Hi, I thought that I would start a painting blog. The main objective for my painting blog is to get constructive criticism, tips and hints I am quite a slow painter so might take a while to get my army painted but here goes. The first and only module I have painted so far is the skink chief that came with the stegadon
If I were you, I'd add a wash of devlan mud or badap black. It will bring out all the details in the model You could also use the "The army painter - Quickshade". I prefer the strong tone version. I'm currently working on a lizardmen army that will be dipped with that quickshade
Thanks, I will try to get hold of some devlan mud to give the skink chief a wash and I will post some pics when I have. I am trying to make a jungle swarm out of green stuff when I am done I will post some more pics. But this is what I have got so far....