Hey guys my first post! Here is my first Lizardman model for my army. I'm just testing out colour schemes right now so my apologies if the painting is less-than-acceptable. I used the standard GW saurus scheme, but changed the scales to purple instead of blue because blue skin with blue scales in my opinion is a bit boring So without further ado here are the pics Comments and Criticism welcome and also, can anyone tell me how to highlight metallics? For the gold I just painted shining gold, the a wash of ogryn flesh, then painted the raised areas shining gold again, but it doesn't really look very good. Thanks in advance Rebel
Would propably be worth a try to paint that whatever area those spikes come out from on that sword with black, would propably get a nice look with black and grey spikes, up to you tho..
I really like the grey on the weapon maybe just a light wash with something to bring out the detail in it a bit though? still looks great keep'em comin
I usually paint gold by first painting it with Shining Gold, then a wash of Devlan Mud, then a highlight with Burnished Gold and a final highlight of a 1:1 mix of Burnished Gold and Mithril Silver. I agree with Nakai - if you give the gray areas on the sword a wash of Badab Black, it'll look a lot better. Other than that, it's a really good model! Keep up the great work!
For mine it's Chainmail/Highlight Mithril Silver/Wash Gryphonne Sepia x2 (or even x3) - For the stone I do an Adeptusbattlegrey coat followed by fortress grey drybrush and badab black wash.