So I flipped through an 8th ed preview copy today... and noticed something. Javelins are listed as having a 12" range now (I'm a bit out of practice, but previously javs were 8" and blowpipes were 12"). They still have no penalty for moving and shooting, and I don't think they had a short/long range penalty either still. Compared to blowpipes, which I couldn't find any updated rules for - so they're still as they are in the army book... Now the only differences between skirmish and ranked units I could find is that skirmish units are allowed to march and shoot, and still have their -1 to hit on ranged attacks. On the other hand, ranked skinks get rank bonuses of course, and use shields. There's a good chance I might've missed something, but I think that the choice between ranked and skirmish skinks got a lot tighter than it was before.
I keep hearing rumors that blowpipes are included under the "quick to fire" rule. If they are, then there is no reason to upgrade skirmishers still, since they could march and shoot at max range and double tap and still poison on 6's!
I didn't see blowpipes under quick to fire, and further, neither javelins nor indeed pistols have any rule I saw concerning their ability to fire at long range without penalty.
Don't know about the new rules but javs didn't have a movement or range penality before because they where "thrown weapons". also under the new rules blow pipes and javes have no minimum range for stand and shoot. also now all ranged weapons can ire iin 2 ranks, bows get an addition advantace of Volly, this lets them fire with 1/2 of ther troops who are in the ranks behind the second rank.
I think this applies to blowpipes and removes the -1 for double tapping. I haven't seen it yet though. With that in mind and regardless if there is a -1 for the double tap, I will keep my skirmishers. I plan on running a unit of 30 and reforming at the end of a move into two ranks. That way, I get my 60 shots. With 8th edition, it will be easier to hit and wound (I think). Plus the poison rule. I wonder if I close ranks before or after a stand and shoot? That difference will be 24 shots (5 ranks of 6 in skirmisher formation) or the 60 shots (after reform to two ranks).
Unrestricted stand and shoot!? Awesome... So essentially any unit that charges a redirecting unit must take 3.3333 armour saves.
As for blowpipe skinks, I like the lore of metal buff on them. Blades of Aiban +1 to hit, armor piercing, magical attacks. Shooting and melee attacks. This turns blowpipes into basically repeater crossbows which are magical. Metal at first glance appears underwhelming, but it's probably one of the best for swinging combat into your favor. The only sticking point for me is the 5+ scaly skin.. will it stack on top of existing scaly skin or try to replace it?
So yeah, blow pipes will not get quick to fire... Apparently its not even in the FAQ. However, skirmishers will be able to march and shoot. I'm really undecided whether to assemble with javelins or blow pipes.. I think I might do a mix of both so I can use both.
I'm at the point where I'm trying to assemble an army, and I'm curious about how to kit-out my skinks too. Half & half?
Thats what I'm thinking. Skirmishing javelins will be good, but probably still not worth the extra points. Skirmishing blow pipes will also be good, but without quick to fire they won't be any better than they are now. Ranked skinks with javelins should be decent now. Until I've played a few games, its 50/50 for me. Remember you only need half the unit to be equipped properly to say they have that setup.
I really see myself taking one unit of 10-12 blowpipe skinks and hording out a cohort (maybe 32 or so) with a couple krox thrown in.
I would say you should have more than half the unit equipped properly. The rulebook states a minority may be armed differently as long as it is clear what the majority of the unit is armed with. I would say you shouldn't go much more than 25% armed differently and make sure the front row is armed properly to help avoid confusion for your opponent.
Depends on where you play. Yeah I guess you should have majority, but I think as long as the front couple of ranks are correct it should be fine. Then your opponent can clearly see the correct weapons straight away. But yeah in general I guess you should aim for more than 50%.
Well aren't lists supposed to be all open now? And if you are playing with any kind of friendly opponents they won't care what you have equipped as long as it is stated on your list. For tourneys I would hope just the front rank would need to be correct, but it seems most rules are 50%.
The math here seems to favour javelins in almost all situations. Quick calculations based on a unit of 10 skirmishers: short range, moved - blowpipe -1 for double, -1 for moving, 6+ on 20 shots (3.33 poisoned hits) javelin 4+ on 10 shots (1.66 poisoned hits, 3.33 normal) long range, moved - blowpipe -1 for moving, -1 for long, 6+ on 10 shots (1.67 poisoned) javelin -1 for long, 5+ on 10 shots (1.67 poisoned, 1.67 normal) short range - blowpipe -1 for double, 5+ on 20 shots (3.33 poisoned, 3.33 normal) javelin 4+ on 10 shots (1.66 poisoned, 3.33 normal) long range - blowpipe -1 for double, -1 for long, 6+ on 20 shots (3.33 poisoned) javelin -1 for long, 5+ on 10 shots (1.67 poisoned, 1.67 normal) Makes it a tossup overall I think. Javs cost more and have more defense and provide more normal hits, blowpipes provide more poisoned hits but don't have the clear advantage they once did. Edit: Taking poison into account
You seem to have forgotten that for the 'normal' hits, you also need to roll to wound while the poisoned ones don't. This makes the more poisoned shots there are increasingly better against higher toughness units/models.