Great work, those stegadon scales look amazing! I like what you have done with the priest on foot too.
Thanks. I still have alot to do though...Especially since my local gaming store said they are most likely switching to 3000pt tournament games Im about done with a second unit of Skink skirmishers but then I got to start in on the hordes of Saurus warriors and 4 Kroxigors.
Prettyful..... I love the goldy skin tone on the slann, skinks and steg, its very good looking in combination with the blue Can you maybe get a close up of the carnosaur? EDIT: sorry I just saw it on your other topic, lovely work Rebel
You should be able to buy the cloaked skink priest in your local store or order him from the GW website. I bought mine from my local store.
wow! its absolutely incredible, and yellow! love the detail work, love the blue on the carnosaur, it works in great contrast. i also like the ruins by the skink priest, it make the character seem darker, with the gray and blue already there. overall great army and color scheme, i look forward to more! camo-skink
That army looks absolutely amazing. I really like the yellow color scheme and I agree with Camo-skink that the blue is a nice contrast. The Slann headpiece is also cool
I must say that first I think that your army looks stunning and I must ask did you use GW paints because I really love the way your yellows and blues have turned out and having attempted a yellow colour scheme in the past (and failed/given up, using GW paints) I would really love to know how you did it. Would love to see more of your work because it looks great!!
I love your color scheme! And the scales of that stegadon ... I also really like the blue carnosaur! I'd never have thought of that