More info on 8th Edition released today

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Skrox, May 26, 2010.

  1. Skrox
    Cold One

    Skrox New Member

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    8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    Over at warseer there is a guy who witnessed one of the "official" 8th edition introduction games which started happening May 22nd.

    There are lots of things in there but the big one for me is that there is a 25% Lord restriction, and a separate 25% hero restriction. Does this mean Slann EOTG combos aren't dead?
  2. vaalnn

    vaalnn New Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    At this point I'd take just about any 8th edition info with a pinch of salt (infact, quite a bit more salt than this). One thing I'm pretty confident of though is that GW will allow EOTG + Slann through either a rule like your suggesting, or a special lizzie rule. If not their just killing off the EOTG.
  3. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    I agree, much salt is needed with any rumors, even this close and with "official" ones. See, the big thing with these rumors is that noone knows where they come from origonally and they get thrown way out of proportion. As well, people will think to themselves "hey, I don't like *BLANK* about warhammer... I bet they'll fix it in the next edition... in fact i can't see how they *wouldn't* fix it..." and then from there they start telling people all about it. I'm not saying that everyone is untruthful about these sorts of things, just that there is WAY more fiction and exhaguration mixed in there than actual fact.

    Anywho, it would be nice if the lord and the hero percentages were separate. Even though I tend to take 4 heroes in 2000pts as opposed to a lord and a few heroes. I'm pretty sure that Gdub wouldn't completely throw out rules to kill of EotG's like that. Now... if the stegadon models weren't selling as well as they'd like, they might just toss out a few extra rules to make them more awesome so they fly off the shelves afterwards like some units i could *COUGH dragon princes COUGH* mention. ^_^
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    You guys misunderstand I think - GW stores should mostly now have a copy of the final 8th edition book so they can start doing trial games and introducing people to the changes. Thus in theory, anything from that thread should be 100% accurate (and mind you I haven't read it yet). Having said that, we all know how good red shirts are with rules, but I have heard this new development for a while now. I would agree with it with a 95% certainty. Personally I would have prefered harsher restrictions, surely this doesn't change much at all.
  5. vaalnn

    vaalnn New Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    I just read the post you linked to properly. It seems to me that there are way to many statements including the following phrases - "apparently", "maybe", "I heard", "probably". Reliable? Nope. But by the law of averages some of what this guy is saying must be true.
  6. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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  7. MI_Tiger
    Temple Guard

    MI_Tiger Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    25% heroes isn't game breaking, but it does introduce some significant restrictions. At 2250 points you have 562 points for heroes. If you take an EotG, that really only leaves room for 1 additional hero, and not a fully upgraded one at that.

    Its not too harsh, but the rule will require some army list changes.
  8. walach

    walach New Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    for me it doesnt mean you can't take an EotG, just that they're not as good a way to spend your points (tbh that's probably fairly true now...)

    it should make normal foot combat heroes a bit more useable though right? mmm just think of a nice unit of saurus with 2-3 scar vets with great weapons/extra hand weapons in the front. sounds good to me at least...
  9. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    Army lists will still change though... remember you need at least 25% core. This will cut back on lists that would go minimum core and tons of characters rare and special. With core requiring more points, having tons of points in heroes and lords will really sap away from rares and specials, which are usually key components of an army. If one area is to be trimmed, at least as far as I am planning, it will be the Lords/heroes.

    I'm also looking forward to taking a Slann in a 1600 point game as my only character. Fear the Slann! Last I heard you could take a Lord in under 2000 point games so long as he didn't go over 25% (400 points in this case).

    Army composition will also change because it seems like every troop type is getting new rules. Ranked skinks are going to be great shooting support, as they now can fire in 2 ranks and thrown weapons always can stand and shoot, even when enemy is too close! Skirmishers are getting whacked with needing to have a formation, but on the positive side they can MARCH and shoot! March blocking now needs a Ld check as well, so skirmishers will be better at shooting and probably worse at diverting. Losing 360 LOS gives them a weakness, but they can still reform like fast cav. As a side benefit, they will look more cohesive on the battlefield and gameplay will be sped up as people no longer have to move each one by itself.
  10. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    If you have more than 2 ranks of skirmishers, can they all shoot (i.e. you have 15 in ranks of 5)? To me, that is the most important question about skirmishers. If they cannot, I will be using ranked skinks for the shooting.
  11. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    This has been answered in the other 8th edition threads, short answer is ranked skunks can NOT shoot in 2 ranks and all skirmishers in range can shoot like they do now
  12. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    Ya I got most of that from GW newsletter
  13. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    Dunno why they didn't sent it my way. I usually get it. Maybe Canada just get's it later.
  14. Guardian of Hexoatl
    Temple Guard

    Guardian of Hexoatl New Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    I like these apparent changes. It stills keeps a lot of free will with what you can do as far as lords and heroes, but it shuts down hero hammering a holes. Not gonna be too critical of rule changes though ;) I think I'll wait till the 8th ed book actually comes out to throw in any more opinions. I like GW to have the right to actually defend theselves with fact, not rumors.
  15. Guardian of Hexoatl
    Temple Guard

    Guardian of Hexoatl New Member

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    Yeah, I got it yesterday :) looks good so far, but I'm probably just biased toward GW.
  16. SaurusWarrior

    SaurusWarrior New Member

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    Hazzuh! Onlyy 19 days tillthe advance order is available! That gives me three Saturdays to work! Anyways, I'm very interested in the changes in the rules for the magic phase.

    And GW's site has a steady countdown clock for those who want to keep a track on how long there is left.
  17. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    New updates are in Kurlin. It now looks like all missile units can fire in two ranks. Thrown weapons can always stand and shoot too, makes the little skrox units quite nice! I really hope we get to move kroxigors to the third row now, that will solidify me using them in my army.
  18. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I got the newsletter. :) I wonder if anyone has tried blowing up the pages yet? I want to see if there is any indication of at least a bit of naval battling from that invasion of Chrace scenario. I can't imagine anyone building 5-6 ships that beautiful and only using them for a cameo in one scenario. :p

    Still not sure if I am going to buy the rulebook... If it is a decent price (lolZ yeah right) and comes with some extra stuff like templates and the like, I might do. Otherwise... Bring on the starter box with mini rulebook and two armies for cheaper!

    Edit: Also I have already locked a thread for 8th ed stuff, lets try to keep it all in the one or two threads already existing. I'm thinking one in LM discussion for how the rules effect LM, and one here for general rules rumours/confirmations. I'm going to be merging threads to try to fit that.
  19. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    hey all take this with a pinch of salt but was in my local gw shop, theres a few interesting things the staff said about the new rules.

    every army will be getting a super unit - if you watch the 8th ed vid theres a giant dragon bigger than normal ones thats for high elves probably were getting a giant dino like a thunder lizard.

    spells will be cumalative e.g caster casts fireball 1d6 strength 4 hits, another caster casts fireball does 2d6 hits another caster casts it does 4d6 hits could be cool.

    as evryone knows spells are getting redone and each laws getting a super spell apparently deaths super spell will open a giant vortex in the sky and it will suck moddels of the board into it :)

    also apparently with the new miscast and IRF tabbles. now a pennalty for casting IRF and there is a chance you accidently let through a bloodthirster onto the table :walkingdead: would be cool if you could control it lol

    also if you fail to cast a spell thats the casters magic turn over, makes us throw more dice at spells, no more 1 dice casting for vamps i guess.

    also movement seems to be move value +d6 so dwarfs could move 9 inches !! crazyness

    and cannons are point shoot auto hit no more guessing range
  20. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I have heard about tiered magic spells - I like it! Not heard about uber units for each army, that would be cool. As long as GW did models for them all... Failing to cast I have heard can give a chance of miscast, it would be very harsh if it automatically ended the phase...

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