Discussion AOS Narrative - upated nov 1

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Sudsinabucket, Oct 14, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Slowly working on the outlines to start my narrative for my OC's move into the AOS universe.

    Five months ago I delved into the Hobby world with the idea to paint and write. I wanted my army to be more than just models, but with a rich history in Fantasy and a life in the AOS universe. I think I have done a pretty good job with the Fantasy side of it, though not finished.

    Ive highlighted a few key battles in my writings, a major villain, the purpose and origin of my main characters and their Cohorts. Now I look to AOS and in particular the Realms of Life and the Realms of Beasts. My idea is to take my homebrewed Temple Cities and make them into Twin Cities, both important for their own reasons.

    Texcoco in the realm of life produces saurus and other Seraphon immune to the most potent of disease/pestilence/plague/etc making them the perfect force to help Alarielle against Nurgles hordes. Located in the Dense forests of the realm the cohorts of Acattopa strike fast and hard. His own personal guard of Red Crested Skink Oracles riding a new species of Troglodon with spiked tails and a huge spike coming out of their legs, this shock cavalry troop melts flesh from bone before trampling and shredding foes to bits.

    Itzli the ferocious Star Seer with his staff of beasts controls the Temple City of Xiuhcoatl which floats above the ever changing landscape of Ghur atop the largest isle of the Dragon Isles from the world that was. The Temple City is the only true constant in the Realm, its charge to protect the Realm Gate from Chaos invasion that inevitably will come. With his Thunderlizard Tlanextic (based off of Bajadasaurus pronuspinax of Patagonia) the Seer leads mighty patrol legions around the sprawling landscape while the Temple City and its Cohorts keep their eye on the Realm Gate, Terradons ready to seek out Itzli to bring him to battle if it comes, when it comes.

  2. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    I like what I see so far :)

    While your lizards are given some really cool abilities, i'd like to see some more weaknesses and/or tradeoffs for characteristics they acquire. I find that has been a thing lacking from your pieces' lizards - weaknesses that hinder them.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Any thoughts? Its true, they are lacking in weaknesses, what are some original trade offs in official lore?

    Those Saurus/Skink/Kroxigor spawned from the blessed pools possibly could be weaker to magic? I see the non magic users being stronger/more resistant to physical abilities (i count disease as physical even if from Nurgle/Skaven) where as Itzli I see being far more resistant to Magic while he would have to rely more on his magic to repel physical threats

    Ill have to think more on this!
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
    Warden likes this.
  4. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    It's a cool outline, i'd be interested in knowing where the two cities came from though. The Dragon Isles thing makes sense to me, like it was one of the places bubbled and uplifted during the End Times, floating down to take permanent orbit over Ghur, but is Texcoco one of the temple ships having landed and integrated into the landscape/a city built around it in the same way they were in the World That Was?

    Itzli sounds really cool to me though, a single island floating in the sky over the waagh-swept landscapes of Ghur with the resident Star-seer wandering the landscape upon his monsterous mount, rallying the beasts around him on the eternal watch for Chaos incursions, always waiting for the Terradon that'll rally his hordes for war against a true invasion.
    Sudsinabucket and Warden like this.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hey! Thanks for the comment! Below I am posting some of what I have so far in terms of origins for the temple cities and the main characters.

    In regards to the question about Texcoco:
    I imagine it indeed being as you describe, a large portion of the original city or like 2 of its major original temples (havent quite worked out the finer details) that has integrated into the realm of life and its surroundinf forest/jungle with new structures built around it, its priests using fire magic to keep the ever growing magical forest from devouring the Temple City.
    This, 100% lol Hes quite the badass! My short story that will focus on him will help explain how he tamed Tlanextic (which means Light of Dawn, thought it was fitting) which is how he earned his way to being a Seer (or equiv) during the world that was even though his natural magic affinity is greater than many natural spawned higher ranking priests at the time (if that makes sense...lol).

    Heres the short origin story that is still WIP hope you enjoy and helps answer more than it males question lol:

    The Origins of Acattopa and the Dragon Isles

    In the beginning there were the stars and the darkness behind them, from the stars came the Old Ones. The Old Ones came across a planet that had not yet been tainted and corrupted by the forces of Chaos, they saw this world for the potential of infinite futures. They began warming the world, allowing those area’s further from the equator to spring with life, the savage equator filled with ancient dragons and mighty lizards who battled for dominance.

    After the Old Ones had claimed this world for their own, they created spawning pools throughout the world which would create the Lizardmen, Children of the Gods. These beings were savage and calculating when doing the bidding of their masters. One of the first to be spawned, a Slann, was sent to what is now called The Dragon Isles and the Temple City of Xiuhcoatl and its sacred spawning pools. These spawning pools were blessed by Quetzl himself, said to be a giant flying reptilian with feathered wings. After Quetzl left the Temple City feathers of his were left behind where they had fallen off, encased in the stone around the pools forever granted them the gods blessings. The Slann was tasked with ruling the surrounding lands and as new races were created to help guide and teach them the ways of The Old Ones. The Dragon Isles were on a large and powerful weyline on the Geomantic Web, allowing its Slann, Skink Seers and Priests to channel its magical energies almost nonstop. Two Major Temples were built within the City, The Great Temple of Quetzl and The Great Temple of Topek. The Great Temple of Quetzl was built over the sacred pools, the other over the strongest point of magical currents and where the Warpgate was that connected the Isles to Lustria. Peace it seemed was found, and then Chaos appeared, and the Great Catastrophe began.

    When the polar gates were lost and allowed Chaos to spring forth into the world, the Dragon Isles were one of the first to be hit, its magical energies among the strongest in the world. Deamons sensed out the Temple City, its Slann and his legions fighting against the darkness. Years it took to break the siege on the city, but finally with a blast of pure sunlight the Slann and his forces finally broke through and pushed the hordes back off the isles and surrounding mainland. Leaving a large defensive force behind the Slann left the Temple and City, though he cloaked the Isles in a magic barrier, making it harder to cast magic by all but the strongest wizards. The Slann or his legions never returned, lost to one of the countless battles. With the protective barrier in place Xiuhcoatl and the isles held out against the deamon hordes and were defeated with relative peace achieved throughout the world.

    Within the Temple City of Chaqua a second generation Slann was spawned, Lord Ka’Rapixca. This slann being very aggressive in both war and diplomacy made many allies from the younger races and within the Lizardmen factions themselves. Upon meditation a vision came to him at the start of the great war with the skaven race, it showed the Isles off the coast of Ind being over ran by plague and disease; much like Lustria. In the visions one word came out clearer than the rest: Xiuhcoatl, the city of the fire serpents and of the forgotten blessed pools. In accordance to The Great Plan Lord Ka’Rapixca sets forth with a mighty host to reclaim the ruined Temple City.

    Upon emerging from the Warp Gate within the Great Temple of Topek, the legions of Ka’Rapixca were immediately attacked upon by plague monks and the ratkin of Clan Pestilence and Clan Eshin. The fighting is fierce, as neither side seemd to gain ground. The skaven with their poison and disease slowly began to eat away at the Lizardmen’s numbers, until finally Ka’Rapixca called upon fireballs and lightning bolts to fall upon the enemies flanks, allowing his Temple guard and Kroxigors to push through, eventually pinching the core of the skaven army. Weeks go on until finally the skaven are forced off the islands and the Lizardmen are finally put into a firm defensive position. The skaven do not return, but the Great Slann finds that the sacred pools of Quetzl had been tainted, any spawn would simply perish in agony.

    The Slann looks up to the stars, being from Chaqua his faith in Sotek, the new God, has been long tested but he a firm believer never faulted even in the early days of secrecy. The Slann moved closer to the Pools and did the unthinkable and waded into the biggest pool while chanting an incantation, summoning Sotek forth to purify the pools after hundreds of thousands of sacrifice. Almost immediately after Ka’Rapixca finished the incantation the jungle around the Temple City comes alive, swarms of serpents emerged and entered the temple of Quetzl. The serpents entering the pools, glistening in godly light like diamonds, each snake slithering over Quetzls feathers adding to their purifying power as they release their venom into the pools. The Slann watched the pools as they started to change from a diseased green muck to vibrant colors of life that glistened in the sun. The Slann himself on the brink of death began to feel the effects of the purification, beginning to breath easily again and the sores on his skin healing. Upon exiting the sacred pool Ka’Rapixca examines the other pools, all within the Temple purified, he begins the spawning ritual, yet only one Saurus spawns.

    This first Saurus, an Oldblood, blessed by two gods was given the name "Acattopa'Cocotona-Cocoxqui" or translated in lesser tongues "The First to Destroy Disease". Spawned with thick and bony obsidian black scales with ascending shades of purple, a split tail and immune to disease, pestilence and plague; he was spawned in direct response to counter the Skaven concoctions and manufactured plagues.

    Upon walking out of the pool Lord Ka'Rapixca gave the Saurus two blessed weapons: The Great Macuahuitl of Sotek and the Golden Axe of Quetzel. The Macuahuitl of Sotek has an obsidian blade which was dipped into the pools after The Great Purifying blessing it. The blessings placed on the weapon made it indestructible and gave it the venom of Sotek. This venom of the serpent god can infect any enemy causing side effects the longer the enemy is in battle, eventually making them explode from swelling. A fallen feather of Quetzel was adorned onto a singlehanded Golden Axe before Quetzl originally left, this granted its wielder greater physical resistance and the ability to seep the life essence from the enemy, healing wounds and also is known to deflect incoming attacks.

    Shortly after these weapons were bestowed upon the great Saurus another swarm of glistening serpents of Sotek entered the sacred space followed by a roar that made the ground tremble and pierced the sky, a Troglodons call. A large sailless and brightly covered Troglodon approached, a Matriarch. Walking directly up to the Oldblood, as if it knew his taste in the air, the beast flicked its tongue and nudged the saurus with its head. Skinks rushed in with spears and javelins feeling their Slann threatened, immediately the Troglodon turned around sensing the vibrations readying its corrosive spray when a single command was issued "Stay your ground” and both groups immediately stopped. Acattopa walked in front of the giant lizard, gently running his claws down its scaly hide to its head and softly says "This is Metzlitlaco, blessed by Sotek and given to me for battle, my blood is her blood". From that day forth the Oldblood and his Troglodon have ended the lives of many.

    In the year 1397IC upon rebuilding much of the Temple City and its defenses, Ka’Rapixca receives word from Itza that Lustria is losing the battle against the Skaven. Filled with Rage Lord Ka’Rapixca sets his mind to the Temple of Quetzl and the sacred pools within and begins to rip them from the earth itself. The Slann focuses all his magical energies and transports himself, the temple, sacred pools and his army back to Lustria in the Mosquito Swamps. There he orders Acattopa, his new champion, to wage a bloody war against all those non coldblooded in the region. Soon securing the swamps Ka’Rapixca begins to build Texcoco after having another vision showing him that the Temple City with the Sacred Pools will be integral to fighting the war against the Skaven menace and later Nurgle in a world the Slann did not recignize. In the year 1390IC Texcoco was fully built, the pools now within the joint Great Temple of Sotek and Quetzl in the center.

    During the year 1334IC peace had been won for years in Lustria as Clan Pestilence was driven to The Southlands, Lord Ka’Rapixca soon went into a deep meditating slumber; hoping to reveal this new world he saw. The Slanns only commands were left to Acattopa and his Star Priest (later star seer as will be revealed in my short story: The Priest and the Thunderlizard) Itzli-Citlalli who was the first Priest spawned in Texcoco. In his commands he tells the two that they are his Stewards and to protect Texcoco and its pools no matter the cost, to watch over the Dragon Isles and Xiuhcoatl and its younger slann who was out incharge of the ancient Temple City, and to go to the defense of any Temple City if it is under threat. Upon issuing his commands the Slann closes his eyes and drifts into his meditating state.
  6. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    I like this as a background/story outline, it fits pretty decently in the setting. I think the idea of the priest being given the life goal to protect the island no matter the cost is cool too, especially when it does so above and beyond what any slann could've predicted, following it in a journey across the stars and into a new realm
    Warden and Sudsinabucket like this.
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Love the fluff!

    I do like the start to both of these cities, here is some brainstorming.

    The saurus and other lizards are truly resilient to plague and pestilence, able to withstand the insidious diseases of papa Nurgle and his underlings. But they did not realize that while their abilities make them physically resilient, it has also made them slow to react on a strategic scale, like the morose Slann of the World that Was (always sleeping, never going on the offense, bickering about what to do next over the slann magic-net while their underlings scramble to figure out what to do). It might be interesting to see the lizards accidentally pick up some of Nurgle's other traits (such as sloth) that slowly causes other problems with their society.

    Really cool idea for the city, I like the idea that it is flying above the landscape of Ghur. Perhaps these Lizardmen, despite their power over the beasts of under their command, are slowly becoming more aggressive, more callous in the way they wage war, more "bestial" themselves? They have operated in the realm of beasts for so long that they are becoming more and more like the "beasts" they fight every day? This would also make sense given the old Dragon Isles lore, which hinted at them basically regressing back to a pre-civilized state with the loss of their slann.

    This would be a counterpoint to their fellow twin city as well. One becoming more brutal and aggressive, while the other becoming moribund and stagnant.

    A neat long-term story hook could be the two cities figuring out a way to work together (twin cities after all) and learning how to overcome their weaknesses by relying on each others strengths.
    Khemrian Slann and Sudsinabucket like this.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    @Warden I was going to reply part by part...but honestly I love all your ideas and would love to build upon them! Wow, creative juices flowing at 4am now lol i really love the idea of the weaknesses and how they tie into each other and the foundation of my fluff. Man, way to really get into it better than I have in like 2 weeks lol!

    Im thinking for Xiuchcoatl (Ghur) Itzli is somehow the only one not (or just much slower due to his magical presence? Or more constant travel to Texcoco?) Reverting back to a more primal state and therefore is loosely able to keep the temple city on track (someone has to keep them in some sort of order Id think?) with its goals.

    As for the realm of Life and Sloth...perhaps due to their slow tactical reinforcements or strategic planning they have an uneasy alliance with Allarielle even with their help due to the loss of settlements that otherwise could have been saved if they were quicker to act and only when Itzli comes on business (for the lack of better words) is their strategic planning becomes aggressive enough to truly be as effective as they should be? Or does that make Texcoco sound too bumbly?

    Are there any good detailed maps of those two realms? Any good places to start in reading about them? Specifically life as I understand that the realm of beasts doesn't have a lot of lore at the moment and is a sandbox of sorts atm. My biggest hurtle at the moment is knowing where to start lore wise to really know how to write the story. Very new to AOS as I have really just been painting and thinking for the past 5 months (oh man...is the sloth effect affecting me too!?!?) But haven't done any real reading outside of YouTube videos that dont totally get into the finer details.

    Thank you so much for the thoughts! Any more is always welcome!
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Another thought is "troop trading" or even just full fledge city populous trading

    As each Temple Cities armies/populous become more primal or stagnant they are sent to the other realm to...reverse the effects of sorts? Could be part of tue greater story of adaptation you were touching on?

    The more aggressive/primal becoming more civilized/less aggressive over time but until then what is needed to truly fight at peak against nurgle. And on the flip side the Armies going to Ghur are more defensive in nature due to the stagnant/sluggish nature but as with all things in the realms of beasts slowly become more aggressive primal making them eventually too hard to control properly for the purpose of defending the realm gate effectively? Or does that make little to no sense? Just brainstorming here
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    These are some ideas I have come up with for my narrative that will help me write it, sort of outlining some of the finer details to give the fluff some added depth. What do you all think? Ended up Downloading the free version of the GHB so I could read up on some stuff :)

    Saurus/Seraphon natural healing for battles:

    I like to think that if a Saurus (as example) loses his arm from the elbow down that it begins to grow back soon after much like Ghidorahs head in the new Godzilla movie and perhaps during battle is when that procress is rapidly sped up with magic from Slanns/Seers/Priests/Rejuvenation Crystals/Engine of the Gods/Etc

    Slann Lord Ka’Rapixca Controls both Temple Cities but is often meditating for Millennia leaving the control to Itzli and Acattopa

    Twin Cities:

    Texcoco: Invidia, Heaving Mountains, Ghyran

    · Trade Goods: Purified life water from the cleansed pools and rivers that run through Texcoco, Fruits from its gardens

    Xiuhcoatl: Canyons of Woe ,Ghur

    · Trade Goods: Meat, Bones, Stone, Wood, Feral Mercenaries (slowly revert back to normal Seraphon after time), wild animals and celestial energies when available

    · Sits ontop of a deposit of realmstone moved to the core of the giant island to enhance the feral evolution, making them more aggressive and brutal over time but also enhancing the magical affinity of Itzli and his Priests have over the TSP and the beasts in their ranks


    Ghur (Beasts):

    · Lead by Itzli-Citlalli an Star Seer

    · The Dragon Isles is not effected by Ghyran and does not constantly shift due to a new magical barrier. Those spawned here take great Pride in becoming feral and are honored when conscripted into the home army of The Savage Primordials

    · Home Army that never leaves: The Savage Primordials – This Army Never leaves Ghur and is clad in gold and bone Armor and golden weapons. Although totally feral the Saurus, Skinks and Kroxigors are far larger and stronger than their non-feral kin. Used against only the largest of Ironjawz Waaghs, Chaos Armies or in dire need in Ghyran TSP boasts insurmountable numbers that imbody aggression and merciless killing. Clad in gold and bone armor and armed with golden weapons A Slann or Powerful Seer is able to keep the Cohort from turning on their allies while still casting their magic into enemy lines or healing the wounds of allies. No casters are naturally among this cohort for those that were have forgotten their mythical powers but instead boast the ability to kill things with their minds. Their primordial magical minds using their superior power in an evolutionary advantage. Great Beasts are ridden into battle as feral seraphon and beast alike tear into their enemies among them Dragon Isle Thunderlizards and Dread Saurians evolved over epochs in the reams of beasts into deadlier forms from the world that was.

    · Main Dragon Isles made into one large island floats in air, Xiuhcoatl in the center of the Island with all its original buildings and spawning pools except for the Original Temple of Quetzl which was recently rebuilt.

    · The Floating Isle follows the Mawgate as it ever travels due to the ever-changing landscape of the realm

    · The Temple City has a realmgate located within the ancient temple of Topek that connects the city to its sister temple city of Texcoco in the realm of Ghyran

    · Around the perimeter of the Flating Isle Two Layers of High Thick walls covered in both Sharp bones from the animals of the land and defeated Orruks protrude out from the walls as well as celestial currents preventing the walls from easily being breached.

    · Tall Towers powered by great lenses on top of the great temples capture star/sun/moon energy allowing the towers to shoot forth pure celestial energy at invading enemies while large meteor ballista also dot the walls.

    · In between the walls wild beasts and feral Saurus/Kroxigor (Carnosaurs, Salamanders, Ghur native beasts as well) roam, trapped they kill any unlucky foe to fall inbetween the walls when knocked off the many bridges that connect the two layers of walls.

    · The City itself is sprawling and a center of trade and military importance.

    · Uses water from the Realm of life from Texcoco in exchange for wood, bone and stone to build

    · Has minor Settlements throughout the isle with natural fauna that roams the open plains and jungles of the isle. Many different races are known to visit and live in these smaller settlements, none other than Seraphon are able to reside within Xiuhcoatl itself.

    · Uses water from the Realm of life from Texcoco in exchange for wood, bone and stone to build

    · Has mighty roosts ontop of the Towers and High Temples that house Ripperdactyls, Terradons and Quetzldons (Dragon Sized Flying Reptiles) that swoop down and inflict great damage on incoming armies or repels aerial attacks

    · All Seraphon except the strongest Seers and Priests in this realm slowly revert back to a feral state over time and must be swapped with those from the Realm of life after x centuries, a rigorous system is in place to assure that there are enough aggressive lizardmen left behind to fill the ranks as the Texcoco spawns lack the same ferocity to effectively fight off the Ironjawz alone.

    Ghyran (Life):

    · Lead by Acattopa’Cocotona-Cocoxqui an Oldblood

    · Texcoco is the Twin Temple city of Xiuhcoatl located on the western side of the Heaving Peaks in Invidia and also has the Sphere of Galxies artifact made directly by the Old Ones

    · Home Army that Never Leaves: The Cleansed Ones – The First to be spawned and that still survive from the World that was when Acatoppa was first spawned. These Saurus and Unique Red Crested Orcales are the Backbone of Texcoco and the bid to reclaim Invidia from Nurgle and Clan Pestilence. It’s Scar Veterans, that include Tor-La’Qui, ride on top of Giant Carnosaurs and its Oracles on Powerful Troglodons these mighty cohorts are a shock force that breaks an enemy’s battle line like the earth breaks to a meteor. Unlike those later spawned from the blessed pools The Cleansed Ones do not suffer from the ill effects of Nurgles rot and do not become sloth like over time. These Spawned so close in time to the Champion of Sotek and Quetzl have received the full blessing of both gods and receive full protection from physical and magical effects of Nurgles Blights and the Horned rats plagues. These Cohorts are ever in battle with Rejuvenation Crystals and the Sphere of Galaxies, for if not resurrected and then rejuvenated in time they are lost forever and cannot be replaced.

    · Sacred Spawning pools are located in their original Grand Temple of Quetzl. The temple is located in the Center of the City, these were blessed long ago by both Quetzl and Sotek during the Age of Myth. They Produce Saurus that are physically immune to all of Nurgles and the Horned rats plagues, disease, and pestilence however over time they have found that there is a side effect to this great blessing. Over time all those spawned from these pools become slow in reaction on a strategic scale, less aggressive and constantly indifferent on solutions to threats causing already uneasy alliances to be more fragile until fresh troops from Ghur arrive.

    · Originally just three Major Temples (Quetzl, Sotek and Topek) the Temple City has grown to a large scale with small defensive settlements dotting the surrounding jungles that give word to any oncoming threat, a precaution due to the morose position of the seraphon over time.

    · The Large Temple city is guarded by walls of Bone and Stone transported from the Realm of Ghur via Texcoco’s twin city along with full feral Saurus and Kroxigor packs
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2019
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Is there any sort of beastiary for Ghur? otherwise may need to make some up
  12. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    I like the idea of two sister cities that spawn complimentary seraphon, I guess mixing strategic, but slow to act, minds with savage and untamed bodies leads to a force that's required to shore up their weakeness with each other's strengths. The shared bits of aesthetic is interesting too, since I guess Ghur and Ghyran are kind of complimentary in the resources they provide.

    Best I could find was the wiki page but it's hardly comprehensive, I think.

    A small list i've put together with it (excluding the named, tabletop sentients):
    Great Worms- Colossal creatures that twist their way across the amber steppes, tearing up the earth and leaving it tilled in their wake. The vast majority of the humans of the steppes build cities upon/in them, as anywhere else is in danger of being destroyed by them. They're large enough to support multiple cities across their surface, and in the cavaties of their bodies (their stomaches considered small seas)
    Magmadroth- It's not really clear if they predate the duradin slayers or were brought to Ghur by them, but they're noted to be unusually abundant amongst the Fyreslayers of Ghur
    Sankrit- A sentient reptilian race with a small empire on the edge of Ghur's sand sea. Apparently edible?
    Sun Wyrm- Apex predators who've just been namedropped so far, but are apparently a threat on par with the largest of Ghur's dragon ogres
    Dragon Ogres- They're apparently native to Ghur? It's sort of contradictory since some survived from the World That Was, and the single largest one that spawned many of them now lives in Ghyran
    Angujakkak- Halfway between a squid and a Troggoth, they're colossal intelligent sea creatures. An unbroken family line of them protected one of Ghur's ocean cities throughout the age of chaos, with the juveniles using the city as a nest before leaving after they'd lain an egg and grown too large for the nearby sea life to sustain them. After one was released early out of desperation, there was no egg left behind to hatch a new guardian and it was left defenceless.
    Grindworm- Some kind of creature who's teeth are used by the humans of the sandswept kingdom of Jercho, forming parts of their bows (the arrows?)
    Wolves- Normal ones, apparently
    Spiders- The big goblin-worshipped kind, living in the realm's one forest of super-massive trees. Their silk can be weaved into Silksteel, a lightweight material utilized for making padded armor equivalent to steel plate, which is frequently used as Ghur generally lacks mineral deposits
    Massive tortoises- Also large enough to have cities built atop them, and their dung is processed to collect some ghur-specific minerals
    Dream-spiders- Iridescent rat-sized spiders, common as pests within the Sigmarite city of Excelsis. Their webs are made of "unfulfilled prophecy" that can lure the unwary, who often end up drained of blood in the city's back alleys.
    Marsh Striders- Massive mantises that dwell in Ghur's marsh, docile and used as mounts to cross the mash by the locals. Their legs are covered in fine hairs that let them move across the top of the water at high speeds.

    ...And probably most of the other "generic" species of the setting that the factions use as mounts or warbeasts
  13. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    In addition to the above:

    Just use any animal and make it a bit bigger.
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  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks yall! Gonna watch a few writing videos and continue the first chapter "From the Stars" This has been a great help!

    Let me know of any more thoughts on my "narrative thoughts" post if you have any! Especially regarding the home armies or anything else

    Ill post the first chapter/few pages when ready for some feed back!
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2019
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hey everyone! Been kinda busy with painting and other things (finally pain free for the past week, been trying to get out a little!) but I wanted to share what I have so far for my narrative that ties into my Fantasy backstory for my army. Its not much, but struggling a little bit, not sure if I should change some stuff or just not worry about it too much til I'm further in? anyway, hope you all enjoy, its just under 1100 words atm. Any ideas, C&C welcome!

    Also including two drawings of Acattopa that a friend/fellow IG community member is doing for me, soon will have some of the other characters too I'm hoping ( @trpowers ) Aattopa1.jpg Aattopa2.jpg


    · Characters: Acattopa (Oldblood) + Metzlitlaco (Troglodon), Itzli (Star Seer) + Tlanextic (Thunderlizard), Ka’Rapixca (Slann), Tor-La'Qui (Scar Vet), Xiatan (Star Seer)

    · Twin Cities: Texcoco & Xiuhcoatl

    · Texcoco: Invidia, Heaving Mountains, Ghyran

    · Xiuhcoatl: Ghur

    · Chapters: 1 – From the Stars – Explain Origins of both Cities in AOS

    · Chapter 2 – A New Life – Realm of Life and first contact with Nurgles hordes

    · Chapter 3 – Beasts of Savagery – Realm of Beasts and the forming of The Savage Primordials

    · Chapter 4 – The Orruks – First major conflict with Ironjawz with both Itzli and Acattopa

    The Twin Cities

    Chapter 1: From the Stars

    Lord Ka’Rapixca before the fall of the World That Was ordered many of his cohorts from both Texcoco and Xiuhcoatl to the last battle against Chaos before taking those left amongst the stars. The Slann foreseeing the fall of order saved his most ancient and deadly cohorts for the time he would then release them in a fury of vengeance. The Slann and his most powerful Seers and Priests turned the three major temples of Texcoco into temple ships, Itzli-Citlalli the mighty Star Seer ripped the Temple city Xiuhcoatl with the whole of the Dragon Isles and the surrounding mainland off their earthen frame combining them into one large mass miles deep and miles wide. As the Temples and the giant island with magical barriers launched into the atmosphere all that could be seen below was blood, death, chaos and then nothing as they raced through time and space.

    Traveling the constellations for eons the survivors wait while their Slann meditates trying to make sense of two visions he had millennia ago, a vision of new worlds, visions he had shared with Itzli-Citalalli and Acattopa’Cocotona-Cocoxqui. One vision was that of life and lush jungles where everything flourished beyond what was ever thought possible, however in the same vision pestilence and plague overtook. A large Island surrounded by thick seaweed that choked the sea itself and cutting the island off from all hope. The other vision that came to him was that of beasts untamed and wild as the savage world before the Old Ones came to the world that was. Great battles would be waged here by waves of green, chaos and those unknown against the claws, fangs and magic of the Seraphon. He also saw the Temple City of Xiuhcoatl being a key tool in a grander plan within this brutal land, a flash of primordial fury flashed through his mind. This inner brutality harnessed he foresaw pushing back the waves of green and the taint infecting this realm of abundant life.

    Still in a deep trance Lord Ka’Rapixca locked away in his sacred star chamber left his champion Acattopa along with the Skink Star Seer Itzli in charge of the Temple Cities. Itzli being a master of both the heavens and beasts guiding them through the cosmos looking for a glimpse of what their master told them of, pure life force radiating among the stars. A deep sigh with a slight hiss sound echoes through the temples corridors as two voices talk,

    “There has been no sign for longer than a star’s age, our life priests struggle to sense any life magic beyond our Temple Cities. It is as if we truly are alone” depressingly says the first voice as the head of a skink sags downward

    “I guide us even as our master contemplates the meaning of the stars and the great plan Xiatan, be patient for the world he has shown me is like the jungles we once called home” Itzli putting his clawed hand on the other skinks shoulder, a Starseer like himself. Both skinks see in front of them the black of space as light of stars fall behind them, the Island beneath voyaging on. Unlike Xiatan, Itzli preferred to walk with his Staff of Heavenly Beasts in hand while other Starseers preferred to travel on floating Palanquin of Constellations. War paint that is reapplied at any sign of fading covers Itzli, the evidence of this readiness to wage war against his Slanns foes. His staff having a Crystal with a galaxy within it constantly shifts showing the constellations when they are at their peak, along with two seeing stones in the color of two suns under it.

    “The spawning, it is time. The stars ahead make the forms of Quetzl and Sotek” a great winged reptile and a mighty serpent formed from stars into a moving blaze ahead soon seem to be guiding them as Itzli exclaims excitedly, his eyes crackling with magical energies. The shapes did not move out from sight as both Star Seers turn and begin to walk down the ancient gold lined corridor and out into the main plaza of Xiuhcoatl from the Temple of Chotec. All around them Saurus, Skink and Kroxigor alike stare in awe and reverence up at the shapes, soon erupting into chants and then a simultaneous deep primal bellows. Turning to Xiatan Itzli explains to activate the spawning pools throughout the giant Isle that the temple city rested upon while Itzli went to Texcoco. The Star Seers who were spawned at the same time lock hands and rest their foreheads together, their crests vibrating calmly soon depart as Itzli continues to the Temple of Topek and Xiatan to the caverns under the central volcano.

    The temple of Topek and within it the way to once was the temple city of Texcoco sat in front of the skink in all its glorious grandeur. Texcoco the twin city of Xiuhcoatl once grand in size only consists of three ancient temples, now ships soaring through the cosmos. Temple Guards stand watch at the entrance of the temple though none question the skink as they walk past into the grand hallway. Golden statues of ancient warriors line the walls and paintings of battles on the walls themselves the Star Seer is guided by ever burning star flame torches. The large hallway eventually splits into several smaller corridors, Itzli enters one he has walked countless times, twisting and turning he continues to follow the starlight; the air getting stuffier and humid the deeper in he goes. Coming to a large open bridge he glimpses down into the hollow cavern where rivers, jungle and mist with Stegadon herds and other creatures can be seen; a glimpse of the world he came from that connected to the surface. For half an hour he walks until finally he comes to a large chamber guarded by Kroxigor and Saurus, the ancient realm gate to Texcoco stands beyond the doorway before him.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2019

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