Has anyone tried using a Fellwater Troggoth as the base for a slann proxy? I was looking at them today, and think they have a rather squat, reptilian/frog-like appearance. They're proportions are goofy, but so is the slann's. The biggest drawback is you don't have a cool floating palanquin. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Fellwater-Troggoths-2017
As it turns out I have a Troggoth lying around, somewhat build for converting it to a chariot mount for a Seaguard dinghy. This is how fits on the actual palanquin: SO it might need some alterations, to both the palanquin and the Troggoth Grrr, Imrahil
Apart from the fish in his hand, and the frills he looks like a mean Slann, and a quite active one The arm has a nice casters feel to it though. Grrr, Imrahil
How cool. Thanks @Imrahil. Yes, it would be a much angrier and awake slann, but that "caster hand" was part of what interested me. The troggoth doesn't look too bad, but it is MUCH bigger than I realized online. Hmmm...