More info on 8th Edition released today

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Skrox, May 26, 2010.

  1. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed

    Some people did s lot of enlarging and squinting over at Warseer...
    Originally Posted by Avian
    Special rules

    Reavers of the Sea
    Each reaver ship moves 12" and can transport up to [30] Dark
    Elves []. Each ship has a Reaper Bolt
    Thrower (that can fire even if the boat moves that turn). The
    ships are Toughness 7 with [6] Wounds each. Once reduced to 0
    Wounds, the ship will sink, slaying everyone aboard. All
    "recycled" crew units (the Waves of Attack rule) enter play
    aboard a Reaver ship and []

    High Elf Watchtowers
    The watchtowers use the rules as presented on page [].

    Elven Waystones
    The Elven Waystones use the rules for Elven Waystones (page
    121(?), but the [] line of Waystones [] that as long as
    all the Waystones are in control of the High Elves, they can add
    an additional +1 bonus to all their rolls to dispel. However,
    should control of a single Waystone be lost, the [] is
    interrupted and the bonus is also lost. Should the Dark Elves
    gain control of all the Elven Waystones, they gain a +1 bonus
    to their channeling rolls. Waystones are controlled by the [nearest]
    unit within 12" (not counting fleeing units).
    Some more of the detail.

    and on the other page...
    Originally Posted by JonnyTHM
    Battle for the Pass (mostly transcribed)

    Each player chooses his force using the army list from a Warhammer ARmies Book to an equal points value agreed before the game.

    Set up terrain as described on page 143. It's worth keeping in mind when setting up the terrain that the battle will be fought down the length of the table in a narrow pass with impassable mountains just off of the long table edged.

    Roll off to see which player picks the half of the table they want to deploy in. The opponent deploys in the other half. Note that in this pitched battle the game is fought down the lengths of the table rather than down the width, as shown on the deployment map below.
    Units may be placed anywhere in their half that is more than 12" from the center line.
    Players take it in turns to place units on the table using the alternating unit method of deployment described on page 143.

    Roll off after deployment to see which player receives the first turn. The player that finished deploying his army first adds +1 to his roll

    Use victory points to determine the winner of the battle as described on page 143

    The battle is being fought in a narrow pass enclosed by high cliffs. Because of this, the long table edges count as impassable terrain. Following the normal rules, fleeing units can force a way through the impassable terrain and disappear from the table (or die trying!) Other units (including reinforcements) may not enter or leave via a long table edge unless they are ethereal or a fleyer. This means that persuing or overruning units, other than ethereals and flyers must stop 1" away from the long table edges.

    on the Lizardman page
    Originally Posted by Gunless Ganger
    I can read it... albeit very slowly. It looks like it's basically a repeat of the standard Lizardmen fluff - here's the first paragraph.

    The war leaders of the Saurus, known and scar veterans and oldbloods also have a limited intelligence, their vocab. is but a few hundred words strong and almost all of these words are related to simple concepts such as "hunt" "kill" and "defend?" although "?" and "d....?" are also in their ....? Nontheless they are gifted tacticians on the field of battle.

    well nothing all that great...
  2. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    Cant wait to see the new spell range for each law with tiered spells, yeah the guy in the store said you dont miss cast if you fail to cast it just ends that models magic phase other casters can still cast that phase, so if a skink fails to cast a spell your slaan can still cast that phase. as long as it doesnt end the whole phase seems better than a chance to miscast, although with cupped hands oo a 12+ cast spell throw 1 die miscast and transfer :)

    the guy said the beastmen monster guys ghorgon etc are being made and the other ones will be as well, was told the goblins are getting a giant spider as in GIANT bowt 30-50 goblins ride it !!!!!!!!!

    cant wait untill it comes out some bits seem very cool others less so but looks better than worse, also apparently there is a huge increase in common magic items,like 80 apparently - reminds me of the edition i played huge amount of magic items always took black amulet 4+ward and if you made it the attack bounced back onto the attacker.
  3. walach

    walach New Member

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    one thing i missed until now, aparantley skirmishers no longer have 360 sight, but can march and shoot. sounds pretty good for our skinks? if there's a large target within 24", he's pretty much toast right?
  4. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Combine that with the concept of march blocking changing. Supposedly you can still march within 8 inches if you pass a Ld test.
  5. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    Eh, i'm not sure I'm going to like that march blocking LD test deal. Seems like it would make march blocking more random, true, but much less effective as well. I'm just curious how cavalry are going to get by (especially light cav) if they can no longer deny ranks with less than 2 ranks of thier own, and combat works purely off initiative as well as the whole "step up" deal. I'm not seeing it working too hot, but I guess it always seems worse than it really turns out to be. Kinda like getting a tooth pulled, i guess ^_^
  6. Chaq Mundi

    Chaq Mundi New Member

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    Okay guys, I was just down at my local GW and the manager confirmed several things:
    1. Charge distances are RANDOM now; you roll 2D6+movement.
    2. Skirmishers rank up about a half-inch apart; no more 360 degree line of sight; they move just like Fast-Cavalry.
    3. ALL units fight in 2 ranks; spears fight in 3.
    4. Every Lore will have 7 spells (6 regular + one "0" spell).
    5. You roll 2D6 and add them together to generate Pool Power Dice at the beginning of the game. Wizards do not generate Power dice; they can "Channel" however, but I'm a little fuzzy on how that works. Your opponent generates dispel dice based on what the highest number of the 2D6 was; he can increase this, but I don't remember how.
    That's all I can remember right off the top of my head, but I'll post again when I hear more!
  7. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    They can also reform as many times as they want during the movement phase, so they are still very versatile in movement, just in a fixed formation.
  8. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Single characters on foot no longer have 360 degree LoS! Just 180. That is a bit of trouble for some of the more obscure tactics. The book is apparently very nearly full colour. I hope it is a decent price, then I might buy it...
  9. walach

    walach New Member

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    i'd heard ~£40. Which sounds a lot, but it is over 500 pages i guess. I mean i'm not kidding anyone, i'd buy it pretty much regardless.
  10. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    Honestly I do not have a problem with GW book prices. A lot of work goes into the books. And ~£40 doesn't sound that bad. It is normal for those types of books, D&D books are priced comparably.

    When it breaks $80 US I will complain(not counting the special editions I am sure they will offer). Also I could be biased cause it is still way cheaper then any textbook I have had to buy for college.
  11. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I am expecting it to be at least $80. I want the big rule book and I might be interested in the battle set (depending on the armies in it-HE and skaven -I have heard). I do not have a problem buying the big one if it is hardbacked and good quality.

    We will see.
  12. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I'll be the first to preorder if it is 40 GBP and the rumour about gamers and general's editions is true. That is good value. If that stuff costs extra... Well, you have to remember a couple months later there will be a starter set probably cheaper than the big book with two full armies, dice and stuff, and a mini rulebook that is easier to carry around. That sounds like much better value unless you are very interested in fluff.

    It begs the question though, what will count as 'core rules' in the mini one? Will it have the scenarios? The rumoured pages of common magic items (~100 items)? Army specific rules?
  13. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    I highly doubt that the mini rulebook will contain the magic item list and the scenarios, or event the army specific info. I am sure that GW is aware that the starter set is used by many as a main rulebook, I would think it would be their aim to make you want both. One giant HB book for all the goodies, and the mini one for portability.
  14. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    About any of the rumors, I really don't take heed to them, since everyone says they know someone who knows someone from GW who knows all the new rules. You can't trust any of them, until the actual rules come out, so I'm not really taking much notice to anything right now.
  15. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Here is a pic of some of the new stuff!!

    I believe it says 60 euros, not 80 euros. Looks like it may well be a decent price.

  16. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    I am not sure I would call a 50% markup on the old edition a decent price. Going from $58 US to approximately $90 US is a big markup.
  17. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    That book is massive! Looks thicker than many of my college textbooks.
  18. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well GW doesn't convert currencies accurately, but 60 euros is about $90 Aus and we are paying $96 Aus for the 7th ed book, thats were I figured it was decent value. Of course its probably going to retail well above $100 here, so I will be buying from the UK which is generally slightly cheaper than euro prices after conversion, I'd pay 80-90 Aus for it if it is over 500 pages.
  19. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    Well maybe they are actually coming in line with the exchange rate for AUS(and its about time from the prices you mention). But so far it looks like a big markup for the US.
  20. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    No they will never come in line with conversion rates. It means a huge markup in Aus, but I don't care because the day I walk into a local GW and buy something is the day GW drastically drop prices. I can get about half price, sometimes slightly above, ordering through my favourite indy online store in the UK, they give me free postage, they give me rewards for ordering through them, I hae no reason to touch the stupidly overpriced crap they are peddaling here. If I find something to personally be decent value, I will buy it. If not, too bad GW you have priced someone out who used to buy at least 3000 pointds worth every month and now very rarely makes a purchase.

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