So I was trying to do a deep purple look for my terradons - and under a CFL bulb (which I have a desk lamp I usually paint under), I got a look I was fairly impressed with. (Black primer, basecoat enchanted blue, heavy amounts of badab black and leviathan purple washes, and then dry brush chaos black and liche purple on... highlight with silver and purple). Under the light, the terradon looks purple and you can see the hints of black and blue I've got in there... but in just a normal light situation, the miniature looks almost completely unpainted... its just black with some silver highlights. What did I likely do wrong to cause such a drastic difference based on how much lighting is on the miniature? and how do I fix it without repainting the entire miniature again? (need to figure out where the camera is packed away before I can try to take pictures to demonstrate what I mean)
Just the standard 60W replacement CFLs... it's an older one, not sure of the lumen/temp of the bulb exactly. It's how I've been painting my other minis so far, but they've all been typically a lighter shades.