Fiction The Theft of the Plaque of the Tzeletan Star

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by superskink3000, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    In the mist of the humid morning, Xachtek emerged from his cabin. They had been sailing fora fortnight now. The upstart warm-bloods had stolen the sacred plaque of the thirty-first cycle of the Tzeletan star. Xachtek had been ordered to pursue them by Lord Ochlyxl of Huatl. The previous night Xachtek had foreseen that the humans believed that they outran their pursuers, and that even now they lay at anchor in the next bay.

    To his left, Xachtek could see the blurred movements of the cold one riders moving swiftly through the jungle undergrowth. He planned on harrying the humans on the shore, forcing them to retreat onto their ship. When they were just boarding, he would begin the second stage of his attack. He would bring his own ship out to close off their escape.


    Nax'hua led his cold one riders through the jungle to their appointed rallying point. He could feel the excitement of each and every saurus throbbing in the humid air. They would charge at the humans directly opposite from the shore, forcing them towards their landing boats. Anxiety coursed through Nax'hua's veins. he urged his cold one faster and faster, trying to outpace even the most headstrong of the saurus.


    Back on the ship, Xachtek was approched by the most resolute of skink that he knew: Prottox the stubborn. "The boarding parties are ready" said Prottox. Xachtek could sense that they were close. He ordered the skink crews to slow the ship and prepare the giant bows that were rigged to either side of the ship. The skink alchemists had prepared a special missile that would ignite upon impact. This they would use to damage the ship when the battle began.


    Nax'hua and his saurus had reached the rallying point and began to organize their line. In mere moments all that they were meant to do would happen. Every saurus instinctively knew their task and were prepared to complete it in the name of the great Tzunki, their favoured deity.

    A monstrous roar from Nax'hua sounded the charge. With a great surge, the line of cavalry sped through the last of the undergrowth onto the beach. The human encampment became a great mass of confusion. Every man ran to where they had left their weapons. Few got them in time. The impact of the cold one charge was tremendous. Many men were killed instantly while many others just fled to the boats. Perfect.

    Nax'hua ordered the saurus to withdraw and feign regrouping. This would give the humans time to fall into their trap. The humans quickly clambered into the boats and were well on their way to their ship before Nax'hua returned to the camp.


    As the lizardmen ship rounded the corner, the humans realised their doom. Blocking the entrance to the bay, Xachtek ordered the skink crew to begin firing upon the enemy ship then entered a deep trance. Great terracotta projectiles soared through the air. At the human ship, all hell broke loose. The majority of the sailors were climbing up the side when the projectiles struck. Many were lost in the first crucial seconds as the flames began to engulf the landing boats and rigging.

    Meanwhile, the skinks and kroxigors that comprised the boarding parties leaped overboard and began to swim towards the listing ship. Seeing their danger, those who jumped overboard hastily began fighting for position to get out of the water. At this time their was a lull as the giant bows were being loaded. The humans saw their chance and a great rumble sounded as the cannons and mortars unleashed their payload only to be deflected by a shield of dancing colour. Xachtek knew of the potent weapons that the humans possessed and prepared just a spell to ward them off.


    The boarding parties reached the stranded ship and began to climb up the side using the razor points of their obsinite blades. However the humans were ready for them and a fierce battle ensued. Although their defense was staunch, the freshness of the lizardmen allowed them the upper hand. Collapsing from exhaustion, the human captain just sat down and waited to be captured. The skinks brought him and the sacred plaque back to Xachtek for his judgement. Loud and clear, Xachtek stated that there was no room for troublemakers such as this man in the Great Plan. He then unceremoniously slit his throat. The corpses of the humans on the shore were hung from the trees at the end of the peninsula to warn others of the risk they take when entering the domains of the lizardmen.

    So this is my first-ever fluff. I know it's long, and it may not have the best army description, I hope you liked it!
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Warden like this.
  2. Kamikazi

    Kamikazi New Member

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    quite good, very interestingly written :-D
  3. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    Hey, I enjoyed reading your first attempt at fluff. I liked the way it all tied together. Keep it up!

    Iggy Koopa
  4. lordofwar

    lordofwar New Member

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    ohh ah you have a problem sorry i am probably not undestanding but you said thay were sailing then the cold one riders were in the jungle undergrowth will show you now
  5. lordofwar

    lordofwar New Member

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    other than that great fluff

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