AoS Newbie's tentative 2k planned list (I'm only ~115usd worth of models short)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by zanotam, Sep 13, 2019.

  1. zanotam
    Jungle Swarm

    zanotam New Member

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    I haven't decided upon my bonus spells to give my two spellcasters (my understanding is they boht get 1 each from the battletome?) and as an alternative version of this list imagine dropping the battalion and slaan and warriors for Kroak and 5 more chameleon skinks (which comes out to exactly 2000, but the chameleon skinks push the 'main' version of the list over points wise by 10 points to 2010).

    I have 3 skink boxes, the Start Collecting Box, a box of knights, and a terradon/ripperdactyl box as well and I'm planning to buy one more box of skinks, a skink starpriest, and kroak/slaan (are they made with the same kit or do I have to decide which one I want? I can get some proxy games in at some point before I make this last purchase and I'm definitely open to modifying the list, but my initial plan is to keep it cheap with the additions hence this version although in the long run it sounds like I may want 1-3 Engines of the Gods?)

    Anyways, here's the list from the warscroll builder (I need hlep determining relics and bonus spells):

    Skink Starpriest [Shadowstrike Starhost]
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur
    2x 40x Skinks w/ Javelins and Star Bucklers (these guys also double as alien slaves who count as wyches for my Drukhari so I can't change the Javelins/STar Bucklers load out really) [Shadowstrike Starhost]
    3x Terradon Riders [Shadowstrike Starhost]
    15x Saurus Knights
    3x 5x Chameleon Skinks (I assume I want these guys in separate units so I can have ranged shooting that moves around the board or use them to hold objectives)
    Shadowstrike Starhost
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  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria!


    They are different kits.

    As for your list:
    I have played similar ones. You probably won't win tournaments with it but it is decent and fun to play.
    zanotam and LizardWizard like this.
  3. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria.

    The regular Slaan Starmaster is the better choice at the moment.

    If you are willing to invest in them you ought to considered doubling the number of Terradons in the Shadowstrike unit. Terradons are much more effective in units of 6-9.

    I like Javs and Starbuckers for Skinks in Shadowstrike. The extra 2 D6" of movement in set up normally means they will be in range to attack with their javs by turn two at the latest.

    In terms of relics, will you playing with the Malign Sorcery rules? If so then Ulgu or Aqshy will likely be your best options.

    If you are looking for further list inspiration then you should check out the thread linked in my signature :D
    zanotam likes this.
  4. zanotam
    Jungle Swarm

    zanotam New Member

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    OKay, how does this sound for 2k points then:

    Seraphon 2k - Skinks 1aca
    Slaan Starmaster (warlord) (Great Rememberer)
    Skink Starpriest
    2x Engine of the Gods
    2x Skinks x40
    Ripperdactyl x6
    Saurus Knights x10
    Shadowstrike Starhost
    2000 points total

    It has exactly 3 battlelines and only 'mandatory' units outside of the Shadowstrike Starhost except for 5 extra Saurus Knights which are taken just to finish the list off at 2k points exactly.

    The alternative has more battle lines and stuff.....
    Seraphon 2k - Skinks 1abb
    SLaan Starmaster (warlord) (Great Remember)
    Skink Starpriest
    Saurus Scar Veteran on Cold One
    2x Skinks x40
    Ripperdactyl x6
    3x Saurus Knight x5
    Shadowstrike Starhost
    Firelance Starhost
    1990 points total

    This version has extra battlelines, but other than the Slaan it's only the mandatory units to make a shadowstrike and firelance. This will probably be the first list I try at 2k as it only requires one extra box of ripperdactyls compared to my original planned unit expansion to 2k points while the other list also requires 2 engines of the gods on top of everything else.....

    Then the reduced version for 1k points (which I'll actually get a chance to play sometime soonish) would be

    Seraphon 1k - Shadowstrike 1aaa
    Slaan Starmaster
    Skink Starpriest
    2x Skinks x20
    Ripperdactyl x3
    Shadowstrike Starhost
    1 extra command point
    990 points total

    I don't really get endless spells (I come from 40k although I have experience in 3rd/4th 40k and also 8th plus Killteam where I used to play T'au and then switched to Eldar eventually becoming pure Harlequins - I am truly an enemy of chaos with the Seraphon added to my ranks) so I'm not sure if I should add some or what.....
    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I think that both the first 2k list and the 1k list look pretty good.
    zanotam and LizardWizard like this.
  6. zanotam
    Jungle Swarm

    zanotam New Member

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    So you would recommend Engine of the Gods over a minimal Firelance Starhost? I'm a little vague on how Engine of the Gods work but my understanding is they're pretty heavy on the summoning so I'll need to figure out what the good summons are and adjust my list accordingly to leave room in my collection for summons then.... I could drop the skinks down to units of 20 each (leaving me ~50 skinks to summon although I was only planning on having enough of the special like drums and what not guys built for 4 units....) and add 2 chameleon skinks plus a CP for 1990 points total leaving me with ~50 skinks, 5 chameleon skinks, a carnosaur guy, 12 saurus warriors, and 8 Knights for summons before I start taking casualties (which obviously would add to what I could summon). What are good units to be able to summon besides I assume skinks and saurus warriors? I ask because I know in 40k at least units that one plans to summon or may want to summon have to be available and based/painted to play so they gotta be ready to go ahead of time which means for the Engine of the Gods list I will have to plan extra units to purchase and everything.

    EDIT: Or I could modify the skink units to be 30 guys each and add 3 Ripperdactyle Riders..... obviously got some options here.

    2nd Edit: not that I would trust the advice of one of the forsaken too far, of course!
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2019
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  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    The EotG is strong, and you can use it both for mortal wounds and summoning.

    As for summons: I mostly summon Skinks, but a Troglodon, Razordons, Saurus Warriors or Terradons are choices I also make frequently.

    He's dead and I only stole his name, I swear! ;)
    It is really rare that someone recognizes it these days. I hope the books never get made into movies so it stays that way. I've been using the nickname for... 22 years or so.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  8. zanotam
    Jungle Swarm

    zanotam New Member

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    You haven't heard? They're making the series into a TV show on Amazon Prime Video! The initial casting looks.... pretty decent although obviously no really big name actors (not that big name actors would necessarily make sense for the youngins of the series anyways).

    Anyways, I know from 40k mortal wounds are good so that sounds... pretty nice. Basically an Aeldari/Chaos psyker with summoning. I think I"ll start with my 1k list, then get to the firelance starhost by sometime next year hopefully (might be able to proxy battle with it once or twice this year, but i've got some IRL stuff about to make me veeeeery busy) and then I'll check back here based upon my experience with a new revised list, possibly using Engines of the Gods as well as an alternative based upon what I learn with the Firelance list or some close alternative (I think I've updated it on my personal version to use some of the endless spells (I assume you get balewind vortex to unlock an extra summoning point per turn if you can protect the Slaan and then Chronomatic Cogs is used to make charges almost guaranteed?)
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Oh no. I actually haven't. I heard a rumour about someone buying the rights to a movie or something, but that was almost ten years ago.
    Gah. On one side it has a lot of potential, on the other side there might be dozens of Aginors running around suddenly...

    As for your assumptions: almost correct.
    The Balewind Vortex takes a spell slot and grants one, so if it is cast successfully you don't gain or lose conjuration points in the first round, but you gain three points in each of the following rounds.
    (Evert spell slot not used for casting yields three conjuration points).

    The Cogs can be cast by a nearby Starpriest and then either used for the movement stuff, or used by the Slann to get yet another spell slot that can be turned into conjuration points.
    The theoretical maximum of conjuration points is:
    Slann's three slots: 9 points
    Balewind: 3 points (if it was already there when the turn started)
    Cogs: 3 points
    Slann is general: 1 point
    One or more Astrolith Bearers on the table: 1d3 points.

    So in the first round you can get 16 points maximum, and in subsequent rounds you can get a maximum of 19 points.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  10. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Oh dear.
    I just read about the WoT TV show and I fear the worst. Some things sound decent, some are questionable IMO. I give them the benefit of doubt but I don't dare to be hopeful.
    I'll probably make a thread about it once more is known.

    Many thanks for the heads-up, that had really slipped by!
    LizardWizard likes this.

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