Ilok was still stunned by the Chaos intruders. He knew that the party waited for his orders, and thought about the matter. Huaroc is very potent in what he does, but there is always a chance that somebody else is more potent. But did that happen this time? The intruders did get something out of the temple, but were they still in it? Ilok decided that the group would wait for the sun to reach a bit higher into the sky, before moving in after Huaroc. "Clean your weapons, and your minds. Be ready." Were the short orders from Ilok. He just couldn't get a clear reading from the sky. So, this had to be dealt with the old-fashioned way; instinct. Just a few more moments... ((+2 magic. I have found internet acces, so can still post occasionally. Not regurlaly!)) The Hunted
Ilok knew enough, somebody else was more potent than Huaroc. It disturbed him. Ilok ordered everybody to move in. Glancing around once more, Ilok also moved in. The Hunted
The group moved through the temple, reading the glyphs as he went to avoid the traps. Moving cautiously they began to notice, a few traps had been sprung. One blade trap even had dried red blood beneath it. Moving on they came to the center room. The room was empty of humans but their foulness could be smelt. The center of the room had a circle with a symbol drawn on it, the walls also had strange symbols. On the far wall hung two skinks, covered in symbols. Both seemed unconscious but alive, one was unknown to the group the other was Huaroc. Ilok looked at symbols trying to make them out, suddenly he became aware, the symbols where a weakening spell for all those who tried to read it. Ilok yelled at the group not to read the symbols, as his body went weak. Just then six warriors ran in from the side corridors weapons drawn they charged at the group. Behind the six something was moving but could not be made out at the moment. Skinks can attack, saurus go after the marauder's retaliate. For skinks please only kill 1 maurader, you wouldn't have the time to kill more than 1 BS 3+ - kill a maurader with ranged - 3 skill BS 2 or less - kill a marauder with ranged - 6 skill WS 3 or less kill a marauder - 4 battle WS 3 or less with 2 attacks - kill a marauder - 3 battle WS 3 or less with 3 attacks - kill a marauder - 2 battle WS 4+ kill a marauder - 3 battle WS 4+ with 2 attacks - kill a marauder - 2 battle WS 4+ with 3 attacks - kill a marauder - 1 battle Magic Kill a marauder - 4 magic
As the marauders leaped towards the group, there was a flick of wind and suddenly one of them lay silent on the floor. Although Tzuhil was too weakened to act as he would otherwise and charge, his ranged skill was as potent as ever.
Hexec unsheathed his javelin and whipped it at one of the Marauders, slaying him with the poison working to deadly effect. He quickly jumped behind a rock hoping the remaining Marauders would not attack him.
Ilok was still to weakened to respond, the marauders rushed at the group with unsuspected speed. The first one reached Tzuhil, he swung his ax at the skink , but the skinks speed proved too much for the slow marauder and the skink, flipped back avoiding the blow, landing behind his Saurus brethren who moved forward to protect the smaller ones. A marauder struck Xa in the chest but Xa moved with them blow taking no damage, save a tiny scratch on his thick scales. Ax-rodrig moved into the thick with two marauders flanking him, one hit a glancing blow off his shoulder again unable to break a scale, the other swung his ax at Ax-rodrig face but connected with nothing but air.
Ilok tried casting a spell, but he wasn't able to concentrate wholly with the fighting around him and the weakening symbol. He got his concentration back together when he saw his party members in great danger. As Ilok was casting his eyes turned bright white. Ilok finished his last words and his eyes turned back to normal, while a marauder simply dropped. His heart instantly stopped beating, the marauder never stood a chance. The Hunted
Huaroc struggled against his bindings. He saw his comrades, his brethren, locked in mortal combat and he yearned to be with them in the struggle. But to no avail, his bindings were too tight and he couldn't wrench himself free of them. Somehow a dart managed to slip loose from a fastener at his waist, he managed to catch it in his toes. Looking to the combat he wondered if he dare attempt to fling it at the enemy. ((NRPG Haha, I'll leave the reasoning up to our wonderful GM))
((Just wanted to let you guys know the saurus can attack back now)) As three warriors fall to the ground, the figure behind them came into view he was robed like the other, who began a terrible spawn, except that his face is stretched into a horrible sort of fleshy beak. He moved toward the handing Chameleon skink and drew along curved knife. BS 3 or less - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer with ranged - 6 skill BS 4 - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer with ranged - 5 skill BS 5 - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer with ranged - 4 skill WS 4 or less - S3 or less - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 6 Batttle WS 5 or more - S3 or less - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 4 Batttle WS 4 or less - S4 - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 5 Batttle WS 5 or more - S4 - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 3 Batttle WS 4 or less - S5+ - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 4 Batttle WS 5 or more - S5+ - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer in Close combat - 2 Batttle Magic - Wound the Chaos Sorcerer - 4 magic ((Huaroc need to double the skill points listed above to do any damage, everyone else still needs the same points to kill marauders ))
Huaroc knew he only had one chance to do something to save himself and, more importantly, save his friends. The beast which was standing before him was the most horrible entity he'd encountered in his young life. With a prayer to the Old Ones upon his lips Huaroc twisted sideways at the waist and then flung himself towards the Chaos spawn/sorcerer, simultaniously twisting himself around to give the most force behind his throw. Just before the peak of his movement he releaded the dart from between his toes. Weather from sheer luck or from Huaroc's apparent balistic skill the dart flew fast and true. The dart burried itself deep in the eye socket of the beast. Huaroc could only pray to the Old Ones that it would be enough. ((Burning 24 Skill Points for -3 Wounds on the Spawn/Sorc.))
The sorcerer fell to the ground and moved no more. The saurus though avoided damage still seemed stun, and did not strike back, Xa easily moved out of the way of an ax swing from on of the three remaining marauders, Tzuhil, moved to slow but the ax glance of his scales. Ax-rodring was not as lucky however, the marauder stepped to the right and swung, the ax blow caught him right in the back off the head. Ax-rodring's large frame crumpled to the floor, laying face down on the floor. Shallow breathing could be seen only by the most observant of skinks.
Huaroc struggled against his bonds. He was becoming nearly frenzied to join in the fight. His friends were being hit left and right, their bodies some how slowed by either lack of sunlight or some incantation. He feared that the marauders would destroy them and he'd be left without his companions. Struggling mightily he thought he felt one of his bonds slip...
Ilok saw that his group was too slow to react. There was no sun to heat their blood, so they were all slow. The marauders were pretty fast for some humans, especially since they carried those heavy axes. Ilok started casting a big spell once again. The whole chamber lit up, while the marauders seemed to move in slow motion. In fact, they did. The spell wasn't finished, Ilok started to float a tiny bit over the floor. He then flew higher, untill he was a man-size over the floor. Then, A great whtie flash erupted from Ilok's body. All the marauders fell, Huaroc's bonds and the bonds from the 'stranger' skink were destroyed, and Ilok fell to the ground; exhausted. In a final act of magical prowess, Ilok dispelled the magical working of the symbols. With that, he lay down. OOC( -12 magic for killing the marauders, -2 for destroying the bonds, -2 for dispell. There goes my dreams of firing a comet )) The Hunted
After the impressive display by the skinks, the group moved through the temple ensuring that the taint of chaos was cleansed. To their satisfaction no other signs of chaos could be see. Ilok ordered the group to cleans the walls of the symbols, which seemed to hold no more power, but the symbols disgusted them never the less. The group worked on the task for the better part of a day, and stayed an extra day to ensure that there would not be any more chaos intrusions. Satisfied they said prayers to the old ones before leaving the temple.
Huaroc was ever gratefull for llok's setting him free of his bonds. THe Skink Priest seemed to be growing in power and ability the longer they were on this quest. And while he helped to scrub off the grewsome pictures and symbols painted on the walls by the even Chaos he understood that he was perhaps beginning to feel an unusual closeness with other certain members of the party. While this would no doubt trouble other Chameleons it did not bother Huaroc. After they had cleansed the walls of the temple Huaroc walked over to llok and knelt before the Priest. "Wise one, I wish to humbly thank you for your freeing me from my captures and killing the vile intruders before they could harm our sanctity further." He said quietly.
Ilok gave some orders to the party. After a good scrub, the temple looked as if it was new. He was mostly surprised when Huaroc kneeled before him. As far as Ilok was concerned, he was a fellow skink. But Ilok also realized he had a special position in this party. And so he acted according to the latter. Ilok blessed Huaroc and said: "We all have our tasks. I proceed to do mine, you proceed to do yours." With that, Ilok moved away. He felt torn. He wanted that he could be a normal skink too, but the Lizardmen hierarchy had always forbidden these kind of actions. Ilok shrugged it off, he needed to look at the sky again. To see if anything major will happen or not. OOC( +2 magic, where are our saurii? Maybe it's PM time to remind everybody we're still playing. Give people a chance to step out, maybe?)) The Hunted
Huaroc scouted outside the temple into the jungle. He was restless and didn't like sitting around. Though he knew llok would need time to consult the heavens and deign their next move, he still didn't like waitting. Huaroc was a hunter.
The group had nearly forgotten about the other skink, who was quietly minding his own business. When he did finally speak up, he told the story of how he had got to this point. He was returning from the vampire coast, his name was Krek-Zeko. He had been scouting that region for a while, avoiding zombies and ghosts. But he saw something that distressed him, undead lizardmen, a large group of them. Quickly he made his way back to the temple, to return the news, however he was abducted along the way by the chaos worshiping humans.