AoS 2 lists for ME - one with Gotrek. Advice?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Dreamkeeper, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. Dreamkeeper
    Temple Guard

    Dreamkeeper Well-Known Member

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    So I'm building a Meeting Engagement list for my upcoming local tournament and, first as a joke, I create it with Gotrek, but now I do consider try it. What do you think guys, what list should pick?
    Here is a first list:
    So basically Starpriest is buffing Saurus Warriors, Vanguards are trying to capture objective. Main force will arrive and Warden with SG going to sit on objective as long as they could and Bastiladon is helping wherever he needs. Razors is more of a occupying Rearguard slot and not wasting 50pts on CP.

    Ah, Gotrek - ma boy.
    I don't know how to actually play this (the correct way). I think Gotrek will just sit on the objective while rest of the army will try to defend other objectives.
    Dr.Doom, Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Both look like solid list.

    I think the Gotrek one is very good on any map where he hits the table early.
    Dr.Doom, Lizerd, Aginor and 1 other person like this.
  3. Dreamkeeper
    Temple Guard

    Dreamkeeper Well-Known Member

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    Well a little battlereport.
    I went with first list (without Gotrek) and in 4 rounds I have:
    Major Victory (against Nurgle, easy win. 3 points, hold 2 of 3 and monster from Ghur hold them in the topr corner of the table for 2 round, Skaven Abomination is one hell of a beast);
    Major Loss (against Flesh-eaters, painful);
    Minor Victory (Gloomspite Gitz, double 6 in 1 and 2 round for goblin player and his moon went past table, still an attrition game);
    Minor Victory (Orks, some wolf riders, some choppaz but I manage to hold 3 of 4 obj and burning one on his side, we were playing Raid).

    The most crushing defeat was against Flesh-eaters. We were playing in Ghur (World of Beasts) and my opponent set up his beast in 9 inches of my spearhead (Starpriest and Vanguard Hunters, you can't use double warscroll in spearhead so I had to move SWx20 to rearguard) and his Terrorgheist just crushed my Skink Starpriest and rip through Vanguard Hunters (killing half of them). Then he uses his faction terrain (Charnel Throne, I guess) and summons (FOR FREE coz of this terrain allow the use of CP for spawning and instantly gaining it back) Crypt Ghouls and controlls most of the objectives in just 1 round. There was no 1 round for me because all my magic was up to Skink and Vanguards are in combat with Terror (dying)
    In 2 round roll off was not in my favor and he starts first, mowing me down with his Crypt Flayers and more spawning. I manage to take some ground in 2 of 4 objectives but in 3 round everything was gone - My SG (under 7 models now) with Warden (1 or 2 wounds left) is holding one objective (oh ma goodness they are tanky little lizards) but the rest of the army is soon gone. Vanguards died in the beginning of the 2 round, Bast died in 3 round and SW reduced to 7 models (from 20) sitting on the objective while surrounded by 20+ crypt ghouls, Razor died somewhere near SW on the second obj. We decided not to start 4 round, there were no point in that.

    Something need to be changed but I don't know what is. Bringing Slann (260pts) is making me too vulnerable in ME. I feel like Seraphons are getting hard time in ME. A couple weeks ago we have a little tournament (Pitched, 1250, Shyish) and I played pretty well with my Slann, Bast and summoning. But as the third Realm Tournament (means we will play ME on every realm till May) I have a struggle in getting even past 6-7 position (in usually 15-16 players).

    Do you guys have any suggestions? What do I need to improve (tactic, roster etc).
    Dr.Doom, Aginor, Lizerd and 1 other person like this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I don't think there is much we can do against some armies (like you experienced against FEC).

    But keep in mind that you did win 75% of your games. That's pretty good!
    Dr.Doom, LizardWizard and Dreamkeeper like this.
  5. Dreamkeeper
    Temple Guard

    Dreamkeeper Well-Known Member

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    Do you know any other armies that we struggle fighting against? I could read about them, to be better prepared. I know for sure that Slaanesh is very powerful (we have 2 players and most of the time they're sitting in top of the tournament list; double Keepers making a huge mess) and Skaven (Plague Monks, Lighting Cannons).
    Dr.Doom and LizardWizard like this.
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Slaanesh, Skaven, FEC, Fyreslayers, DoK and Ossiarchs are probably the most significant ones.

    But they cause problems for everyone, not only Seraphon.
    Dr.Doom, Dreamkeeper and LizardWizard like this.

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