Blog ChildishKnight’s Machinations

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by childishknight, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Here they are! They are done for the most part. :D I just want to add some greeblies to their reigns, but then they will be ready for some primer! So excited to start painting them! I won’t spam you guys with individual pictures of each Knight (unless you guys would like to see that) ;)

    744CC3E2-AA52-4AA5-9DCA-002F2A962945.jpeg 3D7C58F5-4E6F-4A4C-B488-9532E8B99DBB.jpeg 158DF84B-EFAF-4494-B99D-A8B983490264.jpeg AE1CFFC0-A3B8-4FC5-A000-2D57719B4BFC.jpeg 1EF6CB70-1861-457F-AFED-C1B00373C867.jpeg
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Glorious conversions!!!
    childishknight likes this.
  3. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I’m working on a paint scheme now. I’ll post an update once I finish one of them. In the mean time, here is them with primer on them (which immediately makes them look better)

  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Dang they look even better primed!! :wideyed::wideyed:
  5. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Hey! It’s me again. I haven’t posted in a few days because I wanted to get a lot of painting done on my Saurus Knight hero. There is still a lot left on this guy, but here are some WIP pictures! (Sorry for the terrible quality)

    FA2F6C23-DBC2-4CB2-B96A-0106FC0C5C64.jpeg 6F760E7F-84D8-44C5-B39C-112AFB855C04.jpeg BCFAC6D6-1D3C-4D44-807B-FD81E950AE6C.jpeg 2FAB94D7-382E-41A6-AB81-539B56DC8F8A.jpeg

    This is my first attempt at wetblending (used it on the feathers)and I’m really happy with the results! Although I need to practice being more consistent with the blend. I find it hard to keep yellow looking yellow in the middle.

    I still need to paint the cold one’s face, highlight all of the scales for both the rider and mount, touch up some things here and there, put some wash on the shield, and work on the claws of the cold one. There is too much bleached bone white so I need to figure out how to separate the claws from the skin. I was thinking about painting the skin a dark yellow and doing a brown wash to darken it even more....

    This guy was a lot of fun to paint and the other riders are not as complex as this guy is. I’ll post more photos as I go on the other guys!

    Let me know if you guys like the color scheme or have any suggestions! I’m open to new ideas if you think I need to change anything
  6. Sir Rathalos

    Sir Rathalos Well-Known Member

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    Great work on the wet blending it looks really effective.
    Cageyblood likes this.
  7. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Hello everyone! Man, it’s been wayyyyy too long..... work and life got in the way of the hobby, BUT I think I’m back(at least for now). I snuck in and purchased some of the Lost Kingdom Miniature lizardmen models before they were all sold out and they look great! The only on I’ve finished so far is the chameleon skink hero model and I’ve proud of him so far! I’d like to get some better pictures of him with better lighting and a better camera, but this is all I got right now.

    Still learning how to wet blend, but I really like how his arms and tail turned out! I think I need to paint more dots around to blend the orange in some... please send me any suggestions for how to do that!

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    Hope you guys enjoy! I’m working on painting up the Kroxigors from Lost Kingdom Miniatures, but I’ve been feeling inspired to finish my Avatar themed terradon riders first.....

  8. coldblood

    coldblood Member

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    That Inspiration hit me once too, I wish you good luck on your terradons.
    I tried the same colorscheme on rippers then and it drove me mad
    but I think its one of the nicest colorschemes for our flyers at all.
    I'll definitly try it again when I'm a better painter.
  9. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    I just checked out your page. You're an awesome painter! I found a very thin, clear plastic which I plan to glue to the edges of the wings of the terradons for the ikran conversion. I've already got a color scheme I'm currently painting on them and some cool ideas for base coats. I'll be sure to post my progress and possibly a quick tutorial.
    Imrahil and coldblood like this.
  10. coldblood

    coldblood Member

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    That sounds good so far, I had also thoght about doing that plastic-card thing but did'nt dare
    to convert the wings that much, so I paintet It on.
    I'm really excitet to see how you'll solving that.
    Speaking of it makes me wonder how people paint the wings on those nurgle-flies...
    gotta look that one up.
    childishknight likes this.
  11. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Hiya! I’ve been hard at work trying to get a proof of concept for the Ikran terradon rider conversations and Im happy to reveal my proof of concept! I also learned how to make trees which was a fun, creative break from only assembling and painting models!

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    I found some old, clear plastic...somethings (truth be told, I have no idea what they are from, but it’s some kind of packaging) but the point is they are clear and they cut nicely with an exact-o knife. I still need to work on the paint job a lot, but I wanted to at least test the look of the wings. C&C welcome, as always!

    ....should I add the secondary wings near the legs or keep it the way it is? I’m undecided on what I want to do with them.
  12. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    What’s up lizard peeps?! I gone a TON of work done on my stegadon and my trerradon riders!

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    Still a lot of work to do...but it’s better the. Being unpainted! I saw the skink chief conversion on here at some point....I liked it so much I completely copied it lol
    Cageyblood, Nazqua, Imrahil and 2 others like this.
  13. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Coming back to this thread to see some more impressive work. Nicely done @childishknight .

    It got me thinking if anyone had used Dragon Ogors to make mounts for Seraphon Knights? The legs look a bit clumsy, but still pretty good overall, and they're very close to the mounts made here.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
    Nazqua likes this.
  14. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I went through all the GW models trying to find some conversions. I still want to do a cold one conversions with the Stormcast Eternal Evocators on Celestial Dracolines...although all the green stuff I used is still cheaper then three of those guys....
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
    Nazqua likes this.
  15. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Idk why I feel the need to intro all my posts like a YouTuber, but WHAT UP PEEPS?!?! I’m now in crunch time to get...well really any work done on my terrain piece for a local competition and I’m happy to report: I got a lot of work down last night!

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    I know it doesn’t look like much yet, but I have started to cover and blend some air drying clay over my styrofoam so I can paint it. Most of the paints I have will melt the foam :confused:

    Things left to do: I need to finish glueing the cork board rocks down, blend the tops of them to other surfaces, paint the left structure, add greeblies to the right structure, prime the right structure, paint it, cover the whole thing in sand, seal in the sand, paint the rocks, and then go around touching everything up.

    I’m also in a band so I have to manage fitting practice, my full time job, and a social life somewhere in the next week and a half.... o_Oo_Oo_O
  16. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Got a ton of work done on my terrain! Base coats for the structures are done! All the clay blending is done! I think I’m going to start adding sand to the base tonight! Woohoo!

    still a lot of work left to do, but I really feel like I can finish this project in time! Who needs sleep anyway?

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    Cageyblood, Nazqua, Imrahil and 2 others like this.
  17. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I Love the creative process. It is a 40k terrain I presume(?).

    Is there an explanation/backstory of the peaces of structure? or is it simpely that: 2 pieces of structure?

    I do like it ;)

    Gr, Imrahil
    Nazqua likes this.
  18. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    you know what? I don’t have backstory for the structure on the left.... So I took it out!
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    the clay around the base has not dried yet but I’ll blend it in with sand once it’s done. I plan on adding some watcher effects around the base. The backstory is it’s a water pump that is still working after many many years and it’s spilling onto the ground. Will post more pics as I make progress on it. I only have 6 more days to turn it in....
    Cageyblood, Imrahil, Aginor and 2 others like this.
  19. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Got a lot of work done on my terrain this weekend! I’ve got the majority of the weathering done on the main building. I still need to finish the ladder, paint the ramps up to the 2nd floor, weather the water pump, finish assembling the small nuclear reactor, weather the reactor, finish up the puddle of water, do a water effect of water spewing out, and run through and touch everything up. It’s a lot of work left to do, but I’m confident that I can finish it by thin weekend! C&C always appreciated.

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    Did I go too ham with the rust? :oops:
    Cageyblood, Nazqua, Egres and 4 others like this.
  20. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    It used to be a waterplant, so No ;)

    Looks great:artist:

    Gr, Imrahil
    Nazqua and childishknight like this.

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