Hey all, I LOVE the new GW troll models that are coming out two Saturday's from now in NA. I was thinking of somehow trying to use them to make some bizarro Kroxigor conversions. Now sure how the kits will match size wise, but here is a rough mock-up. I would certainly remove the fins near the head/neck, but other than that, it just might work. Another option, again if the size is right, is to use the old godzilla-looking Cold One heads... thoughts?
Yes .... I think it could work if you have them raising from a swamp base. I would try to tone down the fishy look with the gills & spines on there backs turn into boney spikes. MY personnel opinoin is the orginal Kroxigors heads look better.
I personally don't like the look of the new troll and while your conversion idea has merit, I think the new trolls are too fat to represent Kroxigors. I wouldn't do it but who am I to tell you what to do . If you like the idea and see potential in it, have fun!
The only overweight Lizardmen are Slann, but don't tell them that! The rest of the Lizardmen are some form of "worker bee", so I don't think the kroxigors would be fat. But that's just fluff, do what you think looks best.
Haha, maybe I could make one into a warrior Slann, lol. Well for the 50$ or so that box will cost I think I may pass until I can find one on the cheap on eBay anyway.
Wow, I just bought a box of the new river trolls, and they came with ROUND BASES? How the hell did 40k get into my Fantasy?! I think I will go back and complain.
The guy at the GW store swapped me for some 40 mil squares. Crisis averted, and conversion underway! I will never be a 'round baser' btw. lol.
Wow surely that was a one-off mistake for your box? It would be crazy if they all came with round, and completely stupid and pointless.