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Color Scheme help

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by SeBM, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. SeBM

    SeBM New Member

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    Hey guys!

    I'm trying to paint my saurus with a color scheme similar to what can be found on page 77 of the army book, the 5th saurus on the 2nd row.

    Now, I'm having troubles with 2 things.

    - 1st, what kind of wash should I be using for the skin. I have P3 Frostbite, which is a bluey white and plan to do highlights with white, but I don't know which citadel wash I should be using with that. Any help appreciated.

    - 2nd, for the scales, I used P3 Coal Black, which is a dark grey - black as the basecoat, then I highlited with P3 Ironbull Grey, which is lighter then Coal Black, before washing the scales with badab black. I still think the scales look a bit flat. What should I do make the scales look like the color scheme I'm aiming for???

    Don't worry with color names, used GW names and I'll find what I need.

  2. Gorgeman
    Jungle Swarm

    Gorgeman New Member

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    I'll offer some ideas I have, though I haven't been painting fopr very lng.

    For the shade in the recesses of that model, it looks like Asurmen blue would do it. I've actually had a lot of success by using a white basecoat and laying some watered down paint over it as a basecoat (I guess it would usually be a 50:50 mix for foundation paints ). It's essentially like using a wash as washes are just basically thinned down paints. Very quick and easy (don't have to be too precise) and it shows the details very well, and I even get the edges of scales highlighted a lighter colour! On the other hand, you could basecoat it a solid light colour (space wolves or astronomican grey could work) and wash some watered down darker colour over it (such as shadow or fenris grey - the picture looks more like Fenris grey in the recesses).

    After that, I generally do a wash (green) to add more depth to it, then highlight. I'll post some pictures of my models at some stage.

    So, the 2 things you were struggling with:

    1) For the skin, try a wash of shadow or fenris grey watered down over a very light skin (e.g. astronomican or space wolves grey). They don't stoick a blue-grey wash, but you could try asurmen blue, although it wil be quite blue

    2) I think that model you're referring to uses: Fenris Grey, Shadow Grey and Space Wolves Grey for the scales. Fenris grey between, shadow over most of the scale, and space wolves grey highlighting (maybe a lighter colour actually-you can mix a bit of white in with it). Also, have a look at astronomican grey, see if if that goes with it
  3. SeBM

    SeBM New Member

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    I've been thinking about using astronomicon grey (one of the few GW paint I actually own) as the light color for my scales (highlight on the edges).

    For the skin, I'm still not sure, I did an asuremen blue wash on my test model and it's way too blue for my liking... I find it hard to do highlights on almost white colors...

    Thanks for the help!!!

    Anyone else?

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