MCU movie ranking, analysis, discussion and more!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Nov 10, 2019.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    This thread is set up to discuss which MCU movies you like and dislike... and why!

    Here is my complete list, ranked from best to worst...

    Just A Skink, Warden and LizardWizard like this.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2 were both great movies. I do not dispute that they belong in the high tier.

    I just find it a little bit odd that you ranked 2 above 1. I would love to hear your rationale for that. I felt like #2 added very little. They repeated the same jokes and motiffs. They kept it fresh enough that I was not tired of the jokes and motiffs, so it was still a good movie, but I just cannot comprehend #2 was better.

    I also found it odd that you ranked Spiderman: Far From Home so low. Parts of the movie were a little campy, but I thought it belonged in the midtier at least. I guess I might be biased because I like Spiderman.

    With the exception of Captain America, I believe the #2 movie in a is always weaker than the #1. Sometimes a little bit weaker, sometimes much weaker.

    Iron Man 1, Great
    Iron Man 2, Slightly worse, but still good
    Iron Man 3, much worse but still watchable

    Thor 1, Good
    Thor 2, Boring
    Thor 3, Good, arguably the best of the three

    Captain America: First Avenger: Good
    Captain America: Winter Soldier: Better
    Captain America: Civil War, Mahrlect, everything with Captain America's name on it is better than the last! Don't stop!

    Marvels the Avengers, Good
    Avengers Age of Ultron, Meh. Here is the problem for me. MCU has had so many fakeouts with death so often that the first time they had someone die for real, I didn't believe it, so I didn't care. Also, they killed a new character not a character I had a prexisting relationship.
    Avengers 3, Good, even though I knew the cliffhanger wasn't much of a cliffhanger since we knew time travel would fix it.
    Avengers 4, Good

    Antman Good
    Antman 2, slightly worse but still good. I came in expecting a popcorn movie and I got a popcorn movie.

    Comparing the movies against each other is going to be difficult. I'm not great at Apples to Oranges. I never saw Captain Marvel. Brie Larson told me the movie was not for me, and I listened to her. More imporantly, I found two or three Youtube movie reviewers whose opinions on movies we've both watched are usually in sync and they all said Captain Marvel was a good movie to skip.

    I didn't watched Doctor Strange either. I find the character boring. Captain Marvel is stoic because Brie Larson cannot emote. Doctor Strange is stoic because that's how his character his written. Stoic characters are not my cup of tea unless they are part of an ensemble and Doctor Strange is sort of a solo act even when he is in a group. He is very powerful in a soft magic system, which also isn't my cup of tea. I probably will watch this when and if I join Disney's streaming service.
  3. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Easily my top 5 favorite MCU movies.
    • Ironman I
    • Thor: Raknarok
    • Guardians Vol I
    • Black Panther
    • Spiderman Home Coming
    I like all others about the same. Age of Ultron might be my favorite Avengers film. However, I find the battle banter of the larger franchise movies to get a bit old. Endgame & Infinity Wars with Thor & the Guardians was amazing though. Loki being ragdolled by Hulk is still my favorite scene from any MCU movie.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I can't make a definite list since there are a few I haven't seen:
    - Avengers: Endgame
    - Captain Marvel
    - Black Panther
    - both Spiderman movies

    However I notice we seem to have a different taste there. Infinity War was a bit meh for me. I see the potential and I see why many people liked it, but it wasn't my cup of tea. Maybe together with Endgame it becomes better (IMO it is unfair to judge connected stories without having seen all parts).

    I really liked Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, and the Ironman movies, while Guardians of the Galaxy are comparatively annoying to me.
    That being said: All Marvel movies (MCU, but also X-Men for example) I've seen are watchable for me, and I was entertained by all of them.

    But probably not for the same reasons as you I guess.
    ...which in itself tells us that Marvel does something right there. Knowing and appealing to different parts of their target audience.
    It isn't surprising because that's what they have been doing with their comics for several decades now. There are not many 'superfans' who like all the comics. I know several people who have hardly read any Spiderman comics but love the Hulk, for example.
    Just A Skink, Warden and LizardWizard like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to Guardians #1 vs. #2. As to why, here goes...

    • Drax and Mantis: Drax is already a hilarious character, but when coupled with Mantis, they leave me in stitches. Drax is typically the most oblivious character in the room, but in #2 they brought in Mantis who is completely innocent and even less aware of the world at large. Their dynamic together is absolutely fantastic; the blind leading the blind.
    • Baby Groot: In #1, we are introduced to the lovable Groot. Who knew that a character of only 4 words could be so well executed and beloved. In #2, they decrease his size and increase his cuteness... hilarity ensues! Baby Groot is an even better version of Groot and they use him to great effect.
    • Gamora and Nebula: A simple story arc but one that I enjoyed. Nebula was really great in this film and she was well set up for her role in Infinity War and Endgame.
    • Rocket and Yondu: Rocket is my favourite MCU character by a very large margin (which is surprising, as I didn't even know the character existed before the release of the first Guardians film). He was extremely funny in the first movie and may be even slightly funnier in the second. More importantly, the emotional connection that they made between Rocket and Yondu towards the end of the film is simply wonderful. I think they make a great pairing on screen. I like the emotional depth it added to Rocket.
    • Yondu and Quill: The way they bring their story arc to an end is heartfelt and brilliant. Everything set up in #1 is masterfully continued and ended in #2. Yondu was a cool character in #1, but is much more multifaceted and well-developed in #2. The whole Ravager funeral scene at the end is awesome. Basically, Guardians is fun, silly and lighthearted; #2 managed to maintain these underpinnings from #1 while creating some really great emotional scenes during its conclusion. The father-son story arc between Yondu-Ego-Quill is very well done. I love the way that #2 is able to intermix its comedic elements with its emotional ones. Of all the reasons I like #2 more than #1, this is probably the most significant one.

    I personally feel that #2 added quite a bit to the Guardians of the Galaxy as a whole. However, it is in its ability to take and utilize character arcs and story arcs from the first one and bring them to heartfelt conclusions is what really seals the deal for me. The progression from one movie to the other seems well thought out and executed (which is one of my biggest criticisms of the Star Wars ST, which feels poorly planned and disjointed). Yondu's death and funeral is right there with the Thanos-Gamora Infinity War scene as the most emotional of the MCU for me.
    Compared to those two, the death of Iron Man seems completely flat in End Game

    I obviously cannot claim objectively that #2 is better than #1 because the numbers simply aren't on my side. Everyone I have talked to liked the first better than the second. However, those are some of the key reasons why I personally like the second film better.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    You have not sway me to say that Guaridans 2 is better than Guardians 1. But you have swayed me to say "Nightbringer believes Guardians 2 was the better movie and he has well-reasoned explanations to support his stance."

    I do agree with your sentiment that Yondu was the most meaningful death in the MCU movies. I do wish it was not telegraphed so much. As soon as they talked about Yondu not getting a proper funeral I knew he was going to die and then get a proper funeral.

    I like Rocket. I thought Rocket's theft of the batteries was a bit too far. I loathed that plot driver. His character isn't that greedy and reckless. He has a survival instinct and a desire to be part of the group.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
    LizardWizard, Warden and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Thank you sir. To be fair, I can't (nor would I intend to) make the statement that it is the better of the two movies, only that I liked it more. I fully accept that most people like the first one better. I do love both of the movies, I just like the second one a touch better.

    So why do you feel the first one is better? I do like the "origin" story aspect of it; it is immensely fun watching each of the characters get to know one another. The prison break sequence is extremely well done, one of my favorite scenes in all of the MCU. I can definitely see an argument in favor of the first movie.

    Which is pretty funny because it comes from one of the more light-hearted and comedic entry of the MCU.

    That's true, but it did make the Ravager funeral sequence all the more emotional in the end. A bit of a trade off.

    Fair enough. I felt it to be perfectly in line with his character. He loves to steal and he doesn't seem to have too much respect for the Sovereign race anyways.

    There are even memes about it...


    LizardWizard and Warden like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I thought the Thor + Guardians interaction was far better in Infinity War.

    That makes sense, us liking opposite things and all (except Iron Man 1 which we both seem to rate highly)
    LizardWizard, Warden and Aginor like this.
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Being an engineer myself Ironman is just very relatable for me I guess. He has no super strength and no magic, but he can keep up with gods and stuff because he builds great technology.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Not only can he keep up, but often he leads the way!

    Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark portrayal is incredibly good. I thought Iron Man 2 was a lot weaker and 3 seemed like a complete flop.
    Just A Skink, LizardWizard and Aginor like this.
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I did not like this. In fact, while Hemsworth is a fine actor and very handsome, I do not think he works well as part of ensemble. Remember Thor's troupe of sidekick adventuring companions? You forgot them? Of course you did, Hemsworth didn't pay attention to them, so why should you?

    Jaime Alexander is more my type than Natalie Portman as well. Sif is also less of a wilting flower than Jane Foster. I cannot see how Natalie Portman can become Thor and not make it look ridiculous. Also I guess, I am a mythology purist and in Norse mythology, Sif is the wife of Thor.

    Hemsworth did better at working with others in Ragnarok than his usual though.

    The movie is layered but elegant in it's simplicity and Robert Downey Junior has amazing charisma. Without Ironman, there is no MCU. Iron Man is my top choice. That's as good of a segue to any to my ranking.

    I can get into the weeds of analyzing all sort of things but it really gets down to. "Which movies would I be willing to watch again."

    I could watch this several times. I have watched this several times.
    Iron Man 1
    Guardians of the Galaxy

    I would probably come around for Seconds or I already have
    Iron Man 2
    Guardians of the Galaxy 2
    Thor Ragnarok
    Black Panther
    Captain America: the Winter Soldier
    The Incredible Hulk
    Captain America the First Avenger
    Avengers Infinity War
    Avengers End Game
    Spiderman Far From Home

    One view is adequate
    Avengers Age of Ultron
    Spiderman Homecoming
    Ant-Man and the Wasp

    One view is unnecessary

    Iron Man 3
    Thor the Dark World
    Doctor Strange (didn't watch it)

    One view is too much!
    Captain Marvel (didn't watch it)

    Going into the weeds. Apart from Thanos, Loki, and Killmonger, I believe the other villains are adequate at best.

    Loki was great, but all the other Thor villains were pretty forgetable.

    I like Obadiah okay. The second movie I liked Whiplash but was annoyed by how whiny and stupid the Hammer tech guy was. Iron 3's villain offended me on every level. The Mandarin was a stupid gimmicky twist. The main villain was whiny and silly. The fact that US veterans would turn on America like that to get their limbs back is implausible and offensive. The fiery regeneration superpowers were gimmicky and poorly written.

    I thought the Abomination was a far more compelling villain before he got his super powers but not after.

    Ant-Man's villains are almost literally forgetable to me. As Screen Junkies put it. "A restaurantier who violates health codes! Oh come on, even Ironfist can take him!"

    Same with the Guardians of the Galaxy villains. The charisma of the Guardians ensemble basically eclipsed all supporting characters. One flaw with the Guardians series is it had too many characters so very few characters got adequate characterization in my opinion.

    The Red Skull was a bit one-dimensional and campy nemesis for Captain America, but I found all the villains in Winter Soldier adequate.

    The Spiderman villains were both lousy, but I guess the central conflict of both Spiderman movies was "Person vs. Self" rather than "Person vs. Person", so it didn't matter much.
    Just A Skink, LizardWizard and Warden like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That's because his companions were poorly developed. That does not mean that they could have worked exceptionally well if the film focused on it.

    Thor and Peter Quill have a great dynamic. Thor and Rocket in Infinity War are great together.... sweet rabbit.


    Thor's best work occurs when he is working alongside of others. Ragnarok, Infinity War and Endgame are all much better appearances of Thor than his solo work in Thor 1 & 2. I think he functions much better when he has someone to play off of.

    Baron Zemo from Civil War was absolutely fantastic. I know he is not a traditional villain in the MCU (lacking any super powers), but he did manage to overcome individuals far stronger than him and attain his goal (at least for a while) through careful planning and intellect. A man claims "victory" against the gods. He may not be as memorable because he doesn't have a costume and powers, but he is unique among the MCU villains.

    LizardWizard and Warden like this.
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I would deem him as being a forgetable villain because I literally forgotten about him completely. I think it cheapens the real division between the two sides in the Civil War that there was a third party manipulating him.

    I guess we have different tastes in characters.
    Warden likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    He is more forgettable, by design... but how can he not be, existing in sea of superheroes and villains. He is supposed to fade into the background, that is the only way he can function. I love how he recognizes that greater men have failed to bring down the Avengers, so he does the only thing he can... he sets them against one another.

    As for the third party manipulating them, he only gave them a push in the right (or wrong) direction.

    This is true... but at least we can agree that Captain Marvel sucks! That is all that is needed.
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.
  15. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    From my perspective with the Guardians debate, I would say that as a stand alone film, the first film is probably better but I think I enjoyed the second one more. I think it plays into something that I find an awful lot in movies, TV and even music. The original is probably the best, but provided you’ve seen it, you’ll probably get more satisfaction from having it referenced in an awesome way in a later film than you do watching it the first time. To give an example, one of the best parts of the Transformers film series in my opinion (and indeed possibly the only part that is actually good, and extremely good at that) is Steve Jablonsky’s soundtrack. There are numerous themes in the original soundtrack, all of which are extremely good, such as this one:

    However, assuming you’ve already heard that theme and have the personal connection to it, I would say that you will probably get more satisfaction from hearing it repeated again in the later films in a big satisfying way, as here:

    Than it is hearing the original. If you were to take the two songs by themselves, the first is probably better and stands on its own two feet more, but when you have that history and association, you will probably enjoy the second more.

    I’d say that Avengers Infinity War and Endgame are probably the two biggest examples of this - I think it’s fair to say that your enjoyment of them is probably equal to the product of the amount of MCU films you’ve seen beforehand. On their own, they’re perfectly good but probably not as good as, say, Civil War. But, having seen Civil War, that scene near the end of Endgame (I won’t go into detail but if you’ve seen it you know the one I mean) becomes far more satisfying and powerful than what features in Civil War precisely because you have that pre-existing connection with it.

    This concept is probably part of the driving force behind the whole “cashing in on nostalgia” thing we’ve had going, and I personally find it an interesting one, and definitely one with truth behind it in my opinion (Rogue One is a good film but it probably wouldn’t be my favourite if it wasn’t for all the other satisfying nods to the others!). Certainly though, I think it provides a good explanation on how the first Guardians can be seen as perhaps a better film but the second one ending up as your favourite!
    LizardWizard, Warden and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That's a good point. I agree with you that there are major moments in the second movie that were setup by the first movie.
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    To be honest, I think Endgame takes a bit away from it. I still like Endgame, but I like Infinity War much more!

    So why haven't you gotten around to watching Endgame yet? You've clearly seen most of the MCU movies, have you gotten bored with them?
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Yep, everyone defiantly has their own opinions :joyful:

    Here is my list (borrowed your format @NIGHTBRINGER) :

    Marvel Cinematic Universe_warden.png

    Favorites: I had no expectations going into that first Iron Man movie. Even though the villain is rather flat (and monologues too much) that movie is still my favorite.

    iron man tank explosion.png
    I will never forget how the first Iron Man movie ended and how I felt in the theaters leaving. Me and the other dudes I was with all immediately wanted to go build our own iron man suites.

    Kinda wish they had snuck the black sabbath into the endgame credits... oh well! :D

    Favorites Continued: Also really liked that first Avengers movie; after Iron Man I didn't enjoy any of the other movies that much until it came out. Also loved Doctor Strange, and I definitely viewed Infinity War/Endgame as the same movie and enjoyed them as a fitting send-off to the universe. I have watched these a few times and have enjoyed them every time so far.

    Liked: Iron Man 2 was fun, not as much as the first but I really enjoyed it (especially more than #3). Guardians of the Galaxy was unique at setting up the world. Black Panther was also a fun romp, probably the weakest one in this category for me as the second time I watched it, it felt bland. I actually enjoyed Captain Marvel (am I the only one on this forum who did?). I felt the only reason it worked was setting up the space universe from Guardians of the Galaxy. And I don't think it telegraphed nearly as much as Guardians of the Galaxy 2 did. Captain Marvel herself wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be; main character played it straight, basically female superman. I definitely enjoyed her movie way more than ANY movie with Superman in it that I have seen (Batman v. Superman doesn't count, it was trash). Also the cat in the movie looks like mine and is equally evil ;)

    Neutral: Apathetic on the Hulk movie (the first Hulk movie I did like Jennifer Connelly, she is my favorite :couchpotato:) but it was forgettable. I enjoyed Captain America 1 the first time I watched it, but with subsequent viewings it has slide down the roster for me. Already talked about Iron Man 3; Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was kinda lazy in my opinion, like has already been stated by others. I felt it was super telegraphed, to the point the ending fell completely flat to me. Beautiful colors in both this movie and Thor 3. I thought this Thor movie was the best of the three (which was sad, I was looking forward to this character on the three) but I didn't like Valkyrie at all, I really wish World War Hulk had gotten its OWN MOVIE, and there are only so many times I can stand to hear "the devil's anus" being played for laughs (see: none) and it just being really awkward in the theater for everybody being involved. Felt like they may have slid too far down the Guardians spectrum and missed what made that movie fun, don't think Thor was supposed to be that funny (but then again, see the next two).

    Did Not Like: Thor 1 and 2 were boring, especially compared to #3. Everything about the movies, from the set design (lazy norse-in-space) to the characters who played in it. Couldn't have had the universe without him, and Avengers would not have been set up so well, but just plain boring. Also I did not like the other two Captain America Movies and Age of Ultron; they mostly congeal together into one in my mind (see: bland) with forgettable villians, forgettable plotlines, and lots of characterization that definitely changed the characters between the first Avengers movie and Infinity/War Endgame but didn't work for me as movies. Especially Ultron, that one is the bottom of my list for me.

    Did Not Watch: Never got around to it, and frankly not interested. Sorry Ant Man :( I owe it to you at least, he seems like such a nice guy. Not interested in the Spider Man movies either; I wasn't really a fan of the last few generations of spider man movies either (except the very first one with the Green Goblin).

    Other thoughts: I know X-Men doesn't count on this list because those movies technically aren't part of the MCU, but my favorite was Days of Future Past :D:D:D. Great to see the old cast and new cast work together, it was the Wolverine movie I was hoping for.

    I also liked X-Men First Class and Logan. Didn't care for either Deadpool or Last Stand, haven't seen the last two. Worst was still the Wolverine movie (which is so sad considering he is my favorite character :(, and the opening credits of that movie with him and his brother fighting all those wars was so amazing!!!).
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2019

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I doubt it.

    I've spoken to a few people who have enjoyed it, so I can only assume that you'll find some fellow fans on LO as well.
    Warden and LizardWizard like this.
  20. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah I got a bit bored.
    And I don't like watching stuff in the "wrong order".
    Every time I do it, it takes away from the enjoyment of the movie I am watching. For example in Infinity War I didnt know what the hell Wakanda is and who all those people there are.
    I had not watched Black Panther as I am not terribly interested in that hero but Infinity War just didn't care to explain anything. I also hadn't watched Guardians vol.2 so I didn't have a clue what Mantis could or could not do either. Which made her a pretty weak character for me (which is sad, I didn't mind her in Guardians vol.2 when I finally watched it).

    To me it was clear that the movie was basically only made for the superfans who have watched all the movies. It didn't stand on it's own.
    I still enjoyed the movie a fair bit, but not nearly as much as I could have.
    Before that we sure had some nods to the other movies of the MCU, but it wasn't that bad IMO.

    So I need to see the movies that are missing before watching Endgame. I like a super hero movie now and then but now it kinda feels like a chore, so I am working through the backlog slowly. I guess we could call it "personal franchise fatigue".

    Side note: The same thing prevents me from playing The Witcher 3. I would have to finish The Witcher 2.
    Well... saves me money I guess.

    And then I watch less movies to begin with. Since I have kids I went to see... three movies or so in the cinema, all of them Star Wars (I never went to the cinema more than 3-4 times a year but that has declined to once per year now). I usually just buy the BluRay for the Marvel movies. But it is rare that my wife and I can watch a whole three hour movie in one sitting as my wife tends to fall asleep or one of the kids wakes up. That has led to our habit of watching less movies and more series, especially those that are funny, don't require much attention and preferably have short 20 minute episodes (like Young Sheldon or Modern Family).
    Also: my wife isn't _that_ interested in SciFi/Fantasy/Superhero movies so only every third or fourth movie can be one of those. And then she falls asleep (like halfway through Infinity War) and I have to either watch the movie twice or endure her asking questions during the next movie all the time. It takes away a bit of the enjoyment.

    In the meantime the web is full of spoilers so I guess that Endgame will be less enjoyable. I normally don't mind spoilers much, and IMO good movies should not rely on surprises but if Endgame does then the outcome won't be great for me I guess.
    But then... maybe not. If a movie is sufficiently immersing then I can kinda 'forget' about the surprises. Star Wars example: I can still be 'shocked' by Qui Gon Jinn's death.

    We will see. I plan to watch one or two of the remaining ones this year, so I might watch Endgame at some point in the first quarter of 2020.

    Edit: Oh, and did I mention that the TV died a few weeks ago so we watch everything on a 24" PC screen? :D
    Not so cool for movies.
    Warden and LizardWizard like this.

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