Hey all, I am in the process of redoing my Slann Mage-Priest's base as it is pretty plain. I have been searching around on this site as well as others to try to find a good idea for a slann base... I am fairly experienced in using green stuff and conversions so I will more than likely do a lot of work to it. Does anybody have some pics of some really cool bases so that I can get some inspiration? Anything is appreciated. Thanks a lot. Iggy Koopa
I used a stone pillar made mostly from green stuff to surround the normal plastic rod that keeps the Slann up. I also put some GS vines around it. The base itself with some sand and rocks. I was thinking of like attaching some TK parts, like a skeletal torso, to that stone pillar. Maybe some weapons that are slammed into it, or stuck in the ground. Here's a link to the Slann: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3265 Hope this helps!
I personally went with something pretty basic, a lot of grass (lore of life), a rock and a discarded dark elf shield. I wouldn't really call it a good example of 'cool' Slann bases, but mweh. xD Front Side
Exodite posted this link in another thread, they have some really cool stuff. I just picked up a bunch of awesome bases there. http://www.sciborminiatures.com/en_,shop.php?group=82
I don't have pictures of it yet, since it's still a work in progress, but my Slann is going to have his palanquin resting on a heap of skulls. It serves two purposes - first, I don't have the problem of a buge metal model trying to balance on a teeny flying stand, and second, it looks really cool (or, at least in my mind's eye).