So I want to use some kroxigors, but I can't get any resin GW models where I live. So I'd like to know if it's possible to convert rockgut troggoths for this purpose - they look similar in size, and with different heads, weapons, tails and some bits here and there they can probably look okay. Does anyone here have experience with it? I still don't know what heads to use...
Welcome to Lustria! I think the bodies are pretty usable. Greenstuff to shape some Krox Heads with a few Seraphon bits and I think you should be able to pull it off. @jonee has a guide to sculpting Kroxigor that might be helpful for the head portion.
Thanks, I'll look into it. I wonder if I can try using ripperdactyl heads... Need to know diameter of troggoth's neck, first.