Fiction Suds Beastiary and New Weapons for Seraphon/Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Sudsinabucket, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I've started to make my own creatures for the narratives that I am writing and wanted to share them in a separate post that I can keep adding to as I write. This also allows whoever to use them if they feel they would fit into their own fluff. Some descriptions may change slightly as I think about the species more as a whole, but these are the general ideas and species that are inspiring them. I will edit this section as I add more.

    I am also including plant life into these lists as my character is versed in the landscape what is good to use and what isnt.

    So far I have only really thought of creatures for Ghur as that is where my story will focus on mostly at first...and its the realm of beasts, all sorts of crazy stuff probably calls the realm home.

    Any feed back would be wonderful!


    Quetzldon – Giant Reptilian Dragon Sized Flyer that haunts the Ghur Skies and landscapes. With its large talons, spiked clubbed tail and razorsharp beak and fangs this predator is able to take on even the largest of monsters. If tamed a Quetzldon is fitted with a 5 skink crew, 1 that guides the giant reptilian and 4 others placed on its underbelly with blow pipes and javelins aplenty to skewer foes below. A host of these roost on the Tallest towers of Xiuhcoatl, their skink handlers ready to mount and swoop down against any foe. (Inspired by Quetzalcoatlus)

    Bajasauradon – A Pygmy Sauropod reptilian that makes up for its lack of size with defensive spikes down its spine and most of its side while ending in 6 large spikes as tall as a man on its tail. Still weighing up to 6 tons, the Bajasauradon can still break through most battlelines with ease. When not being used in battle they are used as pack animals/work animals by nomadic tribes, trade caravans and by Seraphon/Lizardmen specifically. This is a subspecies of Thunderlizard, native to the Dragon Isles they are slightly more intelligent than their larger Lustrian Cousins, they transported to Ghur by the Star Seer Itzli-Citalli when he lifed the Dragon Isles into Space. Engine of the Gods and other Mythical devices are often put onto these walking fortresses. (Inspired by Bajadasaurus)

    Diemetcrocodon – Seemingly a cross between a large Crocodilian and a Troglodon, this four legged beast lurks in swamps and large rivers. With Dual sails riding down its back in a diagonal position, it soaks up the suns rays while lying on the shoreline. If not near water this predator is quick and still powerful and should be approached with caution. With a bite force of over 10,000lbs this creature can snap most small victims in half with a single snap. (Inspired by Dimetrodon and Sarcosuchus)

    Xalachiosaurus – Fourlegged Herbivore with mighty bone plates that soak up the suns and moons rays and sharp side spikes that line all the way to a flattened blade like tail with large spikes coming out at the end. Native to Ghur these animals migrate in great herds across the red dirt savanah landscape in search of water from its mighty rivers. Slightly smaller than an aged Stegadon, the Xalachiosaurus is smarter and less aggressive, unless provoked. Having slightly more intelligence allows the skinks that command these into battle to maneuver faster with slightly more complex movements. Another use is that they are able to power mighty Moon Stones of Huanchi and Sun Stones of Chotec that deliever devestation to foes and bulster allies. These plates also offer another natural defense for the creature by being able to radiate heat blasts from the plates themselves. (inspired by Stegosaurus and Kentrosaurus)


    Blue Paradise - Euphoric and relaxing, used by Xolek after battle to help him forget the carnage brought by him, if only for a moment in time. The smell of sweet orange and mint fills tjr air as this herb is smoked, soothing all around who smells it. Herbivores are especially attracted to the scent. Only Grown by Amazons on their island or the surrounding main land, highly guarded. Only respected members or guests are able to partake or gather it.


    Sunray Flower: Thought to be a blessing of Chotec onto this world, these plants flower a beautiful red orange with white accented flower. Naturally gives energy to those effected allowing faster strikes or faster dodging, this is a flower Xolek uses before battle, a ring of smoke dancing seound him as he does a ritual dance that soon turns into a fury of obsidian. They grow on trees as their vines stretch upwards, strengthening the bark it touches.


    Purple Moon: A flower of bright lilac purple with a highlight of royal purple and specs of moon silver this flower is found deep in the jungle near river sides and grows on the moss surrounding trees and rocks. When Dried and chewed this flower enhances magical affinity and expands then mind to be able to process higher difficulty spells. A rare flower that is often covered by the Fauna of the Jungle for its rich flavor from the natural sap that comes from the leaves whether fresh or dried.


    The Earthen Flower: This Flower grows very low to then ground and sprawls about for many yards. Although a big plant it is very hard to find among the brush of the jungle floor. Not only do other plants make it hard to see but the stems and branches of this flower resemble small logs and the flowers grow under and on the lower side of the stems and branches. If smoked or chewed this flower gives resilience to the partaker, as if being hardened by the earth itself and also having small healing properties allowing wounds to heal faster with less chance of infection.

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So I am expanding this to also a list of Weapons that I am adding to my fluff. These weapons are new ways to use items we may already use. I will edit this section as I add more.

    Obsidian Grenades - Thick Obsidian globes with four small holes to allow air flow. The globes are filled with obsidian shards and Salamander Saliva. Thrown with slings or from the back of Stegadons and other large beasts via Bolt Throwers. As the globe flies through the air the salamander saliva reacts and ignites super heating the obsidian which then explodes sending super heated obsidian shards outwards, maiming and shredding all near by.

    Flaming Corrosive Javelins - Coated in a balm and then Salamander Saliva, the Javelin tip ignites with unrelenting flame that sticks to its target as it reacts with the air

    (Both of these depend on either the Two Chemical theory or the Oxygen Sauration theory)
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
    Just A Skink, Sevesh, Aginor and 3 others like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I have thought about something similar, but with Boltspitters ammo.
    I used it in the warscroll for my Capybara Riders.


    Link to the thread with the Capybaras:
    Aginor's Painting Blog, Capybara Riders
    Just A Skink, Imrahil, Sevesh and 4 others like this.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    LOVE the idea of Capybara riders, especially for an Amazonian culture (I often imagine Amazons being my allies in my fluff)

    Great idea! This community is such a treasure trove
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Wow, Awesome ideas. Love your rules for the Capybara riders Aginor.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2020
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I highly Support this, who needs a Troglodon when you can have a Capy!

    Lets go find me a river...oh wait

    *looks at swamp over yonder* wheres that beast tamer at...


    We have something else to capture!

    The best part? Capybaras are friends with EVERYONE

    Except Andaconda...
    nintchdbpict000019101072.jpg nintchdbpict0003029315201.jpg nintchdbpict000302928990.jpg
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I did forget to mention the Salamander saliva being corrosive, which is the reason for the balm before applying it to the javelins. Will have to add that to the descriptions I think
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Im pretty bad at drawing but wanted to share what ive been working on for my fluff. This creature i have named 'Lustrumetodon' or 'Marsh Reaper' and it is an omnivore


    Living in swamp/flood plain/large river areas in both Ghyran, Ghur and what was Lustria. This large creature lays on the surface of the water usually hidden amongst the fallen trees and other vegitation. Its large horns and protective spikes naturally grow in the shape of sharp dying or broken trees all over its body, ending in four on its tail. Its mouth in the shape of a venus flytrap, its edge as sharp as a obsidian, grips anything that comes before it. Using it to trap its prey whole and alive with thousands of grippers, the beast then swallows its victim emptying it into the large sac on its neck. Corrosive juices await to slowly digest the unlucky, screams are sometimes heard outside of the thick scaled sac. Though it usually prefers vegetation, large broken logs and fish from the marsh floor.

    A fast swimmer with its powerful tail and hooked talons, it sinks them deep into the river or swamp bed along with up and down motion of its tail propelling it forward. On land it is slower but not defenseless, along with its size it also has a hard scaled back protecting it from from above that its spikes do not repel. If made to fight it has 2 large sickle shaped talons on its front hands that move independently, allowing it to slice the jugular. If its size and large talons arnt enough of a detergent, its sharpened mouth edge can slice through rock and it is able to expel corrosive juices from the sac under its neck, partially digested corpses, logs and rock coming up projecting outwards forcefully.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Wow, That sounds like an awesome creature. Love the way it has spines shaped like dead tree branches ect.. I imagine it would look something like this, But obviously with claws, A 'Sac' and some more spines

    You know, I might use this creature on the RPG if you don't mind :pompus:
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Please do, Id be honored! Haven't decided on the size, but we can talk about that.

    That beasty was a slight inspiration, otherwise totally from my head lol Ive decided its an omnivore, prefering vegetation.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Updated the Xalachiosaurus section to include that its back plates are used to soak up the suns and moons rays/energies which can then be harnessed to power mighty Moon Stones of Huanchi and Sun Stones of Chotec and able to radiate heat blasts from the plates themselves as another natural defense
    Moon Stone
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Its been awhile since I updated this post! I've decided that I wanted to expand this to plant life as well, as I've been creating smokable and chewable plant types that allow for different effects. I love your input, so please let me know what you think!

    *The "Properties" section is meant for the RPG and have not been filled in yet, it will be the stats of said plants.*

    Blue Paradise - Euphoric and relaxing, used by Xolek after battle to help him forget the carnage brought by him, if only for a moment in time. The smell of sweet orange and mint fills the air as this herb is smoked, soothing all around who smells it. Herbivores are especially attracted to the scent. Only Grown by Amazons on their island or the surrounding main land, highly guarded. Only respected members or guests are able to partake or gather it.


    Sunray Flower: Thought to be a blessing of Chotec onto this world, these plants flower a beautiful red orange with white accented flower. Naturally gives energy to those effected allowing faster strikes or faster dodging, this is a flower Xolek uses before battle, a ring of smoke dancing around him as he does a ritual dance that soon turns into a fury of obsidian. They grow on trees as their vines stretch upwards, strengthening the bark it touches, allowing more sun absorption for the tree.


    Purple Moon: A flower of bright lilac purple with a highlight of royal purple and specs of moon silver this flower is found deep in the jungle near river sides and grows on the moss surrounding trees and rocks. When Dried and chewed this flower enhances magical affinity and expands then mind to be able to process higher difficulty spells. A rare flower that is often coveted by the Fauna of the Jungle for its rich flavor from the natural sap that comes from the leaves whether fresh or dried.


    The Earthen Flower: This Flower grows very low to then ground and sprawls about for many yards. Although a big plant it is very hard to find among the brush of the jungle floor. Not only do other plants make it hard to see but the stems and branches of this flower resemble small logs and the flowers grow under and on the lower side of the stems and branches. If smoked or chewed this flower gives resilience to the partaker, as if being hardened by the earth itself and also having small healing properties allowing wounds to heal faster with less chance of infection.

  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Going to be updating this in the coming weeks
    Nazqua likes this.

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