Avatar inspired terradons !Updated 2/5-10!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Suppe, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    I wouldn't mind a step-by-step ;)
  2. Suppe

    Suppe New Member

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    Alright this is gonna take some steps...

    Step one: Make the "chin fin"
    Step two: Paint the whole terradon scab red as a basecoat.
    Step three: Drybrush a fading (being most dense at the part by the head and less dense at the wing tips) blazing orange leaving some red and from the middle of both wings on the underside (not by the chest but as if you painted each wing separately) should also be blazing orange (also leaving some red.
    Step four: Drybrush with sunblazed yellow just like step three but with less making it kinda blend (don't worry if it is not blending very detailed). Same thing on underside.

    How it should look so far: there should be a kinda blend on the top from scab red to sunblazed yellow and on the underside a change in color from the middle of each wing and out wit the same colors as mentioned before. The chest, tail and head should also be scab re.

    Step five: Now is the time to paint the chaos black pattern, there is no special pattern just make sure its symmetrical on both wings so whats on one side should be on the other side.
    Step six: Add the sunblazed yellow around the black pattern.
    Step seven: Paint the chin fin, tongue and the other fin thingy ice blue. Also paint the teeth bleached bone.
    Step eight: add wash to the head and that is it...

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