this is a very old model skink i got a few from ebay to help me descide what colour scheme i will use. so this is a quick idea, just wondered what you guys think.... Hes still not finished his yellow dagger will be gold along with a golden bow i will update later with gold. and ignore the base its just a test base And the photos didnt come out as clear as i hoped, they look better on the camera. if any1 has some camera tips on how to not get blury pics would also be helpfull
If you see a camera mode called Macro or an icon that looks like a flower you are going to want to use that mode for close up picures. Also natural light is good to use as long as it isn't bright direst sunlight, other wize use a lot of lights, florecent ones if you can.
heres the update with gold bow and dagger. still need touchin up and stuff but not too bothered with this model just lookin for colour schemes, i also have a blue skink that i will upload tomorro sumtime and green when finished and yellow maybe these colour schemes could help others to decide what colour they will do thier own. its easier to decide a colour scheme when you see it on a finished model. @n810 thanks for the hint on the camera it helped.
Yea Looks better, I like your paint schemes so far. He looks way better than most bow skinks I have seen.
i should hopefully have 2 more colour schemes up on here later, green and blue, might have the yellow finished too. ill have a red 1 aswell but probs wont have time to finish today. thanks for the comments
i got yellow blue and green near enuff done, here they are... i will try and find time to finsh off the red 1 im doing too might have photos tomorow. if any 1 has any ideas of how i can improve my models please let me know, thanks.