D&D 5e Warhammer Races WIP

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by DeathBringer125, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys I've been working on some Warhammer races for d&d 5e that I want to make and possibly post these on the DM's guild. Here's what I got so far.
    +2 str +1 con
    Gain proficiency in handaxes, and javelins.
    Gain Dual Wielder Feat.
    40ft move speed as opposed to 30ft.

    Chaos (Human Variants)
    Khorne- +2 str, proficiency in intimidate, gain Savage attacker feat.
    Nurgle- +2 con, gain tough feat, immune to disease and poison.
    Tzeentch- +2 int, can cast prismatic spray once per day at its highest level spell slot as if you were a wizard.
    Slanesh- +2 Cha, proficiency in persuasion, gain actor feat.

    +1 str +1 Cha
    Start with Mounted Combatant Feat.
    For the Lady!
    Once per day you can give an ally advantage on an attack action. You can use it twice if both targets are Brettonians.

    +1 Dex
    As an action you can choose to drink the blood of a creature that is incapacitated or restrained. If you choose to do this you can regain 1d6 HP (if humanoid target) for every 2 levels you posess or 1d4 if it is an animal. You can use this feature once per day.
    +1 int
    Once per day you may cast either Misty step or darkness.
    +1 Dex
    You gain a +1 on attack rolls with ranged weapons.

    +2 str -2 int
    Once per day you may go into a frenzy for 3 turns, in this state gain a +1 to damage rolls and +2 temporary hp per level.
    Edit:. Probably takes an action as you dance and stuff and scream lol.

    Tell me what you guys think. Not all races should be balanced but if something is ridiculous please let me know. Also post ideas on edits I could make. I feel the chaos variants are a bit lackluster so if you have ideas on how to rework some please let me know.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I have ordered my 5e books already (I will return to D&D together with a few friends soon), so in a few days I might be able to contribute something here.
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  3. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    It's been a long while since I last touched D&D in general (v3.5 in particular), but I have a repertoire of 40k stuff that I transcribed over a decade ago to the d20 system, back when I was still in high school, that may be of some worth to this little project of yours if you're willing to convert it to 5e. Races, classes, monsters, weapons, armour... and a lot of it was the result of me doing Mad-Math off of 4 points of reference already within the d20 system (humans [D&D], ogres [D&D], assault rifles [d20 Modern], and tank battle cannons[d20 Modern]) and comparing them to their equivalents in 5th Edition 40k tabletop (humans, ogryns, lasguns, Leman Russ battle cannons).

    Feel free to look through what I have here.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2020
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  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have played 2nd edition and 3.5 a lot. I have never played 5th edition. I spent a few hours perusing the core rule books. That's it.

    I noticed that there is a power scaling down in 5th edition to an extant. That said, I will state that Warhammer Vampires are very powerful.

    Compared to 3.5 D&D Vampires, Shadowrun Vampires, and World of Darkness White Wolf vampires, Warhammer Fantasy vampires tend to be over powered, at least going by their fluff. If any creature should be imbalanced it's probably Vampires.

    Though the Golden Rule of RPGs applies here. If you don't like something in official canon, change it. It's also possible that Warhammer vampires are not inherently overpowered compared to humans, only the vampires described in official GW fluff are overpowered. Much like the way the fluff about the Empire focuses on their greatest heroes, one could conclude that only the greatest vampires are written about in lore while the average and below average vampires are sidelined by historians and chroniclers.
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  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I mean for Skinks and Saurus there's Kobolds and Dragonborn. For enemies, you have those options as well plus Lizardmen and with Fizbans Draconians from Dragon Lance.
    I could see reflavouring these two as Temple Guard and Slann. Though there may be better oprions if you want a tougher slann.
    Screenshot_20220528-102602_Drive.jpg Screenshot_20220528-102656_Drive.jpg
    Tk'ya'pyk and Imrahil like this.

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