7th Ed. 2000 point list help

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Old_Foggy, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. Old_Foggy
    Jungle Swarm

    Old_Foggy New Member

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    First of all I would like to thank you all in advance for any help with my list. For the longest time I had been torn between fantasy and 40k, and have just only recently decided to start fantasy after a friend of mine started a tomb kings army. I've been looking around the net for advice with my lizardmen army, and after looking around on LO I found this site. I've come up with several versions of the same list, and it seems that with each revision I end up finding something I'm unhappy with. This will be my venture into wargamming, and I'm hoping to get some advice from more experienced players.

    ...and now that I've lost your attention, I present my list

    Slann Mage-Priest-475 points
    -battle standard
    -Plaque of Dominion
    -fourth generation
    -Diadem of Power

    Saurus Scar-Veteran-148 points
    -light armor
    -great weapon
    -Charm of the Jaguar Warrior
    -Blessed spawning of Sotek
    -Blessed spawning of Quetzl

    Skink Priest-115 points
    -dispel scroll


    (2) Skink Skirmishers x11-154 points
    -blow guns

    (2) Skink Skirmishers x10 120 points
    -shields and javelins

    Saurus Warriors x20-270 points
    -full command


    Saurus Warriors x20 (with Slann)- 290 points
    -full command
    -blessed spawning of Tlazcotl

    Kroxigor x4-232 points

    Salamander hunting pack x3-195 points
  2. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    Quite a solid list only thing i would say is you might want to take scouts of one unit of skinks so you can screen kroxigors and both saurus units. Also if your using your scar veteran as a JSoD quetzl probably isnt a good idea seeing as he is going to die eventually.

    Other than that i cant see anything wrong. Nice list :)
  3. Babalu

    Babalu New Member

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    Yeah, I'd drop Quetzl from JSoD and maybe trim down the first 2 units of skinks to 10 and upgrade your Slann to 3rd gen if possible. IMO the drain magic spell version Lizardmen have can a pretty dominating effect on enemy magic and since you are only running 1 dispel scroll, it may help. A unit of skinks upgraded to scouts would also be a plus.
    BTW I assume you are running your saurus with sword+shield? I like mine with spears for extra back-row attacks (since they rarely get the jump on someone) but that is just a matter of preference.
    Your list does look quite solid and while potent in magic can also deliver quite a bit of SCR and a good deal of attacks and shooting. This might be one of the most balanced I've seen at 2k.
  4. Old_Foggy
    Jungle Swarm

    Old_Foggy New Member

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    Well I just now realized that a dispel scroll is 25 points and not 50, so I used the extra points to up the javelin skinks to 12 strong each. The saurus warriors are only using hand weapons and shields. Although I see the appeal of spears, the extra cost puts me off to them. As far as the JSoD is concerned, I'll just have to toy around with spawning to find out what works. Since I'm new to the game, I would imagine a 2+ armor save would be more forgiving when I make mistakes. Then again it does seem sort of useless to try to preserve a unit that I know will die at some point. Since I'll be going up against tomb kings, having a third gen Slann doesn't look like it would be the best use of points. Would drain magic work against incantations?

    Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to play around with spawnings and generations as I get the hang of the game.
  5. Lord Campman

    Lord Campman New Member

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    I think u should give spears the sauruses that defend the slann
    But its pretty solid list :)
  6. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    @Lord Campman: I dont thinmk that the spears suggestion is a good idea.

    The Slann must be deployed in either the 1st or 2nd rank of the unit. As he doesnt want to get into H2H with his Slann, he will probably put it in the 2nd rank. That means that, for the 40 points that the spears upgrade costs, you only benefit from 3 attacks, while all of your Saurus drop from a 4+ AS to a 5+ AS.

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