7th Ed. Staying Sober While Operating Heavy(Lizardpowered) Machinery

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Flint13, May 29, 2010.


What's the Consensus on Player attitudes?

  1. Players whine alot and call "broken" when they can't win.

    8 vote(s)
  2. Players have a few good points, there are some badly attributed/costed units.

    13 vote(s)
  3. Shutup I'm on one of those Hydra Watchdog groups. You'll kill our cover.

    1 vote(s)
  4. Some people just take MathHammer way too far, most gamers are fine.

    9 vote(s)
  5. Flint13 whines too much and should stop playing with the poll feature.

    1 vote(s)
  1. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    I played a game yesterday against those sissy High Elves with no Carnosaur, Slann, Stegadons or supped up hereos. I had 3 bricks of Saurus some skink cohorts, two units of kroxes and two units of naked cold one cavalry. I also had 2 sallies and a unit of terradons.

    I get a solid victory, and what do my ears hear?

  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Oh eh, didn't I tell you I'm psychic?


    Boo yah!


    Let's put it this way;
    SW>HE infantry. Period.

    Yep, once in CC our saurii shine. That is, once they get there...
    What did you tell your opponent? Have you analysed the game (together, that is)? Or other of these 'friendly player' actions? If I may ask, that is.

    The Hunted
  3. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    Well after I beat him when my Kroxigors reared his Dragon Princes, made them break and ran them down. Allowing the Kroxigors to start making things go boom on his flanks. My Saurus did well by holding his blocks of White Lions and Spears and the skinks by protecting my flanks from cavalry. Anyways, after the game I told him how he messed up. He charged my skink skirmishers, allowing my Kroxigors his rear and completely decimating him. He then proceeded to say I'm a horrible Warhammer player and that my Saurus infantry are what lost him the game.

    I kept my cool there, barely. And told him to explain to me why he thought he lost. "Your Saurus are so broken, my infantry cannot stand up them in hand to hand." I told him that he lost those hand to hand combats because my Kroxigors controlled one flank of the battle field and once they had his flank it was all over. He still wouldn't get it and told me my army list was broken. I came unglued. :droid:

    After that some of the better players came by, saw what we were arguing about and laughed at him. Havn't heard a peep from him since then.
  4. Guardian of Hexoatl
    Temple Guard

    Guardian of Hexoatl New Member

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    Lol that's awesome. I hate people like that. To ignorant to realize that their strategy is flawed so they just blame you for cheating by using "broken" units. If you can't beat saurus in close combat, then don't attempt so and watch you flanks better while attacking his.
  5. BezZeMad
    Cold One

    BezZeMad Member

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    You don't know how much I wanted to select the last option, but I restrained myself!

    In my opinion there is a lot of wine-ing goes on (none directed at me though, could be something to do with my inability to roll anything but ones and twos!). However there are some really overpowered units and armies (Daemons of Chaos anyone?)

    My mate Alex gets really annoyed as he plays Bretonnia and they really suffer against the more up-to-date armies.

    However I have to agree that I really get loads of fun if I've killed something that other players describe as broken. For instance when I beat Warriors of Chaos (only very rarely). They are overpowered, but you just have to modify your tactics accordingly. Though sometimes when you beet something that is broken, you clearly are just using something that it more broken!

    EDIT: He, he, Overpowered Saurus?
    He should try playing Warriors of Chaos!
  6. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    My 20block of Saurus (HW/SH I think) got charged by a wyvern with a black orc Big boss or something on it. I knew they were going to die if I didn't do something about it. So my brave Champion stands up to the wyvern and challenges it, whereby he is obliterated. The Wyvern then breaks combat due to combat resolution and pulls the rest of the O&G army with it as they trigger panic across the whole board.

    Yep, Static Combat res is a bitch and my Saurus are over powered.

  7. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    Haha, awesome. Wyverns are great. I've seen bret men at arms break and run down a star dragon before, which was hilarious as well. Just a heads up, there is totally someone on a hydra watchdog group among us... it could be anyone of us... "but flint, you're retarded," I hear you say (its ok, i get that alot ^_^), "why would one of those hydra terrorist enforcers blow thier cover by admitting to it?" Because my friend, its like we're now kurt russell in the THing, it could be any one of us... but we know its atleast one of us... probably some pansy high elf player who's trying to get us to turn on one another!!

    Hahah, its way too early for conspiracy theories
  8. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Let's just put it the easy way:

    There will always be stupid people.

    That's it! If you happen to be one of those (it's possible, since there will always be stupid people!), just work hard and try to learn. Even if you are stupid, people will respect you for what you do.

    This not only accounts for Warhammer, but pretty much to life in general.

    And man, I should be come a philosopher....

    The Hunted

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