A scaly start indeed

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Etsiketsi, May 3, 2010.

  1. Etsiketsi

    Etsiketsi New Member

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    Hello there, fellow Lustrians. I am Etsiketsi, newly appointed Skink adviser to His Greatness Kaxe-ek. A somewhat obstinate Slann, to be sure, nonetheless the honour is mine and I shall not diminish it.

    It is good to be back home, after 11 years as a captive of the worthless Dark Elves. I was captured by a raiding party 15 years ago and forced to toil away for the benefit of the cursed Druchi. My escape was possible only thanks to a particularly stupid Cold One, which let me get away while its master screamed and poked it, after I had been "released" for the purpose of teaching young Dark Elves to hunt lizards.

    Long story short, after 4 years of playing Dark Elves (and a 14 year absence from the Old World), I have returned to Lustria, aided my new lord in raising a Lizardman army, and now serve as his tactical officer, attendant, sarcasm generator and dice-handler. How much has changed since I began my travels back home!

    We have already taken part in 2 glorious battles. Our first 2250 point charge was purely for revenge; we ended up wiping out a Dark Elf raiding camp and sacrificing their wizards to the Old Ones. The second encounter ended up as a 2250 skirmish, which ended in a draw. Those girly High Elves sure know how to shoot in numbers when they have Lothern Sea Guard almost exclusively as their infantry. We would have been skewered on points difference, but a pleasant surprise turned the tide...

    I am looking forward to debriefing with my lord and posting an official or two report so that all our kin may know of our glory. In the meantime, I bid you all a pleasant week.

    Now, which way to the cute spawning pools...?

    Yours in scales,
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Greetings, welcome to the board! And I must say very cool introduction. ;)

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