Hexec saw that the spawn was almost dead and prepared to finish it off. One of the tentacles reached out to grab him, but he impaled it to the ground with his javelin. Reaching for another, he sprinted for the spawn, dodging more tentacles as it tried to attack him and once he was in range, he heaved his javelin and pierced the spawn's head. ((OOC: +1 Beast Handling, -6 skill. @Craken, I carried my skill points over, so I used those and the ones I got at the start of the day to kill the rats.))
Xa HATED things of chaos. It was them who had slain a magority of his spawn kin. He channeled his rage into aggresion and charged at the beast, he chopped with his axe and swathes of tenticles fell from its body but still they grew back. Then Xa swung his weapon with all of his might and clove the monsyer in two. Coloured blood flowed from the wounds as it writhed around on the floor, Dying slowly but surely -4 battle points +4 b attle points
((nope just the one. Gonna wait to post till everyone catches up here, aka everone involved makes a post or two, for the ones that already went you can post your after the monster's dead posts.))
((Where is everyone? Want to make sure everyone is still around before I further the story. Please post on the last one everyone.))
Huaroc stood up slowly, lowering his blow pipe and inserting another dart into the gun. Then he made his way around to the dead and plucked out the darts which he'd already used. Wiping the foul blood from the darts on the cloths or skin of the slain before returning the darts to the sleaves. Huaroc looked to each of his party members in kind and then looked to llok. "I'll check the rest of the temple, ensure there are no more and nothing else was disturbed." With that said Huaroc dissapeared into the mist and the stone.
Hexec stared at the battlefield, feeling satsified that they had successfully repelled the invaders. That would teach humans to mess with the mighty Lizardmen. He looked around the group making sure that everyone was okay. He saw Huaroc going off to scout, so he sat down and waited for him to come back.
Having fended off the warrior attacking Huaroc, Hzutli surveyed the battlefield. "Our group must be strong indeed if not even a sorcerer could defeat them." Hzutli thought. Seeing Huaroc then leave to scout, Hzutli decided to follow. He felt a bound between himself and the chameleon skink as odd as that was, and believed that his own skills as a guerilla type fighter would hopefully keep the skink alive if they encountered any more enemies.
Ilok was stunned. He couldn't speak any commands, and did not even hear Huaroc's words. How did the foul Chaos members move in this far? Where were the signs? Ilok slowly made a few steps towards the bodies. He looked at the temple, and back at the bodies. Gazing up into the sky; but it was blank. Trying to find something in the weave; but it was blank. Impossible The Hunted
Tzuhil was satisfied; With the presence of chaos gone he could relax and enjoy the fresh jungle air. Sitting on the ground, he turned to clean his weapons, and especially his dagger which was covered in the sorcerer's brain-tissue. Finding glowing worms and other gross stuff, he felt disgusted. "Hosting chaos in one's body doesn't seem very pleasant", he thought.
Just waiting on asrodrig and speedy gecko then I will move forward. slannFrogy Send me an email an I will figure out a way to get you into the RPG
((Yeah, I know that. He is the star of my history grand assignment for like 2 years now. Firstly learned about him in my trip to Mexico 3 years ago.))
((Right on, yeah I love researching native history, I'm Skidi (pawnee wolf) decent, so I like reading about the native warriors. They say Pawnee may have descended from Aztec so its interesting to read up on them as well.))
Xa looked accross the tree line as the others cleaned thier weapons. Somthing was not right but he couldnt quite put his finger on it. He asked Idok who seemed she share his angziety but they carryed on, ever vigilant... +4 battle
Well everybody did not post, but I'm not waiting anymore. The lizardman party sat at the steps, looking at the abomination that lay on it. The sun broke through the thick fog which was welcomed and the lizards began to enjoy its heat. Time passed and the lizards heard nothing from Huaroc. The skinks moved impatiently peering in the temple from time to time, the saurus waited until Ilok provided them with orders. Much time passed and still no word from Huaroc. The group could choose to do what they wanted to do from here.