Blog Suds Painting 2019: End of the Year Closing. Thanks Everyone for the support and great community!

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    No problem man! Just took me by surprise after creating/visualizing what I think is pretty great (minus the extra space which does kinda kill me), I apologize if I snapped back, just took me by surprise.

    I appreciate the physics and real life look at it, part of the reason I did the 60mm (aside from it being the best option that I have atm) is because I have 3 (they came with my Mierce Salamanders) so I was able to glue two together to make both back and front look the same instead of a big dip in the back. I also really want the Carno Head coming out from it, so figured a bigger size would be more realistic when summoning large creatures (as it is a Beast/serpent oriented astrolith banner). As for the weight...fuck, yeah a Krox would probably have an issue lifting that up for sure now that the math (im not strong in at all) is infront of me....which also means my Kroxi driver from my Thunderlizard is probably also not super realistic as its neck is going to be moving at more than 6 tonnes of pressure on the low side lol ah well

    As for the back side....something like this I was imagining. Going to clip off the spear heads so the two stick together back to back so its not AS crowded

    I would love the 50mm (or 2 if able?) if you are willing! Id like to see the difference for sure, and if it works out Ill buy a second one to glue together whenever I have a job again/am not constantly in the hospital like the past 3 months. If the 50mm rounds are better....maybe ill turn the 60mms into a spawning pool? Could be awesome

    Edit: I just noticed you said to move bits inside the base, the bottom picture shows how that would look. I was already debating that, they just arnt glued on atm and dont rest easily on the edge where Id want em

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    Last edited: Sep 10, 2019
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  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    My other thought was to have it positioned on top of this Sotek/Coatxl statue thing Im working on. Id put the banner pole where rhe toothpick is and probably put it on a clear stand peg and have an Oracle Ride the Statue 20190910_101436.jpg
    Cageyblood, Warden and Imrahil like this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, high quality luxury wood (by other Races standards of course) coated in gold. So still heavy, but maybe not the full weight to what was originally talked about, but still heavy for sure.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    One idea on the dead space is I could hand paint symbols throughout the dead spaces once everything is glued down in its forever space. Not sure what color Id use since I was thinking of doing the base as gold, but its an idea
    pendrake likes this.
  5. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    That ^ is a very promising ^ arrangement. Try raising the snakes until the feathers rise above the top edge as an experiment.

    PM me a mailing address; a pair of 50mm rounds are yours for the asking. (These are made by Reaper and the edges are vertical like WotC RPG figure bases.)

    Those five dangling things could be suspended from the carnosaur’s collar. That might help take up some internal real estate and make it less delicate.

    A painting / color scheme idea occurred to me: what if the carnohead was painted black to look like it was carved from meteoric stone? Or blackish green. Or whatever dark colour meteor star stone is said to be.

    I was thinking dark obsidian head contrasted with the gold.
    Warden, Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you, Im pretty hapoy with the back, will probably still trim the back spikes om the middle pieces though, and yeah good ieea with the feathers, will look more natural with the emblem in the front.

    I really like the Carno Meteoric Theme as it could either be just a carved Head or it could still be a Carnosaur being summoned but still in the "generating" phase as it were. Black with a skink blue or medium blue dry brush then shaded with a dark blue could look pretty cool. Or black with sotek green dry brushed then shaded with Tan-biel green maybe. I like the idea! Ill think on it

    Pictures below show moving 3 of the 5 heads/ornaments up to the Carnos neck and adding the carno reins on the bottom as another possible idea 20190910_131241.jpg 20190910_131336.jpg 20190910_131443.jpg
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    The reins look good there.
    I am a sucker for symmetry though, so the Stegadon bit in the upper middle bothers me a bit.
    But I have no good alternatives yet.
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, Im not 100% sold on that bit either, it just fell under the "beast catagory and ate some space. My best alternatives atm are another small carno face disc or a hand painted symbol of some sort? Like a Serpent or Lizardmen symbol for Beast or Carnosaur, something.
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Maybe a Saurus Knights or Saurus Guard kit could provide some more useful bits, IIRC they have all kinds of weird masks and feathers and stuff on their sprues.
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  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I do have extra stuff SK bits from my starter boxes...could clip some feathers and do a peacock tail type design up top maybe instead of the (im guessing due to the fire?) Salamander head.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2019
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  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Yet another idea, using a skink oracle bit for the bottom (i would cut off the pole) and placing the original bottom part up top and removing the stegadon bit.

    The other idea I had was cutting the flame from the Steg bit to make it more like a tongue

    What do yall think? You all have been very helpful through this design process, thank you! 20190911_103148.jpg
    Warden, WildColonial Boy and Aginor like this.
  12. sixbras

    sixbras Member

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    A lot of really inspirating stuff here.... I really love the idea for the banner. Keep going !
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you so much! Out of pure curiosity, what stands out the most to you? Could be anything or just the banners, very curious as to what your thoughts are! Never thought my stuff would be inspirational :)
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    And finally an update on my Thunderlizard Conversion!

    Its been a long wait, but my 3d guy finally got the replacement part he needed and has begun to work again on my Howdah! Very excited, Im HOPING to have it within the week!

    Doing a hybrid build of both Resin and plastic. The plastic surprisingly looks better as the base with the details than the resin base where as the small bits are def better as resin. Therefore the base will be plastic while all the small poles and such will be resin :) as of now all 3 bases will be placed on the Thunderlizard. I am also considering doing one full base with 2 halfs on either side to make a small cross platform, thoughts?

    I will need to play with the resin bases (black and clear) as they were tests and got a little warped when his piece went out due to support issues or something. So those wont be used until Im able to bend and sand them to a proper quality.
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    Cageyblood, Aginor, Warden and 2 others like this.
  15. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Really nice standard bearer! Don't know if anyone has referred to it or not, but it reminds me a ton of the standard that @Jorgik made a while back (link to it HERE).

    Also loving the howdah that you got 3D printed; that is a great idea!
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    20191003_172312.jpg 20191003_172750.jpg 20191003_172808.jpg 20191003_172722.jpg 20191003_172500.jpg 20191003_171820.jpg 20191003_172328.jpg 20191003_172259.jpg 20191003_171831.jpg Got my Howdah!!!!! And 6 Kroxigors Im so excited yall! The gold chain looking like a leash is just there to see how long it was, it wont be staying there!

    @ge32aurian is the howdah designer! Check him out on IG and @vidovicarts is the Kroxigor designer!

    If you want to follow me and see more of my work or some progress over there please follow me @sinaraipaints25, thanks!

    Updates to come when I get all this cleaned up!

    Thunderlizard conversion is back!
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  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Just a mock up of an idea, this will likely not be how I actually attach it. I was curious how styrofoam would look as a stone feature (I know stone is extremely heavy) as a bade to them build a wooden frame. I figure the reason why Elephant and other animal howdahs were primarily wood was due to our animals being unable to bear the weight. I would argue a Thunderlizard (or large Sauropods and some other Dinosaurs) with its mass, thicker bones, and obvious superior strength that it could handle some stone work as long as there was proper padding, oh and magic.

    If I do keep the idea I need to cut out new styrofoam pieces and make them a bit thinner for scaling purposes.

    What do you all think? Thanks for your thoughts!


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    Warden, Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So after making a proper base for Metzlitlaco, I decided it was time to do one for my first Troglodon and the Oracle that would go with him.

    I was also thinking for my narrative of making a special unit of Oracle Riders that is a blessed spawning for my OC Acattopa.

    Is there anything special about oracles? Can they themselves cast magic? Are they a melee/magic user? Or are they literally useless-ish without a slann casting through them?

    C&C always welcome! 20191009_150917.jpg 20191009_150735.jpg 20191009_150740.jpg 20191009_150745.jpg 20191009_150753.jpg 20191009_204809.jpg 20191009_205006.jpg 20191009_205022.jpg
    Aginor, Explodingzeb and Imrahil like this.
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    20191010_091039.jpg 20191010_093709.jpg Added some purple and pink to add a "Magical" aspect to the pools. Thoughts? Still have to wait for it to dry, part of me feels I made a mistake (I miss the original blue) but at the same time, I like it more as it grows on me

    Will just have to see how it dries

    Cageyblood and Warden like this.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Added ret armor for an extra "glow" (my girlfriend informed me that most magical pools shes ever seen has had a gold-ish glow to it...its true, gf is a genius) which once the Trog is on it all really comes together.

    And this is where im thinking of placing them, best placement that allows them to face each other and NOT block the spawning pool

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