AoS What to expect from Tzeentch?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Nart, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    If situation isn't going to bad, I will be facing Tzeentch on Sunday. But I can't really come up with a list which I like.

    I never faced tzeentch since new battletome. And it looks a bit crazy. Tons of damage from both MWs and shooting and going in melee will hurt myself.

    The list will be, most likely, flamer spam with LoC. I think, that I want to be as far from them as possible, so my idea is tanking Thunderlizard double basties, EotG, Razrodons (!) in Thunderquake templehost, Kroak and some support. The idea is to try to get flamers with superior 24 range. Also, basties are bad targets for them, because good saves. MWs are a problem, but all seraphon list suffer from them. I want razordons because of range too. Salamanders will be fried alive if they get too close. I also don't want to take skink horde for the same reason. Mortals will hurt, but maybe EotG will provide some healing. Don't think that there's any reason to take endless spells too.

    But I will be really greatful to hear advise from experienced players.
    RandomTsar and LizardWizard like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I think Kroak is the army's best tool against DoT. It is part of the reason I have moved away from the Slann Starseer in favor of him. So long as you can screen the Flammer out of range of your support you should have a decent chance.
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  3. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! Is it better to go 3x10 skinks or 3x20 skinks in this particular situation? Maybe, 40 skinks blob is still worth it? They will die earily, of couse, but may disctract flamers for a while. And what are the priority targets? Flamers? Exalted Flamers? LoC? Lesser heroes? Maybe, horrors?
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  4. Shocksem

    Shocksem Active Member

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    I ran my first game with the new book against Tzeench Change host and was able to really stop a lot of their shenanigans. Kroak was a house and by himself killed 9 flamers and 2 exalted flamers in just 2 hero phases (I went second and got the double turn). Teleported bastilidons into the backline to shoot off hidden heroes while running a skink blob up the middle shooting off their demon prince and LoC. Used summoning points to drop in extra skinks who went onto my opponents objectives and lock down pink squads. I would definitely recommend Starborne as the teleport can really put your opponent on the back foot and make them keep a bunch of point back out fo range to try to screen you out.

    Edit: I was also running a maelstrom which really helped as the double dispel kind of messes up the Tzeench game plan.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Primary targets are the Flammers and Lord of Change. Then lesser heroes to kill off the locus. After that pink horrors. If they bring Tzangoor Enlightened you want them dead before they reach combat, or to able to swing before them and drastically reduce their numbers.
  6. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    I also recommend Kroak. Having 4 map wide unbinds plus +2-+3 to unbind will give you a fighting chance at shutting down their spells. No reason to slot in the mass dispell spell for Kroak, but don't forget to switch to it at the end of turn 1 if it turns out you are up against endless spell spam.

    Good luck! My buddy plays Tzeentch but loves the mortal aspect of the army. I look forward to hearing how it goes!

    Edit: I've also thought of putting in maelstrom in a lot of my list for the amount of Tzeentch I face
    RandomTsar, Nart and LizardWizard like this.
  7. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Looks like the game got cancelled for now, but still I'm going to face him some time later. Stay tuned and thank you for help!
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  8. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Reviving the thread after the first contact.

    I went 1-2 at the last TTS tournament and faced tzeentch twice. Guess, which games were the losses. :D

    The main problem is horrors. If anything is broken in this game, it is this particular unit. You literally make it stronger by killing it and you cannot kill it fast enough, so it is just sits on objective and scores it. Plus, Gaunt summoner is 1 more free pack. Finally, it returns d6 pink horros on the battleshock roll of 1 and can revive d3 models with emerald swarm and blur reality.

    Tzeentch is probably the reason why it is hard to win a tournament by spamming salamanders. We need chameleons to snipe the heroes, or even razordons or bastiladons. Comet is good but it is random and cannot kill heroes fast enough.

    Anyway, I'd appretiate any advise on dealing particulary with horrors. Just ignore them until you kill anything else? But what about missions like duality of death then?
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  9. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    i havent played tzeench since the new book droped never lost to them with the old book i just piled on the endless bodies and didn't hit the pinks. if you can't nova them down (we can it's just a spasifice saurus build) then don't hit them and throw chaff at them to tie them in place and make it so they can only shoot the 10 man chaff
    LizardWizard and Nart like this.

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