Time for a new Scum and Villainy!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by strewart, May 5, 2010.

  1. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Yes, frankly I was, when murder, undead and other evils were about the vast majority of you were getting drunk out of your minds. I still have not lost my suspicions of you either.

  2. lizardninja
    Temple Guard

    lizardninja New Member

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    I suspect Lord Craken that you are the assassin so I Vote: Craken
  3. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    - My friend, that's a bit hasty isn't it? Considering that the Baron was highly intoxicated. I was merely concerned whether or not he'd pass out on the floor, which wouldn't be very gracious at all for him. Hellbreaker replied somewhat astonished by this.
    Taking in a deep breath he continued.
    - As it is, our friend Lizardninja has without supporting evidence accused our lord Craken. So before making hasty conclusions I'd like to hear his reasoning. Hellbreaker paused and grabbed the tome he had put on the table a few days ago. We can contemplate on whether or not I'm an assassin later, but for now I will be in my room. he stops, turns around on the spot and walk towards his room speaking beneath his voice.

    OOC: Strewart, I must compliment you, this time around the game is actually thrilling, and challenging. (Not saying the others weren't, this one is just more so)

  4. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    I have not noted the telltale nuances in Lord Lizardninjas speech that prompted the first reaction, I find Master Hellbreakers earlier statement far more intriguing... In light of this new evidence...

    VOTE: Hellbreaker

    If Lord Lizardninja's speech once again betrays him, and thus, reveals the pattern of his killings, I will change my vote, but as it stands...
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Ok here comes the update! A little late because of this silly little real life thing... I had to go to a national security conference. Such is life.
    What do we have, 7 lords in at the moment? So 4 votes needed for a majority.

    The lords appear to be panicking a bit at the lack of solid leads, and starting to cast accusations about as they see fit. I notice even the lord of the keep has been cast into some suspicion! We have locked the keep down for your own safety, not for an alterior motive, long have we watched over your lands and kept you safe. (OOC: Yeah I am trying to be a bit devious though, it is all fair and within the spirit of the game) Lets count your votes, lords!

    hellbreaker: 2 votes
    lizardninja: 1 vote
    Craken: 1 vote

    Yesterday, lizardninja took a clear lead. Today, hellbreaker narrowly, though this time even further from a majority! Again, no lord is cast aside. Let us see how this plays out when we all retire for the night. As the lords are departing, this time Lord Craken shimmers with magical energy which seems to disipate; he was safe last night and also from a majority vote today had it occured. Hellbreaker yesterday, Craken today, both saved seemingly by the same witch doctor among the ranks. All wonder who (if anyone) will be protected tonight.


    As dawn breaks, the reserve guard of the household see a decidedly yellow sunrise as opposed to the crimson red of last night. They feel hope at the thought blood has not been spilled this night! However, as the lords enter the main hall for breakfast, there is still a number missing, two lords are not present. Lord lizardninja is not among the others. The guards go to his room and find his pale and clearly diseased body in his bed, a look of horror across his face!
    A quick search of his body (the guards are perverted I think) reveals a tabbard which reads Knight-Marshall on it. The Knight-Marshall of the keep has been killed! Speculation rises about whether the killer knew his status or not, it cannot be known however signs indicate it was another random attack.

    Soon after the news breaks, a troubled Lord Eternity_Warden runs into the room looking stricken. He is suffering some memory loss, but is able to recall that two nights ago a vampire whom he could not identify in any way bit and turned him. Last night, in his new undead form, he stalked the nights for fresh blood but by some mechanism he didn't understand, it seems he has awoken a mortal again. The lords find this a mixed blessing; pleased at his redemption but troubled at the thought that a vampire may lurk in the shadows, or even among them now!
    None of the others find any vampiric marks on their form, suggesting that Eternity_Warden was saved before he found a room with blood.

    Day 4:
    Aranigej - On notice for not posting, will be killed tonight if no post
    lizardninja - Struck by disease
    The Hunted - Assassinated twice Day 3
    Benjiac - Killed for inactivity

    KroxigorsFTW - Assassinated day 2
    crimsontide - Struck by disease

    The herald of the keep makes an announcement after breakfast. The lord of the keep will vote today. Since he has been distancing himself from affairs, he will simply add his vote to whomever has the most votes, and the vote will count as a single vote. (OOC: Effectively, it means 3 votes can count as a majority.)

    Let the discussions begin! It is now wednesday night here, which would make the next update on sunday night. I think I might do it on monday morning instead, thus you have 4.5 (real life) days from now.

    Thanks mate! That is exactly what I was trying for, a thriller and suspenseful game where you don't actually know who to trust and who not to. There are a few rules that I think could still use some ironing out, and some more I'd like to add, but we shall leave discussion until the end. A pity things were a little quieter today, but I think its going well overall.

    Edit: Apologies for any typos. I have corrected a couple of shockers already. Its late and I've had a big day. :p
  6. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    "Well, without further ado, I vote for Hellbreaker again on suspicion of spreading disease."

    vote: Hellbreaker

    "Vote with me, fellow lairds, and let us not die from indecisiveness!" :jimlad: o_O
  7. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    - My friend, Eternity warden, do you have any other possible evidence that I am spreading disease than the mere coincidence that my concern for the Hunted ended with his demise? Hellbreaker asked Eternity warden. I'll give you time to think up some more 'evidence' along with our remaining comrades while I make sure you stay in your bed tonight, considering that you may after all get fully turned. Garlic, where's the chef? I need garlic!
    Hellbreaker walks off in a slightly higher pace than normal towards the kitchens, bringing his tome with him flicking through it and mumbling incomprehensibly. Once he enters the kitchen the lords can hear him shout out various 'necessities' for warding off the undead.
  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Hmm so the warden fell to disease, as well, and Hellbreaker is being voted as the assassin, but I have to say, I distrust the possible vampire spawn even more. In fact I vote to have Eternity_Warden taken away for the simple taint in his blood.

    Vote: Eternity_Warden
  9. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Did my fellow lords not listen carefully? I have been CURED of vampirism.

    Onto my new theory however:

    I am rather suspicious of you, Craken, though now that I have ruminated on it. I am pretty sure that Lizardninja, as the Knight Marshal, could tell whether or not you were an assassin, and he repeatedly laid suspicions upon you while he was alive.

    By my reckoning, the below quote was lizardninja's coded probe to see if Craken was an assassin:

    Later, he probed to see if Aranigej was an assassin:

    He found out that Craken was an assassin, but since we didn't know he was knight marshall, the certainty with which he declared this (and his lack of proof) made him seem like an assassin:

    And then, the assassins realized that he was onto them, and they killed him

    Call me crazy, but you can't fight the evidence. From beyond the grave, Marshal Lizardninja has convinced me of Craken's guilt.

    Food for thought. :pompus:
  10. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Revered Guardian looked around confused. How can you even be cured of vampirism anyways? Was that even possible?

    Coming back to his senses, he regarded hellbreaker.

    'You have been very suspicious...I cannot simply sit down and wait for death."

    Vote: Hellbreaker
  11. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    I figured it out. Everyone, let it be known that I will die of disease tonight, because Hellbreaker has mentioned my name and the word "Bed" in the same breath. Please o witch doctor save me :(

    Edit: In case you forgot, and think I am crazy, he killed The Hunted earlier by talking about him being in bed.

    Second Edit: Although, I won't die if we execute him I believe.
  12. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    After listening carefully to the arguments brought forth, I tend to believe that Eternity Warden's argument holds water.

    I therefore vote: Lord Craken
  13. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    Holding a large bundle of garlic and various other wards Hellbreaker walks up to Eternity warden, smiling.
    -My friend, trust me, you will not die. You have my word on that. But you are making much sense regarding Lord Craken, I myself have felt suspicious toward him, but I didn't let it concern me. Well put. he said as he rushed into Eternity warden's room to start preparing his room, if he should somehow get turned again.

    Vote: Craken
  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    How dare you two vote for death on me, an assassin please. I would never assassinate people, especially from you Hellbreaker. I've had my suspicions of you as well but out of respect I did not vote for you. I hope your souls can bear the wrongful accusations. Yes I shall see you in hell as I watch from above in the heavens.
  15. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    It seems I have opened up quite a can of worms... :shifty:

    Well, speaking my thoughts aloud here, I am rather stumped. I don't trust either Craken or Hellbreaker at this point, but since suspicions about Craken have gained the most support I am changing to vote: Craken since the last thing I want is for no murderer to be executed today.

    I cannot decide whether Hellbreaker is really trying to reassure me that I will not die tonight because he claims he is innocent, or if this:
    is actually another code calling off his attack on me (now that I have predicted it) to make me seem wrong about him.

    In any case, on the brighter side I believe that Revered Guardian and Aranigej are innocent and I hope we together can ferret out the assassins among us... and then hopefully not get killed by the undead outside the castle :p

    And after going through the whole thread again, I can't find a thing that points to which of us was the vampire who bit me before I was cured... this is rather irksome. :shamefullyembarrased:
  16. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    You are a cruel person Eternity_Warden. I wish a slow painful death upon you.
  17. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    "My theory now, is that Lord Craken is the Vampire, and Hellbreaker the disease carrier, since the votes are going that way so far..."

    VOTE: Craken
  18. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    "I will not go without a fight", he yells as he raises his maul, and gets into a defensive position. "Come and get me!" he says motioning his hand to taunt the others.
  19. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    "Can we shoot him?"
  20. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I think that is basically everyone voting Craken, and he has pretty much revealed himself as well. Might as well finish the day early then! You have indeed caught Craken, he was disease. His mark was to say yes, and the person who posted before him died. I gave a bit more felxibility allowing him to put a number in the same sentence, and I count that many posts back for the victim. Pretty hard to spot for you detectives, I guess, but it ended up 5 good guys to 1 assassin.

    I found it very ironic, and it would have been hilarious, if the knight-marshall was voted out very early on after he tried to pin the real assassin. Similarly, you guys got pretty close to waxing hellbreaker and he was the witch doctor!

    Thoughts on the game? Want another game going? What did you like/not like about it this time around?

    A few thoughts to get the ball rolling, I loved the idea of the witch doctor and the knight-marshall. The latter is difficult to play though, he did inadvertedly reveal the assassin. I think I was a bit unclear with the rules, I wanted it to be perfectly acceptable to say in character that you were the knight and knew who the killer was. You just couldn't mention any PM's with me. This way should create more distrust and thrill since just as easily as the knight can publicly reveal an assassin, an assassin can claim to be the knight and publicly reveal an innocent.

    Warden as the vampire, unfortunately that didn't get a good test since he went for Craken on the first night and I said if you attack disease or witch doctor, vampire turns back. The vampire would have been able to turn his victims into more vampires, which is why vampirism is reversible otherwise they get too powerful. Small concern that if you are a vamp, and attack someone then get turned back, you have a good suspicion that they are disease. That didn't seem to be a problem though, and might be ok since the witch-doctor can turn as well.

    Hmm what else... I liked the idea of the assassin able to give someone two votes, that worked early on before crimsontide hit a diseased mark. Adds a bit more strategy to the assassins and they have to be careful who to give votes to.

    Disease was very powerful. Basically the only way possible to get rid of him was vote him out. Sure all assassins got that in previous games, but in a version where assassins can kill each other do you think its too powerful? Or ok?

    From a running point of view, it was difficult to do updates and took a long time because it was hard to keep track of all the different types of characters, marks, what they had all done, and how that effected each other. :p I would definitely like to keep the system of PMing me the post after making it, that made things easier. Thanks a lot to Craken as well who coloured the relevent words and mentioned the name of the target at the end of the post!

    I'll stop now and let others put forth ideas. I want to make the game better!

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