry about it. They also have access to Magic Banners, including Huanchi's Blessed Totem, which allows them to add D6" to their charge move, and the Jaguar Standard, which causes the unit to pursue and extra D6". A note on Stupidity: with Cold Blooded, you're not going to fail as many tests as you might think. Next up is the woeful tale of the Kroxigor. They dropped in Strength since 6th edition, which makes them nowhere near as useful as they were, and the slight drop in points hardly justifies this. However, I'm deeply in love with the models and fluff, so I do try and give them a chance. As I said earlier, they can also be taken in a unit of Skinks, which means they won't be using up a Special slot that way. I invite and encourage you to try them out and see if you like them or not. The last Special unit is the mighty Stegadon. It should be noted that if you have a Stegadon or an Ancient, they do not take up the respective Special/Rare slot. I find the Stegadon isn't quite as useful without the Chief on his back, but that's not to say that it's not a good unit. The Great Bow is quite useful against large units of ranked-up units. The Ancient version of the Stegadon falls into the rare choices, as well as the Salamander and Razordon Hunting Packs. The Ancient Stegadon is, as the name suggests, an older Stegadon, and the stat line changes to reflect the slower, but steadier and stronger nature of the old-timer. Instead of the Giant Bow, the Ancient Stegaodon is equipped with a pair of Giant Blowpipes, which each fire 2D6 poisoned shots, which are aptly named "Sotek's Sting" according to the fluff. It should be noted that the Engine of the Gods is only available on the Ancient Stegadon when a Skink Shaman is riding it, and it does not have the Giant Blowpipes. The Salamander Hunting Pack is another one of my favorite units. They are the living artillery of the Lizardmen army. Each unit contains one to three Salamanders, and 3 Skink Handlers per Salamander. You can also include an extra Handler per Salamander, because a Misfire means that the Salamander got a little impatient and decided to chow down on a Skink instead! Their Spout Flames attack is quite deadly; it causes any unit hit by it to take a Panic test, but that's only if they survive after having their armor save reduced by 3. They are also unique in the Lizardmen army in that they use a Flame Template to attack. Razordon Hunting Packs work in a similar fashion, only instead of shooting a ball of fire, they attack by shooting their spines at their enemies like a Porcupine. They are devastating in Close Combat, as you roll two artillery dice as opposed to one on a Stand and Shoot reaction. However, they're also a little bit more risky in doing this, as it may lead to 2D3 Handlers being eaten in the event of a Misfire on both dice. For this reason, I do tend to use Salamanders over Razordons in my list, but they are both solid options, and it will take some testing out to find out which suits you best. And... That does it! I hope you found this at least a little bit helpful! My advice is to first decide what Lord you want, and then try out the different options above to find out what best fits your play-style.