Fixing the mistakes of the past

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by TheDoctor970, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. TheDoctor970
    Jungle Swarm

    TheDoctor970 New Member

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    So, I've recently gotten back into Warhammer (AoS) after a multi year hiatus. When I was in high school I had lizardmen army. Being brand new to the hobby and painting mass minis I made some mistakes. Glue accelerator, not priming, poor paint jobs, to name a few.

    So what I'm hoping to find here is some help recovering from these mishaps...or help with figuring out postal rates lol.

    So the list of problems I have is painting unprimed minis, striping metal minis, cleaning excessive glue from metal (and plastic?) minis.

    I can provide pictures too. I know this is a long term project, and I welcome any amount of help and advice the community is willing to provide. Thank you!
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  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to the community!

    Glad to hear you are back into the hobby.

    In terms of repairing glue damage you might be able to snap your miniatures apart and reglue them. If you used a CA glue and accelerator than try leaving them in the freezer for a day. This can make the glue brittle and easier to break. You can then use a hobby knife to clean off the dried glue.

    There are a number of paint strippers that will work well on metal and plastic miniatures. Soaking them for a week or more in Simple Green and then working on them with a tooth brush should remove your paint and let you start fresh. Make sure you wash them very well afterwards. DON'T DO THIS WITH RESIN!
    TheDoctor970 and Captaniser like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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  4. TheDoctor970
    Jungle Swarm

    TheDoctor970 New Member

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    Thank you so much WizardLizard and Aginor for the welcome to the community, and over the next week I'll have to try you suggestions for cleaning glue and stripping minis. See how well it works out!
    Aginor and LizardWizard like this.

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